Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:00 PM

Chapter 1194: 1194

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Song Xiaoxiao gave Ye Chen a white look and said, "If you don't say it, don't say it."

After dinner, the two walked out of the shop and drove the car out of the parking lot.

It's not too late now, Song Xiaoxiao intends to sing nursery rhymes, and Ye Chen will accompany her to go with her.

"Ye Chen, you are so kind." Song Xiaoxiao said happily.

"Just do this, you are too easy to be satisfied," Ye Chen said, touching her little head.

Ye Chen felt that it was normal to be with his girlfriend, but Song Xiaoxiao was a little touched.

Because those good friends around her often tell her that men are selfish, and all they think about is themselves.

So Song Xiaoxiao felt fear in her heart about finding a boyfriend.

But when I came into contact with Ye Chen, it didn't feel like the sisters said.

On the contrary, when two people were together, Ye Chen thought about her, which made Song Xiaoxiao feel that Ye Chen was better.

Two people came to the nearby ktv. There were more people singing at this time, so they had to wait.

Song Xiaoxiao frowned when he saw the people waiting for the box around him: "Ye Chen, you see there are so many people, I don't want to wait anymore, let's change the day."

She yawned as she talked, probably because of Li Mei's thing that she slept too late yesterday, so she felt sleepy.

Seeing Song Xiaoxiao's tired face, Ye Chen nodded and said, "Well then, let's go."

Ye Chen and Song Xiaoxiao got in the car, and the car had just driven for a while.

Song Xiaoxiao could not help feeling sleepy with the sound of music in the car, and fell asleep slowly.

When she opened her eyes again, she realized that this road was not the direction to school.

"Ye Chen, you have gone the wrong way. This is not the direction to our school." Song Xiaoxiao rubbed his distressed eyes and said.

"Well, I know, this is the way to my house." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Ye Chen, go to your house? Why do I want to go to your house? I want to go back to school." Song Xiaoxiao hurriedly asked.

"The main reason is that I think it's getting a little late. Is your school closed." Ye Chen asked for a reason casually.

In fact, he was mainly worried that Song Xiaoxiao would be retaliated by Li Mei when he returned, but he couldn't tell Song Xiaoxiaoming about this matter.

If you tell this girl, it must be another seven unambiguous and eight indifferent appearances.

An innocent girl like Song Xiaoxiao is really not Li Mei's opponent, and she is designated to suffer.

Ye Chen never wanted something like that to happen anymore. He wanted to protect Song Xiaoxiao from any harm.

"It's okay Ye Chen, I know the security guard at the school gate, they will definitely let me in." Song Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Song Xiaoxiao said, "Ye Chen, the reason why you don't want me to go back to school is there any concern in your heart, you are afraid that Li Mei will hurt me again, right?"

Song Xiaoxiao asked very straightforwardly.

In her impression, Ye Chen was not the kind of man who brought girls to the house overnight.

There must be a reason for this plan. The only thing that can be thought of is Li Mei.

With the incident that happened last night, Song Xiaoxiao also had some lingering fears.

But Li Mei is her roommate after all. She can't always avoid her because of fear. Two people living in the same dormitory must meet each other.

Song Xiaoxiao had to face this fact, and Ye Chen had his own affairs, he couldn't protect himself all the time.

The only way is to make yourself stronger and face those problems.

Song Xiaoxiao thought in her heart.

Hearing that, Ye Chen nodded, thinking that the girl Song Xiaoxiao still seemed a bit clever.

He originally thought Song Xiaoxiao was just a little girl who didn't know the world, but now it seems that he was wrong.

"Indeed, you embarrassed Li Mei with so many people in the classroom today. With her character, it is impossible to give up like this. I am really afraid that you will be hurt by her again." Ye Chen said with concern in his heart. Came out.

"Ye Chen, don't worry, I assure you that nothing will happen." Song Xiaoxiao said seriously.

"All right, I'll send you back to school." Ye Chen said with a smile.

As soon as Ye Chen hit the steering wheel, the car turned around and drove towards Song Xiaoxiao's school.

It didn't take long to drive, and I came to the vicinity of the school.

Ye Chen saw a few people standing around the corner, sneaking up there.

These people wear floral shirts and dye their hair in various colors. They are not good people at first glance.

Song Xiaoxiao didn't notice the existence of these people, and still chatted with Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, in fact, sometimes I feel that Li Mei is also very pitiful, without the love of his parents, nor can I feel the warmth of the family." Song Xiaoxiao sighed and said.

Ye Chen thought that poor people must have something to hate.

However, he didn't say this sentence, but looked at Song Xiaoxiao and said: "Xiaoxiao, you have to beware of Li Mei, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Okay, don't worry, I'm leaving, pay attention to safety on your way." Song Xiaoxiao waved at Ye Chen.

Song Xiaoxiao got out of the car, completely unaware of the danger around him.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, this girl really has no sense of crisis.

The men in ambush did not dare to act rashly when they saw Song Xiaoxiao getting off a sports car.

Just as they were about to leave, a cold voice sounded behind them: "Since they are all here, don't leave in such a hurry."

The sound that suddenly sounded also shocked these gangsters.

They turned their heads and looked at the young man standing before them.

"Boy, do we know each other?" one of the yellow hairs asked.

"We didn't know each other before, but don't we just know each other now." Ye Chen said lightly.

"I don't have the time to get acquainted with you. We still have things and don't want to waste time here." Another man said coldly.

Then he continued: "Let's go, and come back tomorrow, I don't believe that we can't stop that little girl."

Seeing what this means, the man who speaks should be a little boss here.

Sure enough, everyone else followed him.

"Wait, did I let you go?" Ye Chen said coldly.

Hearing that, the man who just spoke was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, boy, did you dare to block my uncle's way because your head was kicked by a donkey? I see if you ate the bear-hearted leopard. Dare."

The subordinates around him also smiled and said: "I think this kid provokes the second master, and he will definitely end badly."

"Boy, you quickly apologize to the second master, we can forget the blame." The yellow hair stared at Ye Chen and said.

"What second master, where did this thing come from, why haven't I heard of it?" Ye Chen shook his head and said.

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