Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:43 PM

Chapter 1134: 1134

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When the phone was hung up, Song Xiaoxiao was very depressed, and even felt that Ye Chen's anger had not disappeared.

You know this is the first time Ye Chen hung up her phone before she finished speaking.

Ye Chen suddenly thought that when he drove past the entrance of the hospital, he saw a girl in a hospital gown sitting in a taxi.

Although he didn't see his face clearly, his height and body shape and the bandages on his face were similar to those of Zhao Ziwei.

Could it be that that girl is Zhao Ziwei, Ye Chen thought in his heart.

But he didn't know why Zhao Ziwei left without saying goodbye. What happened when he left the hospital?

Ye Chen has an unforgettable function. He just took a look at the taxi license number.

He passed the license plate number, and he found the driver's contact information.

After dialing the phone, the voice of the driver came across.

"Hello, do you need a taxi?"

Ye Chen hurriedly said: "Master driver, I want to ask you someone."

The driver heard the other person saying that he wanted to inquire, thinking in his heart that I was a taxi driver and not a private detective.

He said that he was about to hang up, but when he heard the girl's physical characteristics, the driver was stunned.

Because the person Ye Chen said was the girl who had been crying in the taxi just now.

"Master driver, I can't find that girl everywhere now. I just seemed to see her in your car. Can you tell me where she went?" Ye Chen said anxiously.

The driver could hear Ye Chen's anxious tone, but he also had to determine if the other party was a bad person.

If it's a bad guy, wouldn't he have harmed that girl.

"Who are you girl?" the driver asked.

"My name is Ye Chen. I am a girl’s friend. I just went out to buy her early, but she disappeared when she came back. I don’t know why she left the hospital without saying goodbye, but now she has to stay in the hospital in this situation. Yes, otherwise the wound will not recover." Ye Chen said sincerely.

After the driver heard Ye Chen's words, he felt that the other party was not a bad person.

So he told Ye Chen the name of the neighborhood where the girl went.

"Thank you, master driver, thank you so much, I will definitely thank you for helping me." Ye Chen said gratefully.

The driver didn't pay attention to Ye Chen's words at all, listening to the other party's voice was a young guy.

What can such a young person give him a lot of thanks.

And the driver didn't want Ye Chen to thank him, the main reason was that Zhao Ziwei was really pitiful.

After hanging up, Ye Chen followed the driver's address and drove through the navigation to the Meihaoli community.

This community is where Zhao Ziwei and his mother live.

Although you know the name of the community, there are so many buildings here. Which one is Zhao Ziwei's residence?

"Forget it, I can only try this method." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

He found the phone number of the claw machine shop where Zhao Ziwei worked, and dialed the number on his cell phone.

A waitress answered the phone and said, "Hello, this is Dream Castle. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Hello, I'm Zhao Ziwei's boyfriend. We are having trouble, but I can't get through when I call her. Could you please tell me where she lives?" Ye Chen asked tentatively.

Sure enough, the girl opposite said with a smile: "Her home is in Building 601, No.2, Meihaoli Community. We Ziwei is a good girl. You can't bully her."

"Of course, of course I was afraid of her being angry, so I had to find her and explain clearly to her." Ye Chen said quickly.

"Well, I wish you good luck." The girl said.

"Thank you for helping me with this great favor. I will invite you to dinner with Ziwei." Ye Chen smiled.

Hanging up the phone, the waitress in the claw machine shop said to herself: "This girl, Ziwei, even dare to lie to me. There is a boyfriend who has always said that she is single. It's really hidden too deep, which is not enough. "

Suddenly, her eyes opened wide, and she covered her mouth, as if thinking of something.

"No, if it's her boyfriend, how could she not know where her family lives? Could it be that the person who just called was a bad person, and I really killed the crape myrtle if it broke." The girl had a guilty expression on her face.

The girl named Xiaomei and Ziwei met in a claw machine shop, and the two have a very good relationship, and they are close to relatives and sisters.

If it is really because she tells the other person Zhao Ziwei's home address to hurt the girl, her conscience will definitely be disturbed.

Xiao Mei hurriedly dialed Zhao Ziwei's phone, but the phone was clearly connected, but no one answered.

After more than ten calls in a row, no one answered the phone.

"Ziwei, hurry up and answer the phone," Xiaomei thought in her heart.

Because Zhao Ziwei has not answered the phone, Xiao Mei cried anxiously.

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he ran to the floor as Xiaomei said.

When he came to door 601, he knocked gently, but no one responded.

Ye Chen might be too anxious, he didn't care about the three-seven-one, and knocked again.

At this time, Zhao Ziwei's voice came from inside.

At this moment, Ye Chen's hanging heart finally let go.

The heavy knock on the door awakened Zhao Ziwei from her sleep. She walked out of the room and found that her mother was not at home.

I think it was my mother who went out and forgot to bring the key, because very few people would come to her house.

Zhao Ziwei opened the door in a daze, and when he saw Ye Chen standing at the door, he was stunned.

Ye Chen hugged the girl in front of him, and for some reason tears flowed down.

"Ziwei, why did you leave without saying goodbye, what happened?" Ye Chen asked anxiously.

"Ye Chen, you let me go, we won't meet again in the future." Zhao Ziwei said, holding back tears.

She really couldn't use this face to face Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't understand why Zhao Ziwei said this, but just hugged the girl so tightly.

Zhao Ziwei kept struggling to get out of Ye Chen's arms, she even shouted: "Ye Chen, you let me go, let me go quickly."

Mother Zhao happened to go upstairs carrying vegetables. Today she knew that her daughter was in a bad mood, so she wanted to cook some her daughter's favorite dishes to make her happy.

But when she heard Zhao Ziwei's shout, Zhao's mother looked ugly and hurried three steps and ran upstairs in two steps.

Seeing that his daughter was being held by a man, he thought that the man was bullying his daughter.

She hurriedly smashed Ye Chen's head with the vegetable in her hand, saying: "You stinky rascal, let go of my daughter, I want to call the police and let the police arrest you."

Zhao Ziwei saw that her mother had taken out the phone, and hurriedly said: "Mom, don't call the police, things are not what you think."

Ye Chen was also shocked by Zhao's mother's sudden blow.

In this way, the Zhao family mother and daughter and Ye Chen stood motionless.

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