Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:54 PM

Chapter 114: 114

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Sun Tao directly threw the cup in his hand to the ground.


The door of the box was pushed open, and a dozen big men rushed in.

Sun Tao snorted coldly: "Give me this kid to tie it up."

A dozen big guys were just about to do something, when Wang Bin, the owner of the restaurant, suddenly stood up: "Sun Tao, when have you come to tell me?"

Sun Tao's face changed: "Wang Bin, what do you mean?"

Wang Bin said coldly to the dozen people: "Give me Sun Tao and tie it up."

"You...Wang Bin."

Wang Bin said coldly: "Sun Tao, you dare to oppose the boss and start telling you that we all swear allegiance to the boss."

"Yes, I, Chen Yuan, are willing to take the lead for the boss."

"I Zhang Sheng pledged my allegiance to the boss."


Several senior executives expressed their views.

Suddenly, Sun Tao was dumbfounded.

Yesterday they said so well, today they oppose Ye Chen together, but they all changed their minds.

More than a dozen big men rushed up, punched Sun Tao on the ground and tied it up with rope.

Wang Bin said, "Mr. Ye, how do you send him off?"

When Sun Tao was tied up, he knew he was fooled.

This is really Ye Chen's Hongmen Banquet, which is clearly a Hongmen Banquet for himself.

Ye Chen sat on the chair and looked at Sun Tao who was kneeling in front of him coldly.

"Sun Tao, do you know what wrong you made?"

"Ye Chen Shao Te, what nonsense, I fell into your hands to kill or kill you."

Ye Chen said indifferently: "If you offend me, I don't need to hold you accountable, but the company's rules don't allow you to do illegal things. How many things have you done in the past?"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Sun Tao's expression suddenly changed.

Chen Menglu took out a stack of documents, and Ye Chen threw them in front of Sun Tao.

"Look at it for yourself, how many things have you done that dreaded your head over the years?"

Seeing these documents, Sun Tao's face was pale.

He never dreamed that these secret files hidden in his computer would fall into Ye Chen's hands.

Now Sun Tao regrets going against Ye Chen very much, this guy is really terrifying.

"Mr. Ye, please, forgive me, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you?" Sun Tao was scared.

If these evidences were in the hands of the police, he would not have been shot a hundred times.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, "Spare you, what about those people who were trapped by you?"

"I..." Sun Tao slumped to the ground.

Ye Chen dialed Zhou Susu's phone directly.

"Susu, bring someone here, I caught a criminal."

Ten minutes later, Zhou Susu came with the police. Seeing the information Ye Chen gave, Zhou Susu was also shocked.

These are all unsettled cases in the police station in the past few years, and I didn't expect that Sun Tao did it all.

Seeing the police coming, Sun Tao seemed to be taken away.

Not only was he dead this time, but also his son.

Watching the police take away Sun Tao, the other bosses looked very ugly.

Ye Chen said coldly: "I am a legitimate businessman. If anyone dares to do illegal things, don't blame me for turning my face and ruthlessly."

Now these people have drunk the potion of loyalty, and they will obey Ye Chen's words.

Several bosses nodded one after another.

After coming out of the hotel, Ye Chen said to Chen Menglu: "You will take care of the Caesars Group's affairs. Remember my bottom line. You can't do illegal things."

Chen Menglu couldn't help nodding.

Chen Menglu was very surprised by Ye Chen's methods. She was very curious about how Ye Chen got the evidence from Sun Tao.

Now that there is no potion of loyalty, Chen Menglu dare not have a double heart with Ye Chen's thunderous means.

After leaving the hotel, Ye Chen received a call from Ye Qian.

"Ye Chen, I want to take a ride, is it convenient for you?"

"Convenient, of course convenient."

Ye Chen drove to the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall.

There was a beautiful woman beside Ye Qian.

The woman is about 20 years old, wearing an OL uniform, wearing gold glasses, and exuding an intellectual beauty from all over her body.

Ye Qian smiled and introduced: "This is my friend Li Rongrong, an appraiser. I went to Taobao Street and wanted her to help me choose a jade bracelet."


Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Two days ago, he had just checked that Chen Bin was an appraiser.

Li Rongrong looked at Ye Chen curiously.

"Handsome guy, you are so handsome and driving a luxury car, why do you drive didi didi?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Experience life, by the way, do you know Chen Bin?"

"Chen Bin?" Li Rongrong frowned when she heard the name.

"Do you know him?" Ye Chen clearly felt that Li Rongrong's voice was a little cold.

Ye Chen said: "I don't know him, I just heard that he is quite famous in the appraisal industry."

"Hmph, he is just a rubbish." Li Rongrong snorted coldly.

At this time, Li Rongrong's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Li, two people just came to our store to sell bloodstones. We think they look good, and the fourth master is in charge of the country. Should we take them?"

"No, I'll take a look and talk about it, Si Ye, must Si Ye say the truth?" Li Rongrong said coldly.

Fourth master, Ye Chen knew from the information that this fourth master was Chen Bin.

In Taobao Street, all the treasures are counted only after the fourth master Chen Bin's review and appraisal.

It is said that Si Ye Jianbao has a very strong ability, and he has never hit the eye, so he is very prestigious in Taobao Street.

"Well, the other party is very anxious."

[Ding, the didi selection system is activated, and every week you randomly encounter a passenger with a special attribute, complete the selection task, you will receive the ultimate reward, and the auxiliary host will become a global leader! 】

[Passenger occupation: appraiser! 】

[Option 1: Help the beauty appraiser buy bloodstone, get the beauty appraiser favor +10, and a toilet for the emperor of the Qing palace. 】

[Option 2: Help the beauty appraiser to identify fake soapstones and obtain the appraiser skills, 30% of the shares in Taobao Street. 】

[Option 3: Safely send the beauty appraiser to the destination, get the title of Didi Good Driver, and a VIP card of Jubaolou 20% off. 】

The first option is the opposite of the second option. Since the system mission identification is a fake bloodstone, if you let the beauty buy it, you will definitely suffer.

Naturally, Ye Chen couldn't do this kind of wicked thing.

So Ye Chen directly chose option two.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill of appraiser and obtaining 30% of the shares in Taobao Street. 】

Ye Chen looked at Li Rongrong's bracelet, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and the message of the bracelet appeared in his mind.

The white jade jade bracelet, dating from the Song Dynasty, is of high quality and valued at 1.18 million.

I rub!

Ye Chen took a breath.

This woman was really extraordinary, and the bracelet she was wearing was worth 1.18 million.

At this time, Ye Chen drove to Taobao Street.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Miss Li, can I go palm with you and see the legendary bloodstone?"

Li Rongrong nodded: "Come if you like it, but don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

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