Published at 18th of August 2021 12:07:30 PM

Chapter 1144: 1144

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Upon hearing this, Song Xiaoxiao and Li Yan were both stunned.

Seeing the man standing in front of the school, Song Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Ye Chen, why are you here."

She didn't expect Ye Chen to come back to school to look for her. When she saw Ye Chen, she was very happy.

"Of course I was to surprise you." Ye Chen walked towards Song Xiaoxiao with the flowers in his arms, the cake in his hands, and said with a smile.

The handsome Ye Chen in front of him was also shocked by Li Yan. He has always been proud of his looks, but he didn't expect this man to look like a star.

"Mr., please let go of my girlfriend's arm." Ye Chen said politely.

Instead of letting go, Li Yan's grip tightened even more painful to Song Xiaoxiao.

He said with an arrogant look: "Boy, I advise you to get acquainted and leave Xiaoxiao as soon as possible, otherwise I will be rude to you."

Ye Chen looked at Li Yan like an idiot, and asked: "Oh, I want to see, why on earth are you polite."

Li Yan was nothing more than frightening Ye Chen, but he didn't succeed.

"We are all civilized people, we talk and we don't do anything, if I forget, I will let you go." Li Yan hurriedly stepped down a step and said.

Ye Chen thought that this Li Yan was really interesting. He directed and acted himself, and no one paid any attention to him.

Because of this, Song Xiaoxiao looked down on men like Li Yan even more.

However, Li Yan couldn't fight, but the family was very rich. Ye Chen in front of him was wearing very ordinary clothes, and the gifts in his hand were also very cheap. At first glance, he felt like a poor boy.

People like Ye Chen can catch up with Song Xiaoxiao, but he can only look at the beauty next to him. How can this keep him from getting angry.

"Xiaoxiao, what do we eat tonight, where do you want to go?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"You can go anywhere with you." Song Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly.

Li Yan heard this and suddenly said with a smile: "Brother Ye, I am really ashamed. I know why Xiaoxiao doesn't like me when I see you. Please forgive me for how offended I was just now."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you know it." Ye Chen said jokingly.

"Then Brother Ye will take me to apologize to you, and I will treat you to dinner tonight. I don't know if you can't face it." Li Yan asked sincerely.

Of course Ye Chen knew that Li Yan couldn't be such a person. All this was just a pretense. He wanted to see what this guy wanted to do.

"No, my boyfriend and I have things left, and we don't have time to dine with you." Song Xiaoxiao said with displeasure on her face.

Based on her understanding of Li Yan, she knew that this man could not be so kind, and she didn't want to eat with this man, and felt that she had no appetite.

"Xiaoxiao, since Brother Li said so, how can we refuse people so rudely?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

While speaking, he winked at Song Xiaoxiao.

Although Song Xiaoxiao didn't understand what this meant, she knew that Ye Chen always had a purpose in doing things, and this time should be no exception.

How could Ye Chen care about the meal Li Yan invited to eat?

He is so rich that he has never tasted any delicacies of mountains and seas.

"Well, if that's the case, then we will accept your invitation." Song Xiaoxiao said with a softer expression.

The three people came to a Lincoln car. Li Yan smiled and said, "Brother Ye, Xiaoxiao, please get in the car."

The tone of his speech was very polite, and it was no longer the same as before.

After Ye Chen and Song Xiaoxiao got in the car, Li Yan also got in the car.

The driver saw Li Yan and asked, "Master, where are we going?"

"Vienna Western Restaurant." Li Yan said with a smile.

After the car drove for a while, it stopped in front of the western restaurant.

The three got out of the car and walked in.

"Shao Li, you are here." The waiter said with a smile.

"Well, are all my friends here?" Li Yan asked.

"Here, they have been waiting for you there."

The waitress said that while bringing Li Yan and others to the private room, she walked in and saw that there were three or four men sitting inside.

Seeing Li Yan coming in, the men said, "Young Master Li, you are here, we are starving to death."

Li Yan smiled and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, something just made you wait for a long time."

When Song Xiaoxiao saw so many people in the private room, his face was also unhappy.

At first, it was good to invite her and Ye Chen to dinner, but how come so many people came, and he didn't even know these people.

Ye Chen sneered in his heart. This Li Yan is really interesting. He has so many friends just to show off.

I just noticed Li Yan, but now I find that there is a man and a woman behind Li Yan.

"Shao Li, who are these two, don't tell us about them either." said one of the men.

"Zhang Tao, this is Song Xiaoxiao, this is Ye Chen, that is Song Xiaoxiao's boyfriend." Li Yan introduced with a smile.

Hearing the name Song Xiaoxiao, the crowd made a little booing.

"Song Xiaoxiao, isn't that the girl you are pursuing? It turns out that everyone already has a boyfriend."

Li Yan said with an embarrassed expression: "Yes, I thought Xiaoxiao was lying to me before. I didn't expect that she actually had a boyfriend, and she was really handsome."

"Shao Li, I think you and this Miss Song are talented and beautiful women. What good is it for a handsome man and can't be a meal." A man said with a smile.

"Zhou Kai, you can't say that. I think Brother Ye is not as rich as I am, but he is good to Xiaoxiao. He also waited for her at the gate of Xiaoxiao School and gave her flowers and cakes." Li Yan pretended Retorted.

"These days, chasing girls and sending flowers and cakes, shouldn't they all give jewelry and brand-name bags?" Zhang Tao said with a smile suddenly.

"What do you know, Brother Ye doesn't have money to buy these, and the cakes and flowers are also good, do you think it is courteous and affectionate?" Li Yan continued.

Song Xiaoxiao suddenly said: "I like everything Ye Chen gave me. I love cakes and flowers. I don't like those jewelry bags at all. I think it's very tacky."

With a smile on Ye Chen's face, a warm current surged into his heart.

When Song Xiaoxiao said so, those friends who helped Li Yan speak also closed their mouths.

After all, the parties have said so, if they say anything more, they are not enough for men.

Although Li Yan had nothing on the surface and still had a smile on her face, her teeth tickled with hatred in her heart.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Let's give something to the little couples, what are we talking about, order and order." Li Yan pretended to be a good person and said.

He had a plan, and the reason why he invited Ye Chen to come today was to make him ugly and rob him of women from Li Yan. How could he give up.

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