Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:44 PM

Chapter 1133: 1133

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The little nurse saw that Zhao Ziwei did not intend to return to the ward, but walked out.

She hurriedly asked: "Miss Zhao, you need to rest in the ward so that it will help your wounds recover."

Zhao Ziwei squeezed a smile on her face and said: "The ward is a bit too boring, I will go to the aisle to get some air."

After she finished speaking, she walked out quickly.

The little nurse didn't speak any more. After all, there were patients like Zhao Ziwei, and it was reasonable for those who were in a bad mood and wanted to go out and breathe.

She can't stop Zhao Ziwei from letting her out.

When the previous nurse said about Zhao Ziwei’s situation, she felt a little sympathetic to this girl. She encountered such a thing at a young age. Who would be in a good mood?

Because of this sympathy, she gave Zhao Ziwei the green light and let her out.

After leaving the inpatient department, Zhao Ziwei speeded up and ran out. Her actions also attracted the attention of others.

After all, a girl in a hospital gown with her face wrapped in bandages ran in the hospital, and there were still teardrops on her face, which must be reminiscent of her condition.

He couldn't help but cast a sympathy and pity on her.

Zhao Ziwei didn't care about the people around at all, but ran out desperately.

She ran out of the hospital, stopped a taxi, and left.

The driver didn't dare to say anything when she saw her like this, but asked clearly where she was going.

At this time, Ye Chen drove into the hospital in a sports car.

He came to the parking lot to park the car, and walked towards the hospital building with KFC breakfast.

Fearing that Zhao Ziwei would wait in a hurry, he did not wait for the elevator, but ran from the stairwell to the fifth floor.

Because Ye Chen changed his clothes, the whole person looked more handsome and attractive.

When he passed the nurses' station, the little nurses all got up from their seats and smiled at him.

Ye Chen also nodded and smiled at them very politely.

When Ye Chen left, the nurses seemed to have forgotten that Ye Chen already had a girlfriend, and they started talking again.

"Wow, my little brother changed his clothes and became even more handsome."

"This man is so attractive."

"I really like it. I hope my boyfriend will be like him in the future."

Ye Chen walked towards the ward, came to the door of ward 508, walked inside and saw that Zhao Ziwei and the mobile phone on the table were gone.

He put his breakfast on the table and hurried out to the nurse's station.

At this moment, the young nurses were still talking about Ye Chen.

"Sister Nurse, please ask, have you seen the girl in Ward 508?"

Ye Chen's words interrupted the discussion of the little nurses. They looked at the man in front of them and looked a little embarrassed.

Ye Chen had just heard the little nurse discussing him, but he didn't have time to think about these things now, because Zhao Ziwei had disappeared in the ward.

A young nurse who had met Zhao Ziwei said: "I told the girl what you said, but the girl cried, and she said that the ward was too stuffy and wanted to go out to get some air, so she went out from here, I think She will be..."

Hearing this, Ye Chen's heart slammed.

At this moment, there were countless images that he had seen in TV series and movies flashed in his mind, thinking that Zhao Ziwei would not miss the short encounter.

Before the little nurse could finish speaking, Ye Chen ran out hurriedly.

He came to the top floor but did not see Zhao Ziwei's figure, and finally let go of a hanging heart.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Zhao Ziwei's number, but the other party was never answered.

Zhao Ziwei in the taxi saw Ye Chen call, tears streaming down.

She held the phone tightly, trying to connect, but she didn't dare to answer it.

"Forget it, treat it as a dream, and now the dream has woken up." Zhao Ziwei thought in her heart.

Zhao Ziwei's life was very bad since she was young. When she was very young, her father abandoned their mother and daughter.

Because of the shadow of childhood, she has a prejudice against men.

Zhao Ziwei looks good at first, and the men around him who pursue him are rejected by her.

But when she saw Ye Chen's first glance, she let go of all the prejudices, and actually fell in love with Ye Chen deeply.

Seeing Ye Chen grabbing a baby for Song Xiaoxiao, she was both envious and jealous, and the hope in her heart was shattered.

When she saw that Ye Chen came to the abandoned warehouse alone in order to save him, hope was rekindled in her heart, and she even decided to make Ye Chen fall in love with herself through hard work.

But God made such a big joke with her, and Zhao Ziwei was also hit hard.

When the taxi stopped at the gate of the community, the driver spoke.

"Little girl, I think your boyfriend made the call just now."

Zhao Ziwei wanted to deny it, but nodded.

"I don't know what happened to you, but if you sneak away from the hospital like this, your boyfriend will definitely be very anxious. I think you should still contact him. The province will worry about you." The driver persuaded.

Zhao Ziwei did not speak, but only paid for the fee with her mobile phone, and then walked into the community.

The driver shook his head helplessly and drove away.

Zhao Ziwei went upstairs to the door of her house and knocked on the door.

Mother opened the door and saw her daughter look like this, tears streaming down her distressed eyes.

"Ziwei, what did you do? Mom kept calling you last night, why didn't you answer? I still thought that if you don't come back, I will call the police." Mother said anxiously.

Zhao Ziwei just smiled and said, "Mom, I'm fine, don't you think I am coming back?"

After speaking, she walked into her room and closed the door.

The mother knew that her daughter had encountered something difficult, and was upset now.

So she didn't bother her daughter anymore, but went out to buy groceries.

Ye Chen searched in the hospital anxiously, but did not find any trace of Zhao Ziwei.

I made a few more calls, but the other party was still unanswered.

At this moment, Song Xiaoxiao called.

Last night, she fell asleep clutching her mobile phone.

When I woke up this morning, Ye Chen didn't even call her a single call.

Song Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and it seemed that Ye Chen was really angry.

Looking back on what happened yesterday, she did make a fuss a little bit, and she was not jealous.

After thinking about going, I still call Ye Chen to coax the man.

Ye Chen answered the phone and said, "Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?"

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday, it was my fault." Song Xiaoxiao said embarrassingly on the phone.

"It's okay, Xiaoxiao, I have something wrong now. If you are okay, I will hang up first and call you later." Ye Chen finished speaking and hung up.

Now he is looking for Zhao Ziwei anxiously, why is he in the mood to chat with Song Xiaoxiao?

What's more, there is nothing important to hear Song Xiaoxiao's call.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly remembered something, and his brows gradually unfolded.

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