Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:47 PM

Chapter 116: 116

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Ye Chen picked up the bloodstone and weighed it and said, "The color and texture of this bloodstone is indeed no different from that of real bloodstone, but you can look at the engraved text. The carving is too fine, and it is obviously modern, let’s talk about the color. , The real soapstone has soft brightness and obvious waxy luster, but your color is too bright."

As he said, Ye Chen picked up the bloodstone and smelled it: "There is still damp soil on this bloodstone. Obviously, it was buried in the soil deliberately to make it old. It hasn't been two days since it was dug out."

As soon as Ye Chen's words were uttered, the audience was silent.

Li Rongrong was stunned.

Ye Qian was stunned.

Several antique shop owners were also stunned.

The faces of the middle-aged and young people also changed slightly.

Ye Chen spoke very professionally and made sense.

Could it be said that everyone really looked away, this bloodstone is fake?

This is the fourth master's hand, how could it be fake?

There was a dead silence in the treasure building.

Li Rongrong took the bloodstone in Ye Chen's hand and observed it, and it was indeed the same as Ye Chen said.

There was an incredible look in her eyes.

How could this young man's appraisal level be so high.

In just a few words, Li Rongrong judged that Ye Chen's treasure appraisal strength was higher than that of himself.

At this time, the young man came back to his senses and snorted coldly: "You fart, this bloodstone was passed by the fourth master, how could it be fake."

Yes, Si Ye never slapped his eyes, it can't be fake.

The owners of several antique shops also said one after another.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Four Lord, if he has really identified this piece of bloodstone, it can only show that he is a liar at all!"

"You dare to insult Fourth Master."


"If you can't prove that this bloodstone is fake, then you are dead."

Ye Chen sneered: "Do you want evidence, can you?"

"Who has a lighter?" Ye Chen asked.

At this time, a buddy handed Ye Chen a lighter.

After Ye Chen hit, the flame was roasted on the bloodstone.

In an instant, the top of the bloodstone was burnt black.

Ye Chen said faintly: "The real bloodstone is burned with fire. What you see on the surface is a small amount of wax oil. The blood color will turn purple and darker after being exposed to high temperature, but it will immediately return to its original color after cooling. But look at this bloodstone, he is completely He was roasted black, do you think he is true or not?"

Everyone gathered around, and it turned out that the bloodstone turned black after it was roasted.

Seeing the fake bloodstone being exposed, the young man's face suddenly became difficult to look at.

"Forget it, I won't sell it anymore."

The young man picked up the bloodstone and prepared to leave.

However, Ye Chen blocked his way.

"Don't go. Selling fake cultural relics is legally responsible."

At this moment, the police sirens sounded at the door, and Zhou Susu walked in with two policemen.

Seeing the police, the young man turned pale and wanted to run.

But the guys stopped him a long time ago.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the middle-aged man muttered, "What a bad luck, I almost bought a fake stone."

Ye Chen stood in front of him.

"You're too unreasonable, your accomplice has been arrested, are you embarrassed to slip away by yourself?"

The middle-aged man looked cold, and said quickly: "What are you talking about? Who is an accomplice? I am also a victim, OK?"

He wanted to push Ye Chen away, but Ye Chen grabbed his arm.

At this time, the police had already handcuffed the young man.

A policeman after checking the information exclaimed in surprise: "Team Zhou, this kid is the scam thief we are going to catch. By the way, he should have an accomplice."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "His accomplice is here."

When the middle-aged man saw that he couldn't escape, he collapsed completely.

Two police officers rushed over and handcuffed the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked unwilling: "The two of us have been in China for so many years, but I didn't expect to be planted in your hands."

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "This means that many injustices will kill themselves!"

Seeing this scene, Li Rongrong was completely stunned.

She was also secretly afraid that if it weren't for Ye Chen, she would have been deceived today.

Zhou Susu came to Ye Chen and said, "You can just change your job and become a policeman. This day, I caught three A-level wanted criminals for me."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Let your policemen have nothing to do with my car."

The owners of several antique shops gave Ye Chen thumbs up one after another.

"The young man is too good, I'm satisfied with your level of appraisal."

"Young man, come to our shop as an appraiser, can I give you a salary of 100,000 per year?"

"Go on your side, he belongs to me." At this time, Li Rongrong walked over to block Ye Chen's side.

Everyone: "..."

Li Rongrong blushed: "I mean, I want to ask Ye Chen to be the appraiser."

With that, Li Rongrong turned around: "Ye Chen, come to our store as an appraiser."

Ye Chen shook his head: "No, do I have to dick?"

"Open dick?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

How much do you pay for a month? The appraiser will also get more than one hundred thousand.

Moreover, when the wind blows and the sun shines, how can an appraiser easily come and feel comfortable?

Li Rongrong also froze for a moment. She thought for a while and said, "You don't need to come to work every day, but you can come when you need you. How about I give you one million annual salary?

Ye Chen thought for a while and nodded: "Okay!"

Ye Qian grabbed Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, since you are so good, take me to Taobao."

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay!"

The two left the Jubao Pavilion and turned around on Taobao Street.

Taobao Street has now been developed into a tourist attraction, divided into stalls, shops and auction houses.

Li Rongrong's shop is a high-end shop.

Ye Chen glanced at the things on the floor, most of them were fakes.

He chose a bracelet for Ye Qian for two thousand dollars. The real price of this bracelet was actually twenty thousand.

The two were about to leave, when suddenly everyone rushed towards the largest shop in Taobao Building.

Ye Chen asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

"The Fourth Master is going to appraise the treasure. Let's go over and palm."

"Four Lord?" Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

The fourth master is Chen Bin.

Ye Chen wanted to avenge Lin Youyou, so he happened to meet Chen Bin.

Ye Chen followed everyone to an antique building.

Three characters "Tongbao Building" are written on the building.

An antique sandalwood table stood at the door.

There is also an antique blue and white porcelain vase on the table.

Next to the vase stood a young man in a suit with gold glasses.

This person is Chen Bin.

Chen Bin triumphantly clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, this is the blue and white porcelain I just bought from abroad. It cost 30 million. It has just been appraised by experts and is worth 100 million."

One billion?

The scene was in an uproar.

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