Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:47 PM

Chapter 1170: 1170

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Nie Xiaoqian hurriedly closed her eyes, she didn't want to see Ye Chen's miserable appearance.

A wicked smile appeared on the dryad grandmother's face, and she said coldly, "Boy, go to hell."

She had even seen Ye Chen entangled in her thorny cane, bleeding to death.

Just when she was proud, a silver dangling thing suddenly appeared in Ye Chen's hand.

The light from that thing made him a little bit unable to open his eyes.

After she concentrated on it, she could see that Ye Chen was holding a silver gun in his hand.

You must know that as a monster, she is invulnerable, and those things can't help her at all.

Nie Xiaoqian saw a smile on her face, her hanging heart finally let go, but what use is this, it can only be temporary.

"Young Master Ye, you must not have anything to do." Nie Xiaoqian prayed slowly in her heart.

She wanted to help Ye Chen, but when she was hit by the tree's grandmother, she couldn't use her magic power at all.

Ye Chen's silver spear resisted the cane rushing towards him, and those canes kept retracting under the counterattack of the silver spear.

Regarding these, the tree devil grandma didn't care at all.

She knew in her heart that Ye Chen wanted to stab him with a silver spear.

A wave of rattans slowly retracted, and another wave of rattans slowly stretched out.

Ye Chen knew that there would be countless vines in the tree demon grandma's body, and he had to seek the opportunity to find a gap to pierce the tree demon grandma's body.

He no longer resisted with a silver spear, and instead used a silver spear to cut off the canes that rushed towards him.

This silver gun was extremely sharp and shone with cold light.

As long as the rattan touches her, he has a chance to disconnect immediately, and of course there will be rattan attacking in his direction.

"Boy, beyond your own control, you can't cut all my canes with that thing." The tree demon grandma said with a smile.

Ye Chen is not stupid, of course he knows this truth.

He ignored the tree demon's grandmother's words, and kept cutting off those canes with a silver spear.

At this moment, Ye Chen saw a gap, and he hurriedly used a silver spear to pierce the gap towards the center of the tree demon grandma.

That part is equivalent to the demon's dead spot. After being stabbed, it will lose all its mana and be wiped out in ashes.

The Dryad Grandma also gathered all the canes on Ye Chen when the silver spear was no longer attacking her cane, trying to entangle him tightly.

Nie Xiaoqian shook her head helplessly when she saw Ye Chen's behavior.

Ye Chen's hand was nothing but an ordinary silver spear, and he couldn't help the tree demon grandma.

On the contrary, he saw the tree demon grandmother trying to entangle Ye Chen, if it were really like that, Ye Chen would not have a chance at all.

"Young Master Ye, be careful." Nie Xiaoqian exclaimed.

How could Ye Chen not know the actions of the tree monster grandma, he must dare to be before this old monster.

It is now the speed at which he and Shu are going to be grandma.

"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"

Dryad grandma and Ye Chen shouted in unison.

Seeing the scene in front of her, tears flowed from Nie Xiaoqing's eyes. She was ready to follow her if Ye Chen died.

Anyway, there is nothing in the world that she misses, so it's better to go with Ye Chen like this.

Maybe we can really be together in the next life.

"Young Master Ye, I'm here." Nie Xiaoqian thought in her heart, tears like broken beads.

At this moment, only one sound of "Ah" was heard.

This scream was not from Ye Chen's mouth, but from the tree demon's grandmother's mouth.

The dryad grandma stared at the silver spear inserted into her body, and said in disbelief, "How could it be, how could it be?"

She looked at Ye Chen who was holding a silver gun, her eyes were full of shock.

It was just an ordinary silver gun, how could it pierce her body?

At the same time, the rattans that were surrounding Ye Chen crackled and fell to the ground.

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, it was really too dangerous just now, if it's him at one o'clock in the evening, it will be him.

Nie Xiaoqing also grew up in surprise, thinking that Ye Chen would die.

But he didn't expect Ye Chen to really do it, defeating the tree demon grandma just as he said.

Nie Xiaoqian let out a sigh of relief as she watched the tree monster grandmother's body dissipate little by little.

She walked towards Ye Chen slowly, and said with a smile: "Young Master Ye, it's really great. We won, we won."

The more she talked, the more excited her expression became.

I thought I would die here with Ye Chen today, but I didn't expect it to be another ending.

"Yes, Xiao Qian will no longer have to follow the orders of that old monster, you are free." Ye Chen also said with a smile.

He knew that Nie Xiaoqian's heart was kind, and she just obeyed the instigation of the tree's grandmother to absorb the essence.

It was completely forced by the tree demon's grandmother, and his heart was not willing to do anything at all.

With Ye Chen's help, Nie Xiaoqian no longer had to do those things that hurt the world and reason, and instantly felt relieved in her heart.

"Young Master Ye, thank you for letting me know that there are still people in this world who care about and protect me."

Nie Xiaoqian said as she threw herself into Ye Chen's arms, and said with excitement.

"Silly girl, everything is over now." Ye Chen comforted her.

Feeling the softness in his arms, Ye Chen's mind was also a little restless.

However, he still suppressed the flame in his heart with a calm expression on his face.

"Xiao Qian, you can eat this." Ye Chen took a pill from his arms and handed it to Nie Xiaoqian.

After Nie Xiaoqian took it, she looked at the pill pill that exuded a faint light and asked, "Master Ye, is this?"

"This is for you to heal your wounds." Ye Chen explained.

Ye Chen knew that Nie Xiaoqian's injury was serious, and he needed to heal her as soon as possible.

Hearing that, Nie Xiaoqian just put the pill into her mouth hurriedly.

The pill pill melted in the mouth, and a cool feeling came out.

Not long after, Nie Xiaoqian felt her body's strength recovered, and the injured area no longer hurts.

She looked at Ye Chen gratefully, and the man in front of her saved her time and time again.

Nie Xiaoqian had never enjoyed this feeling of being protected when she grew up.

She blushed and opened her mouth without making a sound.

"Xiao Qian, are you okay?" Ye Chen asked quickly with a change of expression.

He thought to himself whether this pill had an effect on people, but it had no effect on Nie Xiaoqian, or even a counterproductive effect.

If something unexpected happened to Nie Xiaoqian, Ye Chen would also feel guilty.

"Young Master Ye, I have nothing to do." Nie Xiaoqian replied.

She blushed and continued to ask: "It's just that, I'm just a little bit careful and hope that the son can help me achieve it. Is it possible?"

Ye Chen nodded and said, "But it doesn't hurt to say it."

But her next words really shocked Ye Chen.

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