Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:44 PM

Chapter 118: 118

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Ye Chen looked at Chen Bin jokingly: "By the way, you just said that if I prove to be false, you have to give me one million, right?"

Chen Bin took a deep breath: "My fourth master Chen will naturally count the money and I will give it to you."

Although the blue and white porcelain was broken, I couldn't lose face.

Playing antiques is about credibility, so even if you break your teeth, you have to swallow it.

Chen Bin took a deep breath, pretending to be indifferent and clasped his fists at the crowd, saying: "I Chen Bin punched my eyes today to make everyone laugh. I also want to thank my little brother for throwing this porcelain for me. I will also absorb this time. Lesson, everyone is gone!"

When the crowd dispersed, Chen Bin said to Ye Chen with a smile, "Little brother, go to my Tongbao Building and sit for a cup of tea, so I can prepare money for you."

Ye Chen sneered in his heart, drinking tea and preparing money? Why don't I believe you are so kind.

But Ye Chen nodded: "Okay."

"Yes, you go back first, I have tea and chat with Mr. Chen."

Ye Qian asked worriedly; "Can you be alone?"

"No problem, don't worry." Ye Chen smiled.

Although Ye Qian was worried, she had to leave when she saw Ye Chen's indifferent expression.

Ye Chen entered Tongbao Building, and the guy at the door closed the door.

The smile on Chen Bin's face suddenly disappeared.

"Boy, you are so bold that you dared to smash my 30 million blue and white porcelain."

Ye Chen saw Chen Bin turn his face and suddenly smiled: "Why, don't you say you still have to give me a million rewards? Want to regret it?"

"Huh, kid, you still want one million for smashing my blue and white porcelain. Today I want you to have a leg as compensation." Chen Bin said fiercely.

Ye Chen laughed suddenly after hearing this: "Do you dare?"

Seeing Ye Chen's calm and relaxed look, Chen Bin was taken aback.

The kid couldn't laugh until he died.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door banging banging outside.

Chen Bin frowned: "Tell the people outside that I won't see guests today."

But soon, a buddy ran in.

"Si Ye, the person here is Li Kun, the property manager of Taobao Street."

"Why is he here?" Chen Bin was taken aback for a moment.

Although Chen Bin is very powerful on Taobao Street, the property manager is also afraid to provoke him.

"You guys watch him."

With that, Chen Bin walked outside in a panic.

"Mr. Li, why are you here?" Chen Bin said with a smile.

"Ye is always not here with you." Li Kun asked anxiously.

"Which Chief Ye is President Ye?" Li Kun was taken aback for a moment.

"The one who just broke your vase is Mr. Ye. He is our second largest shareholder in Taobao Street?"

"What?" Chen Bin took a breath.

If it is an ordinary person, he will fight if he hits.

The other party is the second largest shareholder of Taobao Street.

If he provokes Ye Chen, he still wants to do it on Taobao Street.

I rub!

Chen Bin is going crazy.

How can I offend such an awesome character?

"Did you do anything to Mr. Ye?" Li Kun asked when he noticed something.

"No, no, how dare I." Chen Bin wiped his sweat.

It's just a little bit special.

If Ye Chen really moved, he would be dead today.

"Mr. Ye is drinking tea in the house." Chen Bin said embarrassingly.

Li Kun took a look at Chen Bin and walked quickly into the inner room.

Ye Chen really sat down and drank tea leisurely.

"Mr. Ye, I'm Li Kun, the property manager of Taobao Street. Chen Bin didn't embarrass you just now, right?" Li Kun asked after taking a look at the big men in the room.

"No, we talked very well. Chen Bin insisted on worshipping me as a teacher, so he didn't need to pay me two million as a teacher."

"I wipe it!" Chen Bin was going crazy.

When does Lao Tzu go to apprentice with you?

Chen Bin knew that if Li Kun knew that he was going to deal with Ye Chen, he would definitely not have a good fruit to eat. He quickly said, "Yeah, Mr. Ye's level of appraisal is too high. I'm thinking about studying with Mr. Ye."

Li Kun nodded: "That's good, Mr. Chen Binye is an important partner of the boss, you should know what to do."

Chen Bin gritted his teeth angrily.

Obviously hated Ye Chen's tooth root itching, but he couldn't afford it.


Ye Chen carried two million and was sent out of Tongbao Building by Chen Bin respectfully.

After Ye Chen left Tongbao Building, he did not leave, but sat in the car.

The sky was getting dark.

Several cars in Tongbao Building drove out.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised, and it seemed that he was right.

Several cars entered the mountain and then stopped in a ravine.

Ye Chen hid in the jungle and saw this group of people entering the mountain col with tools for robbing the tomb.

Sure enough, these guys are tomb robbers.

Ye Chen confirmed that the other party had left quietly during the tomb robbery.

In the middle of the night, the moon was dark and the wind was high.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and the whole city was quiet.

A Land Rover drove into an abandoned factory.

The car was parked in the yard, and several people got out of the car.

"Four Lord, this time you went out in person."

Chen Bin gritted his teeth.

"Today, I lost 30 million in a single business. Ye Chen, that bastard, I will kill him if I find a chance."

"Don't worry Si Ye, this time we have gained a lot, if these goods are sold, at least several hundred million."

Chen Bin nodded: "After doing this business, you don't have to live in fear for the rest of your life."

At this moment, a dazzling light came not far away.

"Come!" one of them exclaimed excitedly.

One of the guys took out the flashlight and shook it towards the sky.

Afterwards, the surroundings returned to quiet.

The car drove slowly into the yard.

After the car stopped, a thin young man jumped out of the car.

Then a few people got off the car, opened the trunk, and carried out a large box.

Chen Bin walked to the box excitedly and said, "I have been waiting for this batch of goods for a long time, and I can finally get it."

The skinny young man said: "This time we stolen the Tomb of the Han King. The treasure in it is tens of millions. The boss this time we sent it out."

Chen Bin nodded: "However, we must be careful this time when we sell the goods. If we let the note catch our attention, it will be a matter of losing our heads."

"Okay, let's inspect the goods." Chen Bin said, letting someone open the box.

In the box are some porcelain and some ancient knives.

If these things are seen by archaeologists, they are definitely treasures, because these treasures have strong research value.

Unfortunately, these precious cultural relics fell into the hands of these tomb thieves.

Chen Bin picked up a porcelain, looked at it and nodded: "This is a good thing, and it can be worth tens of millions when shipped overseas."

"This time, what we dug up is a tomb of the Han King. Of course, the harvest is not small." The thin young man said proudly.

Chen Bin nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "The goods are okay, let's load the truck."

A buddy was holding the box and preparing to put it in the Land Rover.

at this time……

Counting to the intense light, the whole abandoned factory shines as bright as day!

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