Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:32:08 PM

Chapter 1158: 1158

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Snow White cried and said, "First, the stepmother sent a hunter to kill me. The hunter saw me pitifully and let me go. Then I met seven dwarfs and lived in the forest, but the stepmother still didn’t let me go. She did it herself again, and Joe pretended to be an old woman who wanted to kill me with a poisoned apple. Fortunately, Ye Chen saw through her tricks and didn't let her succeed, otherwise you would not see me, Father."

Hearing that, the king was angry. He did not expect that this charitable queen had such a vicious heart that he wanted to kill the pearl in his palm.

"Your Majesty, you must not listen to Xueer's nonsense, she must have been deceived by others and want to frame me." The queen pretended to be aggrieved and cried.

Then she looked at Ye Chen, meaning that Snow White was instigated by him to slander herself.

"Queen, you don't want to call the thief to catch the thief, why should I harm you if I have no grievances with you?" Ye Chen asked back.

Indeed, the queen and Ye Chen never met at all, and the two did not have any contact with each other, so why did they do this.

The king is not a fool, he now finally recognizes the true face of the queen.

"Queen, because I trust you so much, you really disappoint me too much." The king said angrily.

He looked at the soldier again and said: "Come here, take this vicious queen to the prison."

Upon hearing this, the two soldiers walked towards the queen.

The queen certainly couldn't sit still, she looked at the king and said: "Your Majesty, you are so ruthless and unrighteous to me for your daughter."

Saying that she revealed her true face and cast magic on the two soldiers, and the two soldiers could no longer move in an instant.

Seeing the witch in front of him, the king was dumbfounded. He never dreamed that the woman who slept with him was such an ugly witch.

"How did you become like this?" the king asked in surprise.

Before the queen could answer, Ye Chen said with a smile: "King, the talent you see now is the real appearance of the queen, she is an ugly witch."

When Ye Chen said that she was ugly, the queen was very angry.

"Since you see my true face, you all have to die." The queen shouted angrily.

She said that she would use magic to punish the king, Snow White, Ye Chen and others.

The king and Snow White's faces were pale in fright, but Ye Chen's expressions were indifferent.

How could he be afraid of this witch?

Just when the witch was about to start, Ye Chen didn't know what method he used to stop her.

There was an unbelievable expression on the queen's face. She did not expect the young man in front of her to be so powerful.

Seeing that the queen could no longer use magic, the king ordered: "Come here, tie this witch to me and throw it into the prison."

The soldiers **** the queen in twos and then went to prison.

All the crises were resolved, and the hanging hearts of the king and Snow White were also let go.

The king said with a grateful look: "Ye Chen, thank you for saving my daughter and me. I want to make you a general and reward you with gold jewelry."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, I don't want these things. I only have one request."

Hearing this, the king was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ye Chen to not want these things. If he changed to someone else, he would have been happy from ear to ear.

But he was different. At this time, a thought flashed in the king's heart: "Does he want the princess to marry him?"

To know that the princess is the jewel in the king's palm, he is very reluctant to bear it.

But Ye Chen saved the lives of their father and daughter, so he should be in return, and his daughter would definitely be happy with him.

Snow White's pretty face was flushed at the moment, she was a little shy, Ye Chen in front of her was the Prince Charming in her heart, and she couldn't wait to marry this man.

"Do you have any request to say it?" The king looked at Ye Chen and said.

When the king and the princess were waiting for Ye Chen to say that I wanted the princess to marry me, something unexpected happened.

Ye Chen slowly said, "I only want the mirror in the witch's room."

Boom, when he heard the words in the mirror, a surprised expression appeared on the king's face.

But Snow White was disappointed. She was a girl who could not offer to marry Ye Chen, not to mention that she was a princess, and her innate sense of pride did not allow her to do so.

When he heard Ye Chen say this, the king looked at him even more.

The young man in front of him doesn't love gold and silver treasures or beautiful women. It's so different.

Since Ye Chen didn't ask the princess to marry him, the king would definitely not take the initiative to say it, after all, he was not willing to Snow White.

The father and daughter finally met, and he didn't want to marry his daughter so soon.

"It's okay. In this case, you can take that mirror away." The king said with a smile.

Then the king said, "You guys go and bring the mirror in the witch's room."

The two soldiers immediately walked out of the palace when they heard it.

After a while, two people brought the mirror over.

"Take this mirror away." The king looked at Ye Chen and said.

The king thought to himself that this was an ordinary mirror, why did Ye Chen abandon the prosperous and noble princess, but wanted this instead.

This mirror was placed in the witch's room. Even if Ye Chen didn't want it, the king didn't plan to keep it.

It's better to be a reward for thanking Ye Chen for his life-saving grace.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Ye Chen said after taking the mirror.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in my mind suddenly.

"Ding, the order has been completed, please find an unmanned corner, open the wormhole and return to the real world."

It may be that the time lost in this fairy tale world is too long, the system will send out this reminder.

"Your Majesty, I will leave first if I have things to do." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

He looked at Snow White again and said, "Princess, I am Ye Chen, a takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms. If you want to order takeaway next time, you must remember to find me."

Snow White nodded and said, "Okay."

In the princess's reluctant gaze, Ye Chen moved the mirror and left.

But the seven dwarfs did not leave, they still stayed in the palace to receive the king's hospitality.

Ye Chen found a place with no one, opened the wormhole and walked in.

At this moment, he has returned to the unmanned Hu Tong.

The system prompt sounded in my mind again.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the order task and getting the system reward magic mirror."

Then Ye Chen looked at the detailed explanation about this magic mirror: the magic mirror knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom. The world knows everything, knows everything, and answers every question.

Ye Chen thought that the magic mirror was indeed a treasure, and couldn't help feeling that he had made a profit this time.

But when Ye Chen saw the line below, he instantly became a little depressed.

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