Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:30:33 PM

Chapter 1205: 1205

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"Ye Chen, but..." Su Wan said excitedly.

Ye Chen didn't let Su Wanyi finish speaking, but said: "Well, Wanyi, this is my willingness, and it has nothing to do with you."

Looking at the man in front of her, Su Wanyi felt warm. She never thought that Ye Chen would offer to help her take care of the company.

I still remember Ye Chen told her before that he hates being **** and likes a free life.

I also hate those intrigues and intrigues in the business world, and I simply don't want to participate.

But today Ye Chen changed her mind for her. Su Wanyi knew how difficult it was for Ye Chen to make this decision.

"Ye Chen, thank you." Su Wanyi plunged into Ye Chen's arms and said with a smile.

"Okay, Xiaochen is so good, Dad didn't misunderstand you." Su's father said with a smile.

There was also a smile on Su's face. Now that Ye Chen helped her daughter to share the burden, she didn't need to worry anymore.

"Parents, tomorrow I will go to see and understand, and then go to school to sign up." Ye Chen said earnestly.

Father Su waved his hand and said, "Xiao Chen, do you still need to go personally for this kind of thing? Although I am old, I can still do this for you."

As he spoke, he took out a folder from the drawer beside him and handed it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen opened it and saw that there were all learning materials and a very eye-catching report sheet.

It seems that the father-in-law has already done everything, and it is not a discussion at all to find him, but has already decided everything.

Looking at the familiar old man in front of him, Ye Chen thought he was a businessman who had been in the business world for many years.

Isn’t there a saying that is good, **** is still old and spicy?

Now that he has decided to join hands with Su Wanyi in the business world, Ye Chen will have to learn more from his father-in-law in the future.

Su Wanyi took the bag in Ye Chen's hand, and then looked at her father again.

Father Su said embarrassedly: “I’m afraid you’re too busy, so I’ve done it to Xiaochen in advance. It saves him time to do these things, and as a man, I know Xiaochen. She is a very A man who loves his wife, Wanyi, see how happy you can meet Ye Chen."

Su Wanyi glanced at her father for nothing, thinking that this was clearly premeditated.

While several people were chatting, Mother Su went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Originally, his father-in-law had done all these things for him to sign up, so Ye Chen should be happy.

But when he saw the school that was about to be reported tomorrow, his heart sank.

Because that school is not the other university Song Xiaoxiao attended, could it be that his father-in-law knew about him and Song Xiaoxiao.

After a while, Su's mother greeted the three of them for dinner.

The family talked and laughed at the dinner table, and the meal was very harmonious.

But the only difference is that Ye Chen seemed a little absent-minded.

All this was seen by the Su family and Su Wanyi.

Su's father and Su's mother didn't care, they just felt that Ye Chen would definitely feel a little uncomfortable going back to school.

But Su Wanyi was a little worried.

After dinner, Su's father wanted Ye Chen to accompany him to play chess, but Su Wanyi used the excuse to say that he was tired and wanted to go home with Ye Chen earlier.

Su's father and Su's mother thought about it this way. The two went home early, maybe they would be able to hug their grandson sooner.

Leaving the Su house, Ye Chen drove the car, looked at Su Wanyi beside him and asked, "Wanyi, where are you going back?"

"What do you mean?" Su Wanyi groaned.

Ye Chen wondered where I know where you want to go. Su Wanyi usually goes back to the company, so it should be this time too.

Seeing that Ye Chen did not answer, Su Wanyi pouted and said, "Ye Chen, do you want to send me back to the company? We have not seen each other for so many days, don't you miss me?"

Hearing that, Ye Chen felt wronged in his heart. He was really wronged. How could he not want Su Wanyi.

But what's the use? In Su Wanyi's heart, career is more important than him.

"Wan Yi, of course I miss you. I want you to be by my side every day." Ye Chen said what he hadn't said in his heart.

After Su Wanyi heard it, her eyes turned red and tears rolled in her eyes.

"Wanyi, well, what are you crying for?" Ye Chen felt distressed when he saw the expression on Su Wanyi's face.

He is most afraid of girls crying, especially his beloved girl.

"Nothing, I just feel that I owe you a lot, I am not a competent girlfriend." Su Wanyi said.

"First of all you don't owe me anything. Second, you are not my girlfriend at all, but my wife. You must remember this. If you make a mistake next time, I will punish you." Ye Chen smiled. Said.

Su Wanyi heard what Ye Chen said, her heart was as sweet as she had eaten honey.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't just say so, but also thought so in his heart. Although there were many women around him, they were all girlfriends. Only Su Wanyi was his wife.

And Ye Chen had already thought that one day he was going to marry Su Wanyi, and if those girls were unwilling, he would not force it.

Ye Chen didn't deceive the feelings of those girls. They were willing to be with Ye Chen, and they knew each other's existence.

"Well, I was wrong. I must remember what you said firmly in my heart." Su Wanyi said happily.

Then she looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Chen, how do I feel that you were so worried tonight because of the thing my father told you?"

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "No, I just wonder why the school Dad reported to me was the school Song Xiaoxiao attended. Does he know about Song Xiaoxiao and me?"

Now that Su Wanyi asked him, Ye Chen did not conceal the question in his heart.

Su Wanyi knew about Song Xiaoxiao's existence, and she also thought this girl was very good.

"Yeah, I actually think it's a bit weird. Don't worry about it. If you ask, I will tell you the truth. Anyway, Song Xiaoxiao is a pretty good girl. I would like to have such a girl by your side. Then my father simply Don't worry about it, don't worry." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"My wife is so nice, I will reward you well when I go back." Ye Chen said, stroking Su Wanyi's hair.

Su Wanyi is a very confident girl, and very generous, as long as those girls love Ye Chen, she will not object.

In fact, the reason why Su Wanyi did this was to make up for her being busy with her career and not being able to be with Ye Chen often.

Therefore, I thought of letting other girls accompany Ye Chen instead of her, and Su Wanyi also knew that no matter how many girls there were around Ye Chen, she was still the man's favorite.

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