Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:43 PM

Chapter 119: 119

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Countless police rushed over and surrounded several people.

Seeing the police rushing over, several people were instantly stupid.

"Run." Chen Bin shouted in surprise and ran away.

But they have been surrounded by the police and have nowhere to go.

Chen Bin wanted to go over the wall, but he just got over the wall and his foot was caught by a big hand.

"It's you?" Chen Bin lowered his head and saw Ye Chen, his face suddenly became difficult to look.

Ye Chen tried hard: "You come down to me."


Chen Bin fell to the ground.

"Is it the policeman you called?" Chen Bin gritted his teeth.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "That's right, it's me. By the way, do you know someone who introduced you to you?"

At this moment, a girl flashed behind Ye Chen.

When seeing that girl, Chen Bin's expression changed: "Are you?"

Lin You You looked at Chen Bin who fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed way and said coldly, "Do you still know me?"

Chen Bin suddenly sounded: "Is it you?"

"Yes, our family was ruined by you, but you are still at ease right now. It's a godly eye."


Lin Youyou lifted her high heels and kicked directly at the key position of Chen Bin.


Chen Bin let out a heart-piercing scream.

This kick vented all the grievances Lin Youyou had felt for so many years, and Chen Bin, who was in pain, almost fainted.

At this time, several policemen rushed over and escorted Chen Bin away.

Lin Youyou cried bitterly at the sky.

"Brother, I finally avenge your hatred for you."

Ye Chen stood by and said nothing.

Over the years, Lin Youyou has suffered too many grievances.

Today's revenge has been avenged, and she should vent her out.

Lin Youyou looked at Ye Chen and said seriously; "Ye Chen, thank you, I will be your woman from now on."

Ye Chen: "..."

Lin Youyou's revenge is revenge, and she can concentrate on doing things for herself.

The next day, Ye Chen continued to open didi.

Just after finishing an order, Ye Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

He Jia called.

"Ye Chen, what have you been up to lately? Ignore them."

Ye Chen said embarrassingly, "Isn't I running dick?"

He Jia smiled and said, "Huh, are you going to run didi or pick up girls? You don't even tell me when you move."

Originally the two were very close, but later He Jia discovered that Ye Chen had moved to Tangchen Yipin.

Sometimes only Ye Chen’s parents come to live in the villa.

Among Ye Chen's classmates, only He Jia was still in contact.

The main reason is that He Jia has a very good personality. He will not lick you just because you have money, nor will he dislike you because you have no money.

No matter who she is, she is a normal heart.

He Jia said: "By the way, it's really something to call you, do you remember Ma Jincheng?"

Ye Chen froze for a moment: "That one won the first prize in the district high school composition contest based on the composition title "My Dad is the District Chief"?"

He Jia smiled and said, "Yes, that's Ma Jincheng. He has returned from studying abroad."

Ye Chen remembered that this guy was very high-profile and wanted to be No. 1 in everything.

It's a pity that he met Ye Chen, and Ye Chen perfectly crushed everything.

He Jia smiled and said, "Ma Jincheng asked our classmates to go to Yunlong Villa to play, and he asked me to contact our classmates."

"Why is this guy so generous."

He Jia smiled and said, "It's showing off, now I am a director."

The students in Ma Jincheng’s character class know that they like to show off everything.

But Ye Chen really wanted to visit the suburbs too.

Yunlong Villa is on the outskirts of the magic city, surrounded by mountains and a large lake with beautiful scenery, which is a good place for leisure.

"Well, then I will give him a face." Ye Chen smiled.

"Well, then I'll sign up for you."

"Okay, is it the AA system or is it?"

"Ma Jincheng said that all the expenses of this game will be paid by him."

Ye Chen nodded. Originally, he wanted to do it for his classmates. Since someone was being taken advantage of, then he didn't have to fight with the other party.

"Haha people are rich now, not short of money." He Jia laughed.

"Well, great. I like free." Ye Chen smiled.

"You guy, the first local tyrant in the class, you always cry poor." He Jia said silently.

"I'm really poor. Although I have a lot of shares, I can't cash it out. If I don't want to be poor, I can open didi."

"Okay, didn't you say that is called experiencing life?"

The two ridiculed each other.

He Jia likes Ye Chen's character very much. Although he is rich, he is very low-key.

It's not like some men like to pretend if they have money, like this Ma Jincheng.


At this time, in the Magic Capital Financial Center.

A man sneezed.

Who is thinking of me again?

Ma Jincheng looked at the Pujiang River outside the window with high spirits.

Magic City, I'm back.

Ye Chen, I'm back.

Now Ma Jincheng is the director of a well-known Rick Venture Capital company in China. He manages dozens of senior white-collar workers with an annual salary of one million.

For people his age, such an achievement is already considered a successful man.

Ma Jincheng is very satisfied with his life.

Now he has a luxurious office, an assistant, and even a secretary makes him coffee every day. She enjoys this life very much.

Moreover, his position in the company is also very high, ranking third after the chairman and president.

This time when he returned to the magic city, the first thing he thought of was to meet his former high school classmates.

High school has always been a not-so-beautiful memory for him.

It's all because of Ye Chen.

He is completely different now. This time he has to turn the tide and pretend to be forced by this class reunion.

He couldn't compare to Ye Chen in terms of appearance.

In terms of achievements, he is still the second in a thousand years.

So in Ma Jincheng's heart, the memories of high school are extremely imperfect because of Ye Chen's existence.

Because of Ye Chen's existence, he has been shrouded in Ye Chen's halo.

Especially Ye Chen, although low-key, both boys and girls like to gather around him.

No matter what Ye Chen did, it was as if he had a halo of his own.

However, now he is back as the king of Ma Jincheng.

What's the use of being handsome? In today's society, it's not about your face but your strength.

He thinks he is second in the class and no one dares to say first.

Ma Jincheng couldn't wait to pretend to be forced.

This time he wants to prove to his classmates that he Ma Jincheng is the most beautiful boy in the first two grades of high school.

He is the ultimate winner, the one who stands at the pinnacle of life.

He wants all his classmates to look up to his identity, status and wealth.

Especially Ye Chen, he wants to crush this guy under his feet to make him feel inferior and envy.

Ma Jincheng couldn't help laughing when he thought of Ye Chen's humble appearance in front of him.

"What a beautiful age in high school, this time I have to make up for my regrets."

Ye Chen, this time I must step on you. I am the center of Grade One and Two, the ultimate king of Grade One and Two.


Early the next morning, Ye Chen drove Cullinan straight to Yunlong Villa.

Ye Chen followed the highway to the pleasant Yunlong Scenic Area.

The fresh air and the fragrance of flowers and plants made Ye Chen's mood unbearable and improved.

Ye Chen parked the car in the parking lot, got out of the car, and walked towards the hotel in the villa.

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang, and he stopped, leaning against a broken Jetta to answer the phone.

It just so happened that Ma Jincheng came over in his Porsche!

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