Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:57 PM

Chapter 1164: 1164

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Yan Chixia's body fell from the sky.

He excitedly said, "Brother Ye, I broke through."

Yan Chixia was also very excited. He didn't expect to drink a glass of water and his skill soared.

Oh my God, what is this water seepage?

Why can it help me increase my cultivation base after I drink it?

Is this the legendary Shenshui?

When Yan Chixia was practicing, she heard from her master that there are some gods in this world who can help them increase their skills.

But the water is not as effective as Ye Chen's brown drink.

Ye Chen said helplessly: "Brother Yan, this is not a divine water, it's just ordinary Coke."

He was actually a little dazed.

No matter what Ye Chen could not think of, a small glass of Coke actually had this effect, which could help Yan Chixia increase her cultivation.

If it works so well, then I don't know how many otaku who like to eat McDonald's have soared directly into immortals.

"Mr. Ye, do you still have this coke?" Yan Chixia said excitedly.

"There is a way," Ye Chen said.

Yan Chixia looked excited, if I drink this kind of divine water every day, it won't take long, won't I be soaring?

Yan Chixia was really excited.

The strong in this world are respected.

He still has to catch demons, so the increase in strength is simply too useful for him.

If there is this thing, he can fight the end of the drug.

As a cultivator, the progress of cultivation is divided into innate and nurture.

Innate is the body constitution, and acquired all kinds of elixir.

Obviously this cola is more effective than any kind of elixir.

Yan Chixia never thought that she would be so lucky.

You know, it takes at least ten years for him to cultivate on his own in order to make a breakthrough.

As a result, after drinking a glass of Coke, he broke through directly.

Yan Chixia has never been so happy in her practice in her life.

It used to be like a snail, with a little diligence.

But this time I drank a glass of water, and a qualitative breakthrough occurred.

Yan Chixia looked shocked.

"Mr. Ye, is this drink particularly precious?"

Ye Chen smiled after hearing it; "No, most people in our place can afford it."

Yan Chixia was stunned when she heard it.

Such a great drink can even be drunk by ordinary people.

Could it be that this person came from the legendary fairy world.

The more Yan Chixia thought about this possibility, the bigger it became.

After all, Ye Chen may come from the fairy world.

So it’s no surprise that everyone drinks this kind of fairy water called Coke.

He looked at Ning Caichen who was aside.

At this moment, Ning Caichen is also slowly drinking Coke.

Seeing Ning Caichen drinking Coke, Yan Chixia was almost distressed to death.

It would be a waste to drink this kind of fairy water called Coke for ordinary people like Ning Caichen.

Yan Chixia looked at Ye Chen pitifully: "Mr. Ye, do you still have this coke god?"

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly and said, "No more."

Although a little regretful, Yan Chixia is already satisfied.

After all, his strength has increased so much today, and he is very satisfied.

And he also needs to digest some more.

Ye Chen glanced at Ning Caichen and said, "Brother Yan, I feel that this temple is gloomy. Will there be any unclean things."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Ning Caichen shuddered in shock.

"Brother Ye, don't scare me."

After all, he is different from Yan Chixia, he is just an ordinary person, so when Ye Chen mentioned it, he was very scared.

Yan Chixia smiled faintly after hearing it: "I've seen the yin in it a long time ago, that's why I came here, just to kill the monsters."

At this moment, Yan Chixia admired Ye Chen more and more.

After all, Ye Chen is really generous.

He even gave that kind of divine water directly to himself.

Even Yan Chixia was already thinking whether she should give Ye Chen something precious.

Yan Chixia smiled: "Brother Ye, don't worry, with me, those monsters and ghosts will come and go."

Hearing Yan Chixia's words, Ning Caichen became even more frightened.

No, is there really a monster in it?

Yan Chixia smiled: "Youkai, the things inside are more powerful than monsters."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Since Brother Yan said it's okay, there must be nothing to worry about."

Ye Chen asked: "Brother Ning, I think you are going to Beijing for the exam with your luggage on your back. It's better not to live here. If there are real monsters, will your life be lost here soon?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Ning Caichen also took a breath.

But the monastery is surrounded by wilderness, and there is no shop in front of the village, so what should he do.

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "Let's do it, I have a magic that can send you to a village dozens of miles away, where it should be very safe."


Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen were very surprised when they heard Ye Chen's words.

Is there still such an artifact in the world?

Ning Caichen also shined.

"Brother Ye, it is very important for me to go to Beijing for the exam this time. I must pass the exam. Please help me." Ning Caichen pleaded bitterly.

Yan Chixia knows Taoism, he is just an ordinary mortal.

Ye Chen smiled: "Well, since we are destined, then I will send you out of here."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Ning Caichen had a look on his face.

"Mr. Thank you so much."

Ye Chen said: "It's not too late, it's late at night, let's hurry up."

Ye Chen got on the motorcycle at the door and let Ning Caichen sit behind him.

He turned the accelerator directly, and the motorcycle rushed out in an instant.

Soon, the motorcycle came to a village.

It's brightly lit and there are shops too.

Ye Chen put Ning Caichen down and said, "Here, you can have a good rest."

"Brother Ye, I will never forget your great kindness."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "There is nothing to do."

Ye Chen was amused secretly in his heart.

Actually it should be me thank you.

You know, originally Ning Caichen should be the protagonist, but now the protagonist has been directly turned into a passerby by himself.

"Brother remember, if there is any danger in the future, just call my name directly."

Ning Caichen was stunned for a moment. At this time, Ye Chen had already left on a motorcycle.

Seeing the direction Ye Chen was driving, Ning Caichen was stunned.

Maybe this is the influence in the legend, knowing that there is danger there, I still want to go.

Ye Chen returned to Lanruo Temple again, and Yan Chixia had already taken a rest in another guest room.

He went to the room where Ning Caichen was supposed to rest.

Ye Chen lay on the bed, thinking about the footage on the TV.

This Xiaoqian is a stunning beauty. I will experience a wave of how she tempted me in a while.

Ye Chen was very excited.

Beauty, come find me, come to seduce me, seduce me.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in Ye Chen's room, and soon footsteps came from his ears.

Nie Xiaoqian, she is finally here!

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