Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:08 PM

Chapter 1190: 1190

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Seeing the behavior of the savage, Ye Chen was also a little moved.

But he knew that the savage did so, it was tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble.

It seems that if you want to escape the danger, Ye Chen still needs him to go out. What Ye Chen can think of are those sharp guys.

He had acquired Heavenly Sword and Silver Spear before. Either of these two things was fine.

But in this case, Ye Chen felt that the silver spear was more appropriate.

His thoughts moved, like a conjure, a silver spear appeared in his hand.

The savage looked at Ye Chen blankly, thinking that this person was really amazing.

Ye Chen looked at the savage and motioned him to stay away. For Ye Chen, the savage was his burden now.

Maybe the Tyrannosaurus knew that it was not Ye Chen's opponent who would turn the spear to the Savage, and it would be trickier then.

Moreover, to deal with the Tyrannosaurus rex, a quick battle must be made, and the province's Tyrannosaurus companions will come over.

A Tyrannosaurus Rex Ye Chen still had the confidence to deal with it, if there were more, he would be unsure.

The savage understood his mind and hid in the bushes aside.

Ye Chen knew that carnivorous dinosaurs had very good eyesight. Of course, Tyrannosaurus could see wild people hiding in the grass.

However, it is completely impossible for Tyrannosaurus to bypass him to chase the savages, and Ye Chen is sure of this.

Sure enough, the Tyrannosaurus ignored the savage, but launched an attack on Ye Chen.

It wanted to trample Ye Chen to death with that sharp and huge sole, but it tried many times without success.

Ye Chen dexterously avoided the attack again and again, and even pierced the body of the Tyrannosaurus with a silver spear.

The Tyrannosaurus rex saw that not only did not succeed, but was stabbed by the silver spear a few times, it was also a little angry. It lowered its head and wanted to kill the annoying guy in front of it.

Ye Chen knew that the opportunity had come, and a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

I once learned some knowledge about Tyrannosaurus rex in textbooks. Their skin is so thick that even sharp things can't penetrate them, let alone make them feel painful.

Of course, just like human beings, everyone will have his weaknesses. Ye Chen knew that the weakness of Tyrannosaurus rex was his eyes.

This is really knowledge changing fate.

If Ye Chen hadn't learned this, how could he know how to deal with this huge guy.

Tyrannosaurus rex angrily tried to bite Ye Chen with his mouth, but Ye Chen avoided it.

Seeing Ye Chen and the Tyrannosaurus fighting ceaselessly, the savage also squeezed a cold sweat for him, and prayed silently for Ye Chen in his heart.

Now he has regarded Ye Chen as his relatives, and no one has ever given him such delicious food and stepped forward when he was in crisis.

When the Tyrannosaurus rex lowered his head again to want Ye Chen, he saw Ye Chen pierce the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus with the silver spear in his hand.

This time is really fast and accurate, and Tyrannosaurus can't dodge it.

"It's great." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

The blood flowed from the eye that was pierced by the silver spear of Tyrannosaurus rex, making it impossible to see what was in front of him at all.

But even so, the Tyrannosaurus still attacked frantically.

It's just that this attack didn't cause any harm to Ye Chen at all.

Ye Chen didn't keep dodge like before, but stood aside and looked at this angry Tyrannosaurus rex, listening to the constant roar of its mouth.

At this moment, the Tyrannosaurus rex was like a headless fly, and it was all useless.

After a short while, Tyrannosaurus rex stopped, because it had just consumed too much stamina, I felt a little tired now.

Ye Chen didn't mean to kill the Tyrannosaurus at all, he just wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus had no strength, Ye Chen just hurriedly rode a motorcycle towards the bush where the savage was hiding.

When the motorcycle drove through the grass, the wild man jumped into the car with agility.

A smile appeared on Ye Chen's face, thinking that this savage is also quite smart.

Seeing that Ye Chen and the Savage were about to run, the Tyrannosaurus wanted to catch up, but just after a few steps, his body fell forward.

Hearing the loud noise behind him, Ye Chen's hanging heart was completely let go.

He knew it was impossible for Tyrannosaurus to catch up, and he and the savages were completely safe.

The motorcycle drove another distance, and Ye Chen stopped.

He asked the system, "System, do dinosaurs often appear in this area?"

"Host, it's safe here. Dinosaurs occasionally appear, but they are all herbivorous." The system replied.

Hearing that, Ye Chen got off the motorcycle and motioned to the savage to also get down.

The savage got off the motorcycle according to Ye Chen's intention, looked at Ye Chen gratefully, and suddenly walked towards him and hugged him tightly.

Seeing this behavior of the savage, Ye Chen was also shocked.

"Okay, okay, I can only send you here, and I can't stay in this world for too long." Ye Chen patted the savage on the shoulder and said.

Although he knew that the savage could not understand what he said, Ye Chen still wanted to tell him.

The savage released Ye Chen and smiled at him slightly.

Ye Chen smiled back at him, then rode on the motorcycle and gestured goodbye to the savage.

The savage also followed suit and waved at Ye Chen, tears flowed out of his eyes.

"Ride on my beloved motorcycle, it will never get stuck in traffic..." Ye Chen hummed a little song and drove towards the wormhole according to the system's prompts.

On the way, he never encountered any danger again.

Seeing the wormhole in front of him, Ye Chen showed a smile on his face, speeding up and riding in.

In just a moment, Ye Chen reappeared in the corner of the parking lot that the surveillance camera couldn't reach.

Ye Chen hurriedly got on the elevator and came to the Xicha shop.

Seeing Ye Chen coming back, Song Xiaoxiao said with a worried look: "Ye Chen, are you better? I still worry about you."

"Fool, it's getting better, don't worry." Ye Chen said, stroking Song Xiaoxiao's hair.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the expression on Song Xiaoxiao's face eased a lot.

Ye Chen knew that they had to wait a long time before it was their turn, so he found a place to sit down with Song Xiaoxiao.

Although they knew that Ye Chen already had a girlfriend, the two girls couldn't help but looked over here.

Ye Chen nodded at them out of politeness, but Song Xiaoxiao saw this scene.

"Ye Chen, you are mine. You are not allowed to scowl with other girls." The girl opposite said suddenly.

Hearing that, Ye Chen was also speechless for a while, he was really wronged, and he couldn't clean it even after jumping into the Yellow River.

Just when he was depressed, the voice of the system suddenly rang in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the Wanjie takeaway order and will receive system rewards."

Ye Chen had mixed feelings when he saw this reward.

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