Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:31 PM

Chapter 1143: 1143

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"Brother, please tell me, even if you let me go up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​flames, I will be able to do it." Leopard brother looked at Ye Chen and said.

"It's not that it's not as serious as you said, it's just a small matter for you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

People like Brother Leopard are very loyal, he is able to stab his brother, and he is able to fight to the death of the person he identifies.

Since Brother Leopard and others have recognized him as the eldest brother, how could he put the brothers in danger?

"Brother, what is that?" Brother Leopard scratched his head and asked.

Every time he did a big thing, it was a lifetime of death, but Ye Chen told him it was just a small thing.

"Go tell the person who hired you, if you dare to provoke me, I will make him die very ugly." Ye Chen said with a cold face.

In fact, you don't need to ask Ye Chen to know who hired the leopard brother, that is, the person who knew the flat-headed man who kidnapped Zhao Ziwei.

Ye Chen didn't care about that person's name, he just wanted Brother Leopard to warn him.

Ye Chen wouldn't take the initiative to look for him, but if that person is ignorant or just provokes him blindly, don't blame Ye Chen for being cruel.

"Brother, don't worry, I will take care of this immediately." Brother Leopard said with a smile.

Brother Leopard was obedient to Ye Chen's words, so if the task was not completed, he would not be able to receive the salary.

However, Brother Leopard wouldn't care about these at all. After all, he recognized a person whom he admired as his eldest brother. This was more worthwhile than the number of hires he received.

How could Ye Chen not know that he asked Brother Leopard to bring the talk, and they would not get the money from the employer.

"Abao, give me a bank card account, and I will transfer one million for you, so that you and your brother will not be in vain." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Ye Chen's motionlessness is one million, which is simply inhuman.

What's more, the employer gave them 200,000 yuan. Now the world is not good, and the killer industry is not easy to do, and the price is kept low.

But forced to survive, there are so many brothers under Leopard who have to eat with him, so even if the money is less, Leopard took the order.

Ye Chen gave it five times that of his employer. With such a generous shot, Brother Leopard felt that he was the right person.

"Big brother, don't say that. How can I ask for your money? You can recognize me as a younger brother and I am very content." Brother Leopard hurriedly refused.

"Don't be polite to me, it's not easy for you to raise the brothers under your hand." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Now that Ye Chen had said so, Brother Leopard had to tell Ye Chen the bank card number.

Ye Chen made a call, and soon Leopard Brother's cell phone rang a text message alert tone.

He glanced at his bank card balance unexpectedly one million more.

Leopard brother looked at Ye Chen gratefully and said, "Thank you, big brother, thank you, big brother."

He just thought that Ye Chen was just talking, but he didn't expect to actually hit Kari a million.

Leopard's men were also surprised when they saw it.

Ye Chen looked at the young man, how could he make his moves so generous.

When Brother Leopard asked them to call Ye Chen their eldest brother, they were still reluctant.

Now they are willing to recognize Ye Chen as their eldest brother.

Ye Chen is not only strong, but also has amazing financial resources.

What they came out to confuse is one aspect of loyalty, but more for money.

After all, there are both old and young, and the whole family is counting on them.

They live a life of fear and fear every day. They are tired of this kind of life, but what can be done to survive without money.

Real numbers were forced to do this business helplessly. Now that they met Ye Chen, they would have hope in the days to come.

"Okay, you can just follow me in the future, don't do anything that hurts the world, you know?" Ye Chen warned.

"It must be." Everyone said in unison.

With a decent job, who would want to do that kind of murder and arson?

This is all forced by life.

"Okay, you all go to work, now you don't need to fight like this, take good care of your family." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Hearing that, everyone was also moved. Ever since I walked this road and my family, I have been gathering less and more, and living a life of fear and fear every day. Now it is better to be able to reunite with my family.

Ye Chen also walked out of the alley, came to the cake shop just now, ordered a strawberry-flavored cake, and bought a bunch of flowers.

She drove the car towards Song Xiaoxiao's school. In order not to be so glaring, Ye Chen parked the car aside.

He took the cake and flowers to Song Xiaoxiao's school gate and stood there waiting for her.

It stands to reason that Song Xiaoxiao should have finished class at this time.

But why hasn't it come out yet, Ye Chen is also a little anxious.

He wanted to go in, but was stopped outside by the guard.

While he was waiting outside in a hurry, Song Xiaoxiao had already walked towards the door.

But her face was a bit ugly, and there was a man behind.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go to have a meal, you have a good face," said the man with a gentle face.

"Li Yan, I said that there is no time." Song Xiaoxiao said with an unhappy expression on her pretty face.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't lie to me here, I asked your roommate, you have nothing to do tonight." Li Yan said with a smile.

He had asked Song Xiaoxiao's roommate, and knew that Song Xiaoxiao was lying to him.

You must know that Li Yan came prepared, just to make Song Xiaoxiao speechless.

Song Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "Li Yan, I tell you that even if I have time, I won't go to dinner with you, so don't bother me."

"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with me? You don't like me." Li Yan asked, looking at Song Xiaoxiao with a sad expression.

He always felt that he was handsome, rich and humorous, and any girl would like him.

But no matter how Li Yan chased Song Xiaoxiao, she always ignored her.

"Li Yan, I will tell you now, I am already a boyfriend, please stop pestering me, if my boyfriend finds out, he will definitely be upset." Song Xiaoxiao said straightforwardly.

"You are a boyfriend, how come I haven't heard of it, and I haven't seen your boyfriend come to the school to find you." Li Yan said dubiously.

"Li Yan, you are so ridiculous, why do I want to tell you something about my boyfriend?" Song Xiaoxiao gave Li Yan a white glance.

The man in front of him is really idiot. He has nothing to do with Song Xiaoxiao, and even the girl hasn't looked at him straight, but this man sticks to her like a dogskin plaster.

The more Li Yan is like this, the more Song Xiaoxiao hates him.

"Xiaoxiao, I really like you, and I only have you in my heart." Li Yan said while pulling Song Xiaoxiao's arm.

"Take your hand away." Just then a man's voice sounded.

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