Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:48 PM

Chapter 1130: 1130

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After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he dressed quickly and walked out of the house.

Start the sports car and drove towards the abandoned factory mentioned on the phone.

On the way, Song Xiaoxiao's phone came in.

"Ye Chen, what did you do?"

After Song Xiaoxiao returned home, she felt that she was a bit too willful, and it was obviously not Ye Chen's fault that she even blamed Ye Chen.

Ye Chen caught so many dolls for her, and instead of thanking her repeatedly, he lost his temper with Ye Chen.

After thinking about it, I decided to call Ye Chen to ease the relationship between the two.

"Xiaoxiao, I have something to do now, so I won't tell you anymore." Ye Chen said on the phone.

Song Xiaoxiao could hear that Ye Chen was not at home but outside, and his temper regained in an instant.

"Ye Chen, you are not staying at home so late, what are you doing outside?"

While she was speaking, her mind instantly filled up those pictures that made her eat the wrong thing.

Before Ye Chen could answer, the phone on Ye Chen hung up. In fact, he can't blame Ye Chen, the main reason is that his mobile phone is out of power.

"Dare to hang up my phone, it must be for nothing good." Song Xiaoxiao said angrily.

The girl's arrogance prevented her from calling Ye Chen again, just thinking that Ye Chen would call over.

Song Xiaoxiao was so depressed holding the phone and fell asleep unknowingly.


In the old warehouse.

The flat-headed man and the crowd were waiting anxiously there.

At this time, Huang Mao asked suddenly. "Big brother, why hasn't this kid been here for so long?"

The flat-headed man is also a little puzzled. Is it because, as they said, my judgment was wrong.

Ye Chen has nothing to do with this girl, how can he care about the girl's life and death?

"It seems that I am really passionate and wishful thinking. Ye Chen already has a girlfriend, so why would he care about me? Maybe I'm with my girlfriend?" Zhao Ziwei thought in her heart.

"You call Ye Chen again." The flat-headed man gave orders.

Huang Mao took the cell phone and dialed Ye Chen's number, but inside it came the prompt tone of "The phone you dialed is turned off."

"This kid is turned off." Huang Mao held the phone in a daze.

After hearing this, the flat-headed man was also a little frustrated. Could it be that this girl really didn't know Ye Chen? He had misunderstood it before.

He glanced at the girl, his eyes gleaming obscenely.

Originally, he was not interested in this girl. Since the girl can't draw Ye Chen out, let the anger in his heart vent from this girl.

When Zhao Ziwei heard the news that Ye Chen was shutting down, her heart sank and she was very desperate.

At this moment, she was a bit resigned, and even thought of biting her tongue and committing suicide.

"You bring this girl in, let's come one by one." The flat-headed man said with a smile.

Hearing the man's voice, Zhao Ziwei's heart trembled first, and then she had thoughts.

It is impossible for her to let these men touch her, and she also knows that these men will not be gentle to her.

Thinking of this, she already had an idea.

Just as she was about to implement it, the sound of a sports car rang out of the warehouse, and then a figure appeared at the door of the warehouse.

As the figure grew more and more, the head man and Zhao Ziwei saw clearly what this person looked like.

This person is Ye Chen, the person they have been waiting for.

"I have come as you requested. You can let this girl go." Ye Chen said in a cold voice.

Seeing Ye Chen appearing here, Zhao Ziwei's moved tears flowed out. It was tears of joy and tears. She never dreamed that Ye Chen would really care about her comfort.

She ran over to rescue her alone.

"Why are you so cheating? It's impossible for us to let such a beautiful girl go." The flat-headed man said with a smile.

"This girl is just to lead you out. We will show you how this girl serves us in your presence for a while," said the short man.

Seeing these boys younger than him, Ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

I really don't know how the parents of these children educate them, and they even taught the children like this.

Mouthful of filthy language, brains full of filthy things.

"You don't know that doing this makes your parents very sad? I advise you to rein in the cliff." Ye Chen said with a sigh.

"Boy, don't mention the word parents in front of us. I don't have them in my life." Huang Mao said suddenly.

I looked at the expressions of the people around me, and I was very angry and sad.

Ye Chen knew that these people were poor children who lacked the love of father and mother, so he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

As long as the girl can be rescued, Ye Chen will not attack these people, so he will hand them over to the police.

Ye Chen looked at the flat-headed man and said: "The matter between you and me, why bother an irrelevant person."

"Ye Chen, the blame can only be blamed on her for helping you speak, and she asked for it." The flat-headed man said viciously.

Then he looked at the gangsters around him and said: "You guys will get rid of this kid for me and make a quick decision, and then we will torture this girl in front of him and make him regret that he has offended me."

Hearing the flat-headed man's words, the gangsters were full of spirits. The fire in their hearts had been burning for a long time, and they wanted to vent them as soon as possible.

The gangsters held bright knives in their hands, and rushed towards Ye Chen.

These people are just seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenagers, and they are not enough in Ye Chen's eyes.

Ye Chen still felt that he couldn't be a rival. After all, those people had knives in their hands, and one could get hurt if they didn't pay attention.

He didn't want to be stabbed by this knife, it hurts just thinking about it.

Seeing so many people rushing towards Ye Chen, Zhao Ziwei hurriedly closed her eyes, she didn't want to see Ye Chen being beaten.

These people come quickly and go quickly.

Ye Chen solved them all in three or two strokes, just like throwing a sandbag and throwing them out and fell heavily.

The **** were all lying on the ground, some holding their stomachs, some holding their arms, and some holding their thighs.

There was a wailing.

"It doesn't sound like a person, that means it was not Ye Chen who was beaten." Zhao Ziwei thought in her heart.

She hurriedly opened her eyes, and she was filled with joy when she saw Zhao Ziwei who was unscathed.

Suddenly, the heart that was hanging was also put down, and the eyes that looked at Ye Chen became more admired.

Ye Chen managed to eliminate so many people by himself, not only was he handsome, but he was also able to fight. This is the hero in every girl's heart.

Just now when Ye Chen appeared at the door, Zhao Ziwei thought of the word hero save the beauty. He didn't expect that some men would take risks to save themselves in his lifetime. Even if he died, he would have no complaints. At least he would be able to talk to Ye Chen. Die together.

Just when she thought it was all over, suddenly the flat-headed man picked up the knife and showed a fierce look.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!