Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:38 PM

Chapter 120: 120

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Seeing Ye Chen next to the Jetta, Ma Jincheng looked smug.

Ma Jincheng stopped the car beside Ye Chen and glanced at the Po Jetta beside Ye Chen.

It seems that Ye Chen is really not good enough, otherwise, how could he drive a bad car like Jetta.

This is so bad if you don't want to pretend to be forced.

"Ye Chen, long time no see." Ma Jincheng said triumphantly.

"Yeah, Jincheng, it's been a long time since I saw you." Ye Chen said hello with a smile.

Ma Jincheng looked at Ye Chen's clothes even more proudly.

He was wearing a Hermes of hundreds of thousands, and Ye Chen's clothes looked like a miscellaneous brand, which was not of the same grade at all.

In fact, Ma Jincheng would never have imagined that Ye Chen's miscellaneous clothes in his eyes are casual clothes designed for him by the designer of Gucci himself. The value is several million, which is not comparable to his ordinary suit.

Ma Jincheng was actually a little disappointed.

If Ye Chen succeeded in his career, then he would still feel a little challenged.

Ye Chen is so ordinary now, completely crushed by himself.

Thinking of this, Ma Jincheng is in a good mood.

After stopping the car, he talked and laughed with Ye Chen with a happy face, like an old friend who hadn't seen each other for many years.


In the hall, a lot of classmates have come.

He Jia, Tian Lili, and Feng Tao are all here.

Seeing Ma Jincheng and Feng Tao said: "Yeah, Jincheng, your Hermes is not cheap, right."

"Where is it? It's only two hundred thousand."

"Fuck two hundred thousand, my salary for a year."

A classmate couldn't help but vomit.

"I saw you came here in a Porsche just now. It's fine." Tian Lili also said with a smile.

Ma Jincheng was very happy listening to the compliments of his classmates, but he smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a means of transportation."

Although proud, Ma Jincheng always kept this low-key, humble expression on his face.

He understood that the highest state of pretending to be invisible pretending to be.

"Jincheng, which big company you are high in, so proud."

"Haha, what big company is just the director of Rick Group, a small company.

"Rick Group, oh my god, it's a famous venture capital company in the magic city, with a market value of 20 billion. How could it be a small company." Tian Lili couldn't help sighing.

"I've also heard that Rick Group ranks third in the venture capital field. You turned out to be the director. No wonder it's so awesome." Feng Tao couldn't help but flatter.

Hearing two people sing and flatter, Ma Jincheng was very happy.

You continue to help me blow, don't stop.

Ma Jincheng waved his hand and said, "Okay, regardless of the status of our classmates, we only talk about feelings. The most important thing is to have a good time."

He knew that the more he didn't mention it, his classmates would be curious, so that the effect of his pretense would come out.

You don't want to pretend to be coerced, but others force you to pretend to be coerced. That kind of pretending to be the best.

Ma Jincheng calmly enjoyed the enviable gazes of his classmates, how cool and cool he was in his heart.

He finally regained the feeling of being a king that he had lost in high school.

In front of these ants, the title of the king deserves it.

Ye Chen had long seen that Ma Jincheng had been pretending to be coerced, he smiled and said nothing.

On pretending to be forced, you are just a primary school student in front of my brother.

Ma Jincheng seemed to be the convener of the party, taking his classmates to eat, drink and have fun.

The students also had a great time.


At this time, a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle parked in the parking lot of Yunlong Villa.

A middle-aged man in a suit got out of the car.

His eyes lit up when he saw that Cullinan.

"I seem to have seen this car somewhere."

The secretary beside him said, "This car is owned by Ye Chen, the owner of the Financial Building."

"Ye Chen, is he here too?"

The middle-aged man named Wu Peng is the chairman of Rick Group.

Recently, Ye Chen's name is almost coming out of its cocoon, and it is often heard in the gatherings of business elites like them.

Moreover, he also knew that Ye Chen had just acquired the Financial Building, he was the boss of Magic City Commercial Pedestrian Street, and even the majority shareholder of Yida Group.

Every identity surprised Wu Peng.

This made Wu Peng determined that he must make friends with Ye Chen.

This chance encounter here, Wu Peng will naturally not miss it.

He said to the secretary; "You must find Mr. Ye Chen when you go around the villa."

"Yes!" The secretary nodded and turned to leave.

Ye Chen and his classmates played all morning and finally it was time for dinner.

Lunch is all mountain game, as well as wild vegetables, and the fresh fish in the lake is very rich.

Ma Jincheng is very outspoken: "You can eat, you are welcome."

"Thank you, Mr. Ma." The students had a good time and had a good meal, and they admired Ma Jincheng even more.

"Mr. Ma, I heard that this fish is a specialty of Yunlong Mountain Villa, and it costs a thousand yuan per piece."

Ma Jincheng smiled faintly: "But more than one thousand yuan is nothing, I eat tens of thousands of meals at random."

In the exclamation of everyone, Ma Jincheng once again invisibly pretended to be forced.

Ye Chen talked and laughed with He Jia from beginning to end.

Ma Jincheng was very upset.

He Jia is a beautiful woman in the class. Now he is the most successful person in the class. Shouldn't He Jia be by his side?

Why should Banhua want to be with a dick?

Ma Jincheng's eyes turned his mind.

"Ye Chen, where are you working now?"

The other classmates looked at Ye Chen and suddenly fell silent.

Feng Tao and Tian Lili were also silent for the first time.

Last time at the hotel, the two people pretended to be beaten in the face in front of Ye Chen. This time they naturally learned to behave.

Ye Chen took a bite of the dish and said casually, "I, run didi."

"Run dick?"

Ma Jincheng deliberately made an exaggerated voice: "Ye Chen, you didn't joke with me, why did you make a beep?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "What's wrong with Kaididi? I think it's pretty good."

Ma Jincheng sighed deliberately: "Ye Chen, you are really old, you are all old classmates, why don't you tell me if you have difficulties, you just want face."

Ye Chen was speechless, why did it become difficult for me to open didi?

Ma Jincheng was ecstatic in his heart, this was a good opportunity for him to crush Ye Chen.

It's just that he didn't pay attention. Feng Tao, who usually tends to pretend to be forceful in the class, and like to join in the fun, can't help but bow their heads at this time.

Especially Feng Tao has a feeling of gloating.

He was pretending to be coercive in front of Ye Chen at the beginning, but he was beaten in the face.

He has a feeling that the face-slapped thing will soon happen to Ma Jincheng.

Why don't you find someone to pretend to be compelling, and Ye Chen pretends to be compelling, he is the king of our class, okay?

Ma Jincheng said with a smug expression: "Ye Chen, what do you say is also a student in our class. How can you be so miserable? In fact, you are not good, or you are not good at it. It doesn't matter. Since we are old classmates, I will pull you. Give it a hand!"

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