Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:32:04 PM

Chapter 1160: 1160

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Ye Chen was also a little surprised to see Su Qing's transfer records and chat records.

It stands to reason that if Su Qing betrayed Su Wanyi for money, then her bank card should have funds transferred in.

But Su Qing's bank card was just the opposite. Not only did he have no money to transfer in, but hundreds of thousands of funds were transferred out.

"It seems that this girl has encountered a blackmailer." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

And seeing the chat log, Su Qing was persecuted.

Sure enough, there is something else hidden in this matter, and Su Qing was also a victim. She was forced to do this behavior.

Who is the Young Master Su whom Su Qing calls? There is no other person in the Ya Shi Group except Su Wanyi and Su Qing, whose surname is Su.

It seems that this matter must be asked Su Wanyi herself, to see what the person who extorted Su Qing has to do with her.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen wanted to take out his mobile phone and decided to call Su Wanyi.

"Wan Yi, I have something to tell you tonight. It is about the leak of the perfume formula." Ye Chen said to the phone.

"Ye Chen, you know who it is, let me know." Su Wanyi said nervously.

"I think it's better to wait for you to come back at night, I'll say it in front of you."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi pursed her lips and said, "Well, see you tonight."

She knew Ye Chen's doing this must be justified.

Although Su Wanyi was anxious to know who that person was, Ye Chen had already said that, and she couldn't hold on to anything.

With the help of the magic mirror, Ye Chen already knew who they were looking for, so he could relax.

He was bored playing games at home.

After Su Wanyi answered the phone, she had no intention of working. She sat in the office chair and felt very nervous.

Since Ye Chen already knew who that person was, she also wanted to find the answer from Ye Chen that had troubled her for a long time.

Simply Su Wanyi stood up from her seat and walked out of the office with her handbag.

Su Qing came from outside and saw Su Wanyi said, "Mr. Su, you need to sign these documents."

Seeing Su Wanyi carrying a bag in her hand, Su Qing asked, "Mr. Su, are you going out?"

"Yes, Xiaoqing, I'll go out to do something, you can put the papers on my desk."

Su Wanyi turned and left after speaking. She ran all the way downstairs, took a taxi, and drove towards Washington.

Ye Chen was startled when he heard the door opening outside.

But when he saw Su Wanyi, he was even more shocked.

"Wanyi, why are you here?" Ye Chen asked.

He looked at his watch, and it was only three o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Wanyi is usually in the company at this time, but now she is here.

Could it be that the sun came out from the west today, Ye Chen thought in his heart.

Seeing Ye Chen's surprised face, Su Wanyi said, "Why do you look like this? Did you do something bad behind my back."

As Su Wanyi said, she looked inside to see if Ye Chen was in Jinwu Cangjiao.

"Wan Yi, you think too much. I am a little surprised to see you, because you are usually in the company at this time." Ye Chen explained hurriedly.

He didn't want Su Wanyi to misunderstand, otherwise he would really have jumped into the Yellow River and would not be able to clean it.

"You still asked me, is it because your phone call disturbed me and I don't have the mind to work anymore," Su Wanyi blamed.

Ye Chen thought for a while, it was indeed the case, everyone would react this way.

"Well, I blamed me, you sit down first, let's talk slowly." Ye Chen said.

Su Wanyi put her bag aside, changed her slippers, walked to the sofa to sit down, and took a sip of the tea in the teacup.

She looked at Ye Chen and said, "It's okay now."

Ye Chen was speechless for a while and wondered why this girl was so impatient.

"Yes, yes, but before I tell you who the person who leaked the perfume formula is, you must be mentally prepared." Ye Chen reminded.

"It's okay, just tell me, I can take it no matter who it is." Su Wanyi said.

Ye Chen said slowly: "The person you are looking for is Su Qing."

"What? What did you say?" Su Wanyi asked hurriedly, thinking that she had misheard.

Ye Chen said again: "The person who leaked the perfume formula is Su Qing."

Su Wanyi seemed to be greatly irritated, and her face became ugly.

She muttered to herself: "Su Qing, how could it be her?"

"Ye Chen, did you make a mistake?" Su Wanyi asked in a low voice.

"That's right, it's true, I already have a lot of information about her." Ye Chen said firmly.

Ye Chen's words gave Su Wanyi a blow.

She didn't expect that the person who leaked the perfume formula was Su Qing, who was a sister with her.

Su Wanyi even regretted looking for the answer from Ye Chen.

On the way here, she thought about hundreds of possibilities, but she did not think of this one alone.

She didn't want to believe that Su Qing was that person after killing her.

"Wan Yi, I know it will be difficult for you to accept this matter for a while, but the truth of what I want to tell you is often the cruelest." Ye Chen comforted.

"Ye Chen, do you know that I am really closer to Su Qing than my sisters. It is because of me that she has the current position. I help solve all the difficulties in her family. How can you tell her? How can you bear to do this to me?" Su Wanyi cried and said.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi's heart must be very painful at this moment, like a knife pierced her heart, and she couldn't breathe because of the pain.

"Wan Yi, please calm down first, I can understand your current mood, but what I want to tell you is that Su Qing was forced to do so." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

He is very worried about Su Wanyi now. If he knew that Su Wanyi who learned the truth would be like this, he would rather not say it.

Seeing Su Wanyi's current appearance, Ye Chen felt very distressed.

Originally, it was not easy for a girl to work hard in the mall, but now she still faces being betrayed by the closest person. How can she bear such cruel things.

"She can have any difficulties, even if she has anything, she can tell me, I don't help her less," Su Wanyi retorted.

Su Wanyi was both sad and angry about Su Qing's betrayal and betrayal of her.

She had even thought that she would never see this Su Qing who was eating inside and out again.

"I will call her now and tell her that she was fired, and I will never want to see this person again." Su Wanyi gritted her teeth.

"I think you should figure out the ins and outs of the whole thing, and don't wrong Su Qing, otherwise you will regret it."

Ye Chen continued to ask: "Wanyi, do you know Master Su? He and Su Qing are in contact very frequently, and Su Qing has transferred large amounts of money to her several times."

Upon hearing this, Su Qing's face became a little ugly.

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