Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:21 PM

Chapter 1183: 1183

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Feeling the anger in Ye Chen's eyes, Cao Yang paled with fright.

He knew that Ye Chen couldn't easily let him go, but Cao Yang still wanted to give it a try.

Cao Yang said nervously, "Ye Chen, I think you should know that killing is illegal."

Ye Chen is really capable of doing anything now, and Cao Yang's treatment of Song Xiaoxiao in this way is completely touching his negative scales.

Song Xiaoxiao was also very nervous, she was afraid that Ye Chen would do impulsive things for her.

"Ye Chen, let's forget it, let's go." Song Xiaoxiao said, pulling Ye Chen's arm.

If Ye Chen did something illegal because of her, she would feel guilty for a lifetime.

Ye Chen stroked Song Xiaoxiao's head and smiled: "Silly girl, don't worry."

After speaking, he walked towards Cao Yang step by step.

"Killing you simply dirty my hands, I won't do that." Ye Chen stared at Cao Yang and said.

Hearing this, Cao Yang's hanging heart was let go, as if the stone in his heart had fallen to the ground.

Since Ye Chen said this, it proved that he was willing to take his own life.

"Thank you, Ye Chen, for letting me go this time." Cao Yang said with gratitude.

He said he was going to run out.

"Wait, did I let you go?" Ye Chen said coldly.

Cao Yang's feet seemed to be stuck, unable to move a step.

"Ye Chen, what else do you want to tell?" Cao Yang said hurriedly.

"I spared your life, but I didn't say not to teach you." Ye Chen said in a cold voice.

"Ye Chen, what do you want?" Cao Yang asked with wide eyes.

He originally thought that Ye Chen just said that to let him go, but he didn't expect to hear it.

"In order to prevent you from harming other girls, I must bother your legs." Ye Chen said coldly.

As he spoke, he had already kicked Cao Yang's right leg.

Only hearing a scream of "Ah", Cao Yang fell to the ground unsteadily.

He tried many times without standing up.

Now that Cao Yang had learned his lesson, Ye Chen didn't need to stay here anymore.

He took Song Xiaoxiao's hand and walked out of the box.

Coming to the bar, Song Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen apologetically: "Ye Chen, I'm sorry, it's all because I caused you to fight with those people."

"Silly girl, I haven't had anything at all, you don't see any injuries, and I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time, just exercise." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Then he frowned and asked, "By the way, Xiaoxiao, why are you in the bar so late?"

He knew exactly what kind of girl Song Xiaoxiao was. It was impossible for her to stay outside so late, let alone go to a bar.

Ye Chen felt that there must be a special reason for Song Xiaoxiao to appear in the bar so late.

"Ye Chen, I was tricked by my roommate." Song Xiaoxiao said aggrievedly.

When she thought of Li Mei, she felt very wronged. She kindly sent her money so late, but she didn't expect a big conspiracy to be waiting for her.

Song Xiaoxiao knew that Li Mei was jealous of her, but did not expect a girl to do such a thing.

"Roommate?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's the girl we saw in the amusement park in the morning. She was called Li Mei." Song Xiaoxiao replied.

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Chen asked again.

Song Xiaoxiao told Ye Chen exactly what happened.

Ye Chen became more angry as he listened, and looked at the girl in front of him with pity.

He hated this Li Mei.

This girl is so hateful that she is so cruel to frame her roommate.

"Okay, Ye Chen, things are over, but fortunately, if you arrive in time or the consequences will be unimaginable." Song Xiaoxiao said slowly.

Now she still has some lingering fears, and she has been afraid of it all the time.

Song Xiaoxiao doesn't need to be held accountable, but it is impossible for Ye Chen to let his woman be bullied in vain.

Ye Chen had already decided that Li Mei must be taught a lesson, so that she would save her to harm others in the future.

"It's so late, don't go back to school, I'll take you to the hotel," Ye Chen said.

Hearing these words, Song Xiaoxiao's pretty face turned red, and her heart was pounding.

The two got into the car and Ye Chen drove towards the Huanyu Hotel.

Along the way, Song Xiaoxiao looked nervous, she didn't know what was about to happen.

"Xiaoxiao, what did you think?" Ye Chen asked while looking at the girl next to her.

"No, nothing." Song Xiaoxiao said hurriedly.

She couldn't tell Ye Chen that she was thinking about that kind of shame.

After the sports car drove for a while, it came to the Huanyu Hotel.

Ye Chen parked the car, and the two got out of the car.

When they walked into the hotel, the waiters saw Ye Chen and shouted respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Ye."

It is reasonable to say that when you come to the hotel, you must go to the front desk to go through the formalities, but Ye Chen did not do so.

Instead, he took Song Xiaoxiao to the elevator and went straight to room 818.

Ye Chen took out the room card, swiped the door lightly, and opened.

This is a presidential suite, which Ye Chen asked the hotel to keep for him.

After all, there are many houses here, so Ye Chen rarely stays in hotels.

"Xiaoxiao, go in." Ye Chen said, pointing inside.

Song Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and walked inside. She didn't know what was waiting for her.

Maybe it was because he knew the girl's mind, Ye Chen also shook his head helplessly, he was not such a man who took advantage of others.

Not to mention Song Xiaoxiao's possession of her when she was just experiencing that kind of thing.

"Xiaoxiao, go to the bathroom and wash it." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Just now because she wanted to escape from Cao Yang's claws, she was constantly struggling in the box. Song Xiaoxiao's body was full of sweat, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Song Xiaoxiao nodded and walked towards the bathroom, showering the water on her body very comfortably.

But when she was just halfway through the washing, one thing suddenly occurred to her, that is, she only has the clothes she wears.

Looking around, Song Xiaoxiao did not see the bathrobe, only a bath towel hung on it.

This presidential suite is exclusively for Ye Chen. He doesn't need to wear it so tightly in the room alone, so he put the bathrobe in the cabinet.

At this time, Ye Chen also suddenly remembered this matter, that is, there is no bathrobe in the bathroom, how did Song Xiaoxiao come out.

He hurriedly came to the room, opened the cabinet and took out the bathrobe. As soon as he was about to walk to the bathroom, he saw Song Xiaoxiao walking out wrapped in a bath towel.

Song Xiaoxiao still has some wet hair draped over her shoulders, her skin is like condensed fat, her pretty face is puffed with water vapor, she looks **** and cute.

Her body exudes the allure that makes men want to stop.

With her eyes facing each other, Song Xiaoxiao hurriedly lowered her head, she had already seen the blazing flames in Ye Chen's eyes.

If this continues, she will truly become Ye Chen's woman today.

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