Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:34 PM

Chapter 1176: 1176

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Ye Chen looked at the girl in front of him but felt distressed. If Song Xiaoxiao married Zhao Kai, she would not be happy in the future.

Song Xiaoxiao seemed to know what Ye Chen was thinking, and sighed and said, "Ye Chen, I know that Dad did this so wronged you just to let you leave me, so that I can be with Zhao Kai, but her abacus wrong."

The reason Song Xiaoxiao had a particularly good attitude towards Zhao Kai before was to let his father relax his vigilance.

So that he felt that he had accepted Zhao Kai, so he would not restrain her.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, Song Xiaoxiao knew that Ye Chen was wronged, but she cooperated with her father to act together in order to be able to come out and meet Ye Chen.

In this way, she could speak out what was in her heart and save Ye Chen from misunderstanding.

"Ye Chen, I know that Zhao Kai's behavior is impossible to joke about his happiness. Zhao Kai wants to marry me. Unless I die, he will never do what he wants in his life." Song Xiaoxiao said with firm eyes.

Song Xiaoxiao is a dedicated girl, and she has already recognized Ye Chen in her heart, so it is not for Ye Chen not to marry in this life.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't have to be like this. Since you are already my woman, I won't let you suffer any harm." Ye Chen looked at the weak girl with pity.

Song Xiaoxiao would become a victim for the family at such a young age, which inevitably made Ye Chen a little distressed.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Song Xiaoxiao's tears flowed down.

This feeling of being protected is really great. There is such a man behind her to shelter her from wind and rain.

At this moment, she was even more convinced that Ye Chen was the one who was going to marry in this life.

"Ye Chen, I..." Song Xiaoxiao was already speechless with excitement.

"Well, let's not talk about these things, let's say something happy." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He felt that the atmosphere of the coffee shop was a bit depressed, so he changed the subject.

Song Xiaoxiao didn't speak, mainly because she couldn't think of anything else that could make her happy.

For the benefit of her father, he wholeheartedly wanted her to marry Zhao Kai. Even if he knew that Zhao Kai was a scumbag, his father still did not change his mind.

Sometimes, Song Xiaoxiao thought that she might not be his father, otherwise how could she push herself into the fire pit cruelly.

Song Xiaoxiao was very upset, she didn't know how to change her father's decision, maybe she couldn't do it at all.

Although Ye Chen said to protect her, she didn't want Ye Chen to be hurt because of herself.

I feel bored after thinking about it.

Ye Chen certainly understood Song Xiaoxiao's feelings, and he hurriedly comforted: "Xiaoxiao, since there are many things that can't be understood and can't be solved, don't think about it for now."

Song Xiaoxiao just nodded, but her mind was still chaotic.

"Xiaoxiao, how about we go to the playground?" Ye Chen suggested.

"Okay." Song Xiaoxiao echoed.

Ye Chen knew that the girl in front of her was not in the mood to play at all, but if she didn't find something for her to do, she would always be horny, maybe this person would be depressed.

As a man, how could he be willing to make the girl he likes depressed.

After buying the order, Ye Chen drove to the playground with the thoughtful Song Xiaoxiao.

Parked the car and the two people walked towards the playground.

Since today is a working day, there are not many people in the playground, and there is no need to queue up.

"Xiaoxiao, we don't want to think about anything today, so we just played happily. How about playing all these items?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Song Xiaoxiao perfunctory Ye Chen, forced a smile on his face.

Ye Chen knew that it was impossible for Song Xiaoxiao not to think about those things, and now he could only distract her from her mind.

It was because Ye Chen had already had an idea in his mind that he could make Zhao Kai retreat in the face of difficulties and no longer think about marrying Song Xiaoxiao.

Song Xiaoxiao suddenly pulled Ye Chen towards the roller coaster.

Seeing the girl's behavior, Ye Chen was also a little surprised.

In Ye Chen's impression, Song Xiaoxiao had very little courage, and he would not touch these dangerous amusement projects easily.

But today is different, Ye Chen is also a little dizzy, and rarely sits on these.

But he can only lay down his life to accompany the gentleman, as long as Song Xiaoxiao can be happy.

So Ye Chen was dragged by Song Xiaoxiao to the roller coaster project. She pointed to the roller coaster and said, "Ye Chen, I want to ride this."

"No problem, I will sit with you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Song Xiaoxiao was also moved a little after hearing this.

She knew about Ye Chen's dizziness.

But even so, Ye Chen was still willing to overcome fear of heights and accompany her.

Originally, Song Xiaoxiao wanted to say that Ye Chen would not be accompanied, but she was really scared from the bottom of her heart.

As long as Ye Chen is by her side, she will feel at ease, and she will feel not afraid of anything.

Since there were not many people, the two were quickly lined up.

Ye Chen and Song Xiaoxiao sat in a row, their hands clasped tightly.

The staff on the side are a little envious, handsome men and beautiful women are really good match.

The roller coaster drove forward slowly, slowly driving towards a higher place.

After reaching the top, the speed of the car suddenly accelerated a lot, and Song Xiaoxiao's heart was already in her throat.

She yelled loudly, as if to shout out all the depression in her heart.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, and all he could do at the moment was to stay by Song Xiaoxiao's side.

That plan needs to be carried out slowly, and the so-called haste is not enough.

In Song Xiaoxiao's scream, the roller coaster went up and down, which was very exciting.

The ride is also quite exciting.

When the car stopped, Song Xiaoxiao slowly opened his eyes.

"Ye Chen, it's really exciting." The girl said with a smile.

Ye Chen stroked her little head with a petting face and said, "Silly girl."

Two people got out of the car and walked towards the front.

Suddenly, Song Xiaoxiao's feet softened and almost fell to the ground. If Ye Chen hadn't been pulling her, she would have fallen hard.

Ye Chen knew that Song Xiaoxiao was a little afraid that he would be unstable when he was on the roller coaster.

Seeing the girl's pale face, Ye Chen suddenly hugged Song Xiaoxiao.

Song Xiaoxiao was shocked by Ye Chen's behavior.

After all, there are still people around, and she is still a bit shy when being held by Ye Chen like this under the eyes of everyone.

The pale little face also regained its blood color, and even turned red.

"Ye Chen, you quickly let me down, I can go by myself." Song Xiaoxiao said hurriedly.

"What are you afraid of, you are my woman, whoever dares to have an opinion when I walk with you." Ye Chen said domineeringly.

As Ye Chen said, everyone was not disgusted with Ye Chen's actions.

Several girls even looked at Song Xiaoxiao who was shy in Ye Chen's arms with envy.

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