Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:52 PM

Chapter 1167: 1167

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Nie Xiaoqian's expression was very uncomfortable.

"My son, I'm sorry, I shouldn't lie to you."

Xiao Qian talked about her own experience and Ye Chen.

"I was killed when I was eighteen, and later became a maid under the tree demon's grandmother..."

With that, Nie Xiaoqian said with a look of guilt: "Actually, my purpose of coming tonight is to absorb your yang energy."

"What? Absorb my yang energy?"

Ye Chen pretended to be surprised.

Looking at Ye Chen, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes were full of guilt.

The young man was so good to himself, and in the end he wanted to murder each other.

Ye Chen's expression was very exaggerated, and even made a look of fear.

But these Ye Chen are all performed.

At this time, Ye Chen's god-level acting skills played a role.

There was an expression that seemed to be hurt on his face.

With this expression, Nie Xiaoqian felt even more sorry for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen laughed wildly in his heart at this moment.

After all, Ye Chen couldn't help it.

At this time, he must show this way.

Otherwise, if you are indifferent, the other party will definitely find that they can't get such good results.

Nie Xiaoqian will feel more guilty only if she is sad.

Ye Chen used his acting to the fullest.

The small sad eyes made everyone feel heartache.

"My son, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Nie Xiaoqian lowered her head and apologized to Ye Chen.

"I really don't want to lie to you, but I have my own problems."

Xiao Qian was afraid that Ye Chen would be angry, so she grabbed Ye Chen's arm and pleaded.

Ye Chen sighed at this moment: "It's okay."

At this moment, Ye Chen's eyes were sad, accepting, and tolerant.

This kind of interpretation made Nie Xiaoqian never see that Ye Chen was acting.

If Ye Chen makes a movie, his acting skills will definitely burst.

Ye Chen sighed, with tolerance in his eyes.

"It's okay, I can understand all this."

Ye Chen was shocked when he heard Nie Xiaoqian's words.

Ye Chen continued; "Even if you are not human, what about it?"

"Actually, the most terrifying thing in this world is not you but the human heart."

"Xiao Qian, I can feel that you are a good girl, you are gentle, kind, and considerate."

Ye Chen's voice was very soft, and Nie Xiaoqian was extremely moved.

In fact, what Ye Chen said was also a fact.

In this world, some people are very vicious, indeed even more terrifying.

Originally, Nie Xiaoqian thought Ye Chen would dislike herself, but she did not expect that she would comfort her.

Nie Xiaoqian was so moved, she couldn't help but hugged Ye Chen's arm, her eyes full of gratitude.

He looked at Ye Chen with a strange feeling in his heart.

Ye Chen was very beautiful in his heart.

Haha, my acting skills are so awesome, this girl just got it right.

At this moment, there was a strong wind outside.

There was a gust of wind outside the house.

In the air, there was the sound of howling ghosts and wolves, which was very terrifying.

The sky outside was instantly dyed red.

There were black shadows moving through the window, very terrifying.

Nie Xiaoqian's face was pale: "No, grandma is here?"

"Ye Chen, run quickly, grandma's body is very fast, she should be here soon, she must be worried about me, and personally come to check my completion of the task."

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, you are the best person I have ever seen to me. In any case, I want to be you."

"Grandma will definitely want to breathe in your yang energy tonight. You may still have time to run now."

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "If I run away, grandma will definitely anger you."

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head: "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Ye Chen refused to leave anything.

Nie Xiaoqian sighed and said, "Otherwise, you should hide first, don't make any noise, be sure to hold your breath and not breathe, maybe you can avoid grandma."

At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian was very anxious.

She knows grandma's methods too well.

Once she knows that Ye Chen is hiding here, it will definitely absorb his yang energy.

Especially Ye Chen is so handsome and full of yang energy, which is definitely a big step for grandma.

Ye Chen said, "I won't be afraid of that monster, and I want to take you away."

For grandma, Ye Chen wasn't really scared.

After all, he has a system close to him.

"No, you are not her opponent, so you hide first."

Nie Xiaoqian looked around, but found that there was no place to hide around.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes lit up.

"My son, there is a wooden barrel over there. You can hide it in the barrel first."

Nie Xiaoqian blushed and pointed to the barrel.

That wooden barrel turned out to be Ye Chen just preparing to take a bath.

"My son, in this way, you hide in the bucket, and I pretend to take a bath in it, so I might be able to fool grandma."

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard Nie Xiaoqian's words.

Let me wipe it, do you want to be so hot?

Ye Chen was stunned, I got into the bucket?

Nie Xiaoqian nodded.

"After you enter the bucket, hold your breath first, so that grandma won't find you even if she enters the house. She will definitely not enter the bucket to find me."

While talking, Nie Xiaoqian blushed pretty.

This method is wonderful.

Although a bit...

But I reluctantly agreed.

Ye Chen liked this method very much.

"This method is the only way to prevent you from being discovered by your grandmother. If you can't hold on there anymore, I will go into the water and help you breathe."

Nie Xiaoqian blushed.

In order to be able to save Ye Chen, she completely sacrificed herself.

Ye Chen was quite stupid.

I rub, Nie Xiaoqian is really too hard.

The girls said so, why did Ye Chen refuse?

Ye Chen was urged into the bucket by Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Xiaoqian also entered the bucket afterwards.

After Ye Chen entered, he took a sharp breath.

Now, Ye Chen's physical strength has surpassed that of a mortal.

So his ability to hold his breath is something that no one else can do.

Ye Chen just entered the water.


The door of the box was blown open by a black wind.

At this time, a black whirlwind appeared in the house.

The whirlwind turned, and an old woman appeared in the center of the room in the blink of an eye.

The old woman looked terrifying, her skin was wrinkled, she was wearing a black cannon, and her body was covered with lines like tree bark.

This old woman is terrible.

Even Ye Chen could still feel the coercion that the old woman was afraid of when he was underwater.

Is this the legendary BOSS?

Ye Chen knew that he and this tree monster would have a battle, and there was a little nervousness in his heart.

Although Ye Chen had traveled through the centuries, after all, those were all human beings. Even if they were fighting with supernatural beings, they were human beings after all.

This is the legendary demon.

Ye Chen had never seen such a terrifying enemy.

Now Ye Chen was a little worried whether he was the opponent of this tree monster grandma.

After all, Ye Chen knew that this world was not only the tree demon grandmother, but there was also a more terrifying existence in the Black Mountain Old Demon.

It seems that this crossing is a tough battle.

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