Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:32:18 PM

Chapter 1152: 1152

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"Okay, Dean Chen, you can rest assured that we will go back and discuss it immediately." Ye Chen walked out of the office after speaking.

At this moment, Mother Zhao was waiting anxiously outside.

Seeing Ye Chen came out and asked: "Ye Chen, what did the director tell you?"

"Nothing, just let you not work too hard. You are tired recently, so your stomach hurts. You have gastritis, so you have some recurrences." Ye Chen lied.

Mother Zhao looked at Ye Chen dubiously and asked, "Ye Chen, what you said is true, didn't you lie to Auntie?"

Before Ye Chen could speak, Director Zhou said, "Ms. Zhao, you can rest assured that Mr. Ye is telling the truth. You are guilty of gastritis. There is nothing wrong, and it will be relieved by taking some medicine."

Hearing what Director Zhou said, Zhao's mother's hanging heart was relieved.

"Okay, thank you then." Mother Zhao said with a smile.

At first she thought there would be a big problem, but she didn't expect that it was just because she had suffered from tired gastritis recently.

"Okay, Dean Chen, Director Zhou, then we will leave." Ye Chen shook hands with them separately, and then said.

Dean Chen and Director Zhou kept sending Ye Chen and Mother Zhao to the entrance of the hospital before turning and leaving.

"Mr. Ye, Ms. Zhao, you walk slowly."

Mother Zhao was also very surprised to see Dean Chen being so polite to Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, are you very familiar with this dean?" Mother Zhao asked.

"Well, quite familiar." Ye Chen nodded and said.

Originally, Mother Zhao was particularly shocked. After all, it is not ordinary people who can come to this hospital to see a doctor, and the person who knows the dean is even more important.

After hearing Ye Chen's next words, Zhao's mother's eyes widened in surprise.

"This Ren'ai Hospital belongs to me." Ye Chen said lightly.

There was no trace of pride or ostentation on his face.

What Ye Chenzhi told Mother Zhao about this was mainly to allow Mother Zhao to be hospitalized here for surgical treatment with peace of mind.

"Oh my God, Ye Chen, you even owned a hospital at a young age." Mother Zhao said in surprise.

"It's okay, Auntie, let me take you home first. The doctors have said that you need to rest at home. I will get the test results tomorrow, so you don't need to come with me."

Ye Chen started the car as he said, and drove Zhao's mother towards the community where the Zhao family's mother and daughter lived.

Sending Zhao's mother upstairs, Ye Chen cooked some food for Zhao's mother and told her not to work anymore and she must pay attention to rest.

Seeing Ye Chen taking care of herself in this way, Mother Zhao couldn't bear it, but her stomach was still aching.

"Auntie, I'm leaving first, so take a good rest." Ye Chen said after setting up Zhao's mother.

"Ye Chen, wait a minute." Mother Zhao said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen looked at Mother Zhao with questions in his eyes.

"Ye Chen, don't tell Ziwei about you taking me to the hospital. I'm afraid she is worried." Mother Zhao expressed her concerns.

This matter is what caused Ye Chen, Zhao's mother was not a normal disease, and she had to discuss the treatment results with her family.

And it must be as soon as possible, this disease cannot be delayed, and it is too late to have an operation if it is too late.

Nevertheless, Ye Chen nodded in order to reassure Mother Zhao and said, "Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely not tell Ziwei."

When Ye Chen said this, Zhao's mother felt a lot more at ease.

She also thinks that the disease is not serious, just take a good rest, there is no need to let her daughter know, it saves her worry.

Ye Chen drove away from the community and drove towards the hospital.

His cell phone rang suddenly, and he glanced at it turned out to be Zhao Ziwei's phone.

"Ziwei, what's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen, I don't think my mother's face looks good, is she okay?" Zhao Ziwei asked anxiously.

"Ziwei, I'll be at the hospital in a while, let's talk about it when we meet." Ye Chen hung up after finishing speaking.

When Ye Chen said that Zhao Ziwei felt nervous, she knew there must be something, and it was about her mother.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want her to worry, but after all, how to treat Zhao's mother's condition had to be let her know, and Zhao Ziwei had to make the final decision.

Soon Ye Chen came to the hospital, parked the car, and ran towards the ward.

The reason why he was so anxious was that he was afraid of Zhao Ziwei's random thoughts.

Seeing Ye Chen running in, Zhao Ziwei said, "Ye Chen, you can count it, what happened to my mother."

"Ziwei, don't worry, listen to me slowly finish." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

Zhao Ziwei nodded and looked at Ye Chen without speaking.

"Ziwei, you have to be mentally prepared, you may be a little uncomfortable with what I am going to say next." Ye Chen reminded.

Afterwards, without waiting for Zhao Ziwei to say anything, Ye Chen continued: "My aunt has a stomachache and her complexion is very ugly. I took her to the hospital in the afternoon and the doctor initially diagnosed it as stomach cancer."

Hearing that, Zhao Ziwei's face was ugly, and she said nervously, "How could this happen? My mother is such a kind person, why is she suffering from such an illness, it's really unfair, Ye Chen, do you know that since I was a child, My mother is dependent on each other, and my father abandoned us. It was my mother who took pains to raise me up. I have nothing to do in this world. If my mother is gone, I don’t want to live anymore."

Zhao Ziwei became more excited as she spoke, tears streaming down her eyes.

In fact, Ye Chen knew that this would be the case for a long time, and it would be the case for everyone, not to mention that Zhao's mother and Zhao Ziwei's relationship is still so deep.

"Don't worry, listen to me to finish." Ye Chen comforted.

How could Zhao Ziwei not be anxious, after all, this incident happened to her favorite mother.

After Zhao Ziwei's mood eased a lot, Ye Chen said: "The director suggested surgery. Now there is still a chance for surgery in this situation. If it is too late, it will be meaningless. They will also study treatment options later."

"Surgery?" Zhao Ziwei frowned when she heard these two words. She knew that based on her mother's condition, this was a major operation.

And no matter what kind of major surgery, she needs money. Where does she have so much money.

The relationship between their mother and daughter and relatives is not very good, even if it is good, who would lend so much money to someone who is unable to repay it.

"Ziwei, you don't have to think about the money and leave it to me. You only need to persuade auntie to be hospitalized for surgery."

Ye Chen knew that Zhao Ziwei was worried about money now, after all, it would cost hundreds of thousands.

Zhao Ziwei's family is so ordinary, where can he get so much money.

"Okay, Ye Chen, thank you, I assume that I borrowed this money from you." Zhao Ziwei bit her lip and said.

Then she said: "I will leave it to me to persuade my mother to be hospitalized."

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