Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:32:11 PM

Chapter 1156: 1156

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If you want to avoid future troubles, you must take the initiative.

This is Ye Chen's consistent style.

After all, the enemy is dark, and Snow White is bright.

Ye Chen knew that this time was exposed, the evil queen should not come for a while.

After the takeaway task assigned to him by the system is completed, he must return to the real world.

Therefore, there is not much time left for Ye Chen, so he wants to help Snow White solve this matter as soon as possible.

"Snow White, we must go to the palace and defeat your vicious stepmother." Ye Chen said while looking at Snow White.

There are too many sad pasts in that place. After her mother died, her father took this vicious woman and treated her in every possible way.

Snow White was heartbroken to her father and vowed not to return to the palace again.

Ye Chen said as if he could understand her psychology: "There is no father who doesn't love children in the world, she is just being deceived by your stepmother."

Snow White's eyes widened when she heard this. She didn't expect the man in front of her to understand her so much.

The reason why Ye Chen asked Snow White to go with her was to save a lot of trouble.

After all, she is a princess of a country, and soldiers must let them see her.

If Ye Chen went alone, the clothes he wore were different from those in this world, and he would definitely be regarded as a bad person.

"If this is the case, then I will go with you. I just miss the father, too." Snow White said with a smile.

For some reason, Snow White felt very relieved with Ye Chen by her side.

"It's not too late, let's leave as soon as possible," Ye Chen said.

The little people don't know where they got the two horses.

Originally, Snow White asked the dwarfs to wait at home, and she went with Ye Chen.

But the little people didn't agree at all and insisted on following.

Helpless, had to agree to their request.

But at the moment there are only two horses, and the seven dwarfs ride a horse.

There was no way, Ye Chen and Snow White could only ride one horse.

"Snow White, offended."

Ye Chen helped the **** the horse, and then he got on the horse too, and the two of them were very close to each other.

Just for a moment, Snow White's pretty face turned red.

Apart from being so close to her father and king when she grew up, she had never had such close contact with any man.

Ye Chen hugged the girl and smelled the fragrance, feeling the softness, and his heart was a little uneasy.

Coupled with the horse's constant running forward, the evil fire in Ye Chen's heart was burning.

At this moment, he felt extremely uncomfortable, and he could only endure it.

Snow White also felt the strangeness behind her, and she was also uncomfortably speechless.

The horse was running too fast, which made Snow White feel very uncomfortable, and the contents of her stomach kept pouring out.

"Ye Chen, you let the horse run slower, I feel so uncomfortable." Snow White whispered.

Ye Chen didn't hear it at all, and now he had to concentrate, otherwise he would really get something out of it.

If Ye Chen heard it, it would be impossible to slow down the horse, because he couldn't wait to hurry to the palace and get off the horse.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't mean to slow down, Snow White frowned.

But she didn't blame Ye Chen, after all, the speed was so fast, and there were birds in the forest, so it was normal not to hear them.

Both of them endured their own discomforts, and the horse continued to run.

But the little people in the back are very happy to play.

After a while, Ye Chen and the others could see an old castle.

But even if you are a little far away, you can feel its tall and majestic.

As she got closer and closer to the old castle, Snow White's heart also lifted up. At this moment, she was very nervous and her palms were sweating.

There is her happy childhood in this castle, and there are more things she doesn't want to recall.

"Snow White, we are here."

Ye Chen pulled the reins, and the horse stopped.

He got off the horse first, and then helped Snow White down again.

Seeing the girl's nervous expression, Ye Chen comforted: "With me, you don't have to be afraid, I will protect you from any harm."

Snow White nodded, a smile appeared on her face.

There seemed to be a magical power in this man, and Snow White felt very relieved with him by his side.

Ye Chen led the horse, and Snow White stood beside him.

The seven dwarfs were struggling, they had to sit on the horses.

The guards guarding the gate saw people coming from a distance with a vigilant look. They were ready, and if the opponent was an enemy, they were ready to take action at any time.

When she got closer, she found that the girl in front of her was actually Snow White.

"His Royal Highness, is it really you? We thought we would never see you again."

The two guards at the gate started crying with excitement when they saw the girl in front of them.

Snow White has a kind heart, and there is no distinction between high and low in her heart, so she treats everyone in the palace very well.

Everyone also likes her princess sincerely.

I heard the queen say that the princess was dead before, and they were still very sad, but they didn't expect to see the princess again now, so how could they not be excited?

Upon hearing the guard's words, Snow White immediately understood that it turned out that all this was done by her stepmother. She drove herself out of the palace first, and then told her father and others that she was dead.

Without the protection of the king, it would be easy for a vicious stepmother to kill her.

Sure enough, as Ye Chen said, the father was completely deceived by this vicious stepmother.

Seeing Ye Chen and the seven dwarfs on the horse, the guard asked: "Your Royal Highness, who are they?"

"They are all my benefactors. Without their help, you wouldn't be able to see me again." Snow White said with a smile.

In this way, the guards stopped blocking Ye Chen and the seven dwarfs, and all let them go.

The gate of the old castle slowly opened, and Snow White returned to the place where she was born again, feeling a little excited.

Everyone walked forward, and there was a magnificent and majestic palace in front of them.

Snow White ran forward in three steps and two steps, because she saw the person who made her misunderstand so deeply.

"Father." Snow White walked up to the king and cried.

"Bai Xue, my daughter, is it really you?" There was a surprised expression in the king's eyes.

"Yes, it's really me." Snow White stroked the king's face with her hand.

I haven't seen him for a few days. Her father Wang is much older, with white hair on his sideburns, which doesn't match his current age at all.

Since knowing the news of Snow White's death, the king has been hit, and the whole person is depressed.

Now that he saw Snow White, his eyes flashed again.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!