Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:30:13 PM

Chapter 1213: 1213

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At this moment, the system prompt sounded in my mind suddenly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a new order for Ten Thousand Realms, do you accept it?"

Ye Chen took it for granted. He just took the opportunity to leave now, so he didn't want to waste time here listening to the flattery of these people.

Most of these pretending people are people with no real ability, and Ye Chen didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Accept." Ye Chen said in his heart.

Then he looked at Principal Chen and said, "That's what it is. I have things to leave first."

"Mr. Ye, please go slowly." Principal Chen said respectfully.

The young man in front of him is a veritable boss, and he has more abilities than the people here.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Ye Chen came and opened it.

While driving the sports car, he asked the system: "What is the customer's request this time?"

System: "This time the guest is a child."

"Child?" Ye Chen muttered to himself.

This is the first time the system reveals the identity of the customer.

According to the system's prompts, he really couldn't think of what the world he was about to go to would be like.

Don't care about this, since he is a kid, then Ye Chen knows what to buy.

Due to limited time, Ye Chen came to Nibble Chicken, ordered fried chicken, and then went to the small supermarket nearby to buy some toffee.

Although Ye Chen has no children, he also grew up when he was a child. He knows that children love to eat sweets.

And through Ye Chen's understanding, children nowadays also love fried chicken very much.

Therefore, there is definitely nothing wrong with choosing these.

Ye Chen parked the sports car aside and found a place with no one.

A huge wormhole appeared before his eyes.

Ye Chen walked in and out.

When he reappeared, he was already riding an electric car in a forest.

The scene in front of him is familiar, could it be that this is the world he has been to before.

Ye Chen thought to himself.

Since the surrounding environment is a bit dark at the moment, he can only use the system to navigate.

Ye Chen rode an electric bike and drove forward very curiously.

But the system navigation didn't make him stop, which made him even more curious.

And the more you drive forward, you can feel the light, and the scene at this moment seems familiar.

"It doesn't matter, what's your love."

In this way, Ye Chen followed the prompt and rode forward again.

At this time, the system sounded: "Host, the destination has been reached, this navigation is over."

Ye Chen looked around. There was the sea in front of him, and the place where he was was a sandy beach.

Before his eyes was a boy with an angry face.

The boy stood there and kept kicking the rocks under his feet into the sea, shouting loudly: "I can't help but let my life go. It's a devil or a fairy. I just say it myself."

Ye Chen heard the words, so familiar lines, he looked up and down at the child in front of him, with two small **** on his head, black eye circles, and a red birthmark on his forehead.

This boy Ye Chen had indeed seen him, not in the real world, but in the movie.

The boy looked at the man in the yellow robe before him, and asked very rudely: "Who are you?"

Ye Chen did not answer, but directly shouted: "Nezha."

Seeing the man in front of me said his name, Nezha was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily: "You get out of here, I know that Li Jing and his wife asked you to persuade me to go back. Tell them if I am not. Will go back."

"My name is Ye Chen, and I am a takeaway. I made a special trip to deliver the courier to you." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

Nezha looked at Ye Chen, and then at the thing he was riding, his expression still angry.

The man in front of him was riding a big guy, but he was more majestic than the master's mount.

But even so, what can be done, what does this have to do with him.

Nezha thought in his heart, he was already a dying person, and everything had nothing to do with him.

Ye Chen knew that if Nezha was dissatisfied with his service, he would not be able to deliver the system reward.

He hurriedly passed the fried chicken and toffee to Nezha's hand, but Nezha didn't even look at it.

Ye Chen understands Nezha's mood, and this period is also a key link in the movie.

Then Nezha learned from Shen Gongbao that he was a magic pill, making him mistakenly believe that his parents and masters trapped him on the grounds of cultivation, which saved him from harming the people of Chentangguan, waiting for the catastrophe to come.

When Nezha heard from his father that he was the reincarnation of Lingzhu and wanted to benefit the people, he was very happy and no longer cared about the misunderstanding of him by the people of Chentangguan.

Nezha is a child after all, how could he have endured such a cruel blow.

He decided to break free and vent all the long-standing grievances in his heart.

"Nezha, things are not what you think, your parents and your master love you." Ye Chen said to Nezha.

Since he was asked to take this takeaway order, Ye Chen, who was full of justice, must tell Nezha the truth of the matter, but he said it would definitely not work.

Now Nezha has determined that Ye Chen is the one sent by Li Jing and his wife to persuade them.

He took a few steps forward and picked up the Hot Wheels lying on the beach.

This Hot Wheel was given to Nezha by Immortal Taiyi. Nezha was treated as a treasure before, but now he has been abandoned here, which shows how angry Nezha is in his heart.

This Hot Wheels is just like the one in the movie, and it quickly becomes a little fat pig.

Ye Chen picked up a small branch from the ground and scratched it in the pig's nostrils.

The little pig sneezed, and a picture appeared before his eyes.

That was when Li Jing asked Immortal Taiyi to take him to see Tianzun. The two of them traveled a long distance to the gate of the void. Unfortunately, the Changshengyun who guarded the gate of the void told them that Tianzun had long been closed.

Li Jing, who had never seen Tianzun, was very disappointed. When he learned that the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation Curse on Ne Zha's body was unsolvable, Li Jing seemed to have taken out his spiritual support, and his whole person instantly became a lot older.

Immortal Taiyi's persuasion was fruitless, and Li Jing learned from Changshengyun that it was not impossible to save Nezha, he needed a life for another.

After hearing this, Li Jing showed a happy expression on his face. He resolutely stated that he would use his own life for Nezha's life.

Although he saw the familiar scene again, Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh, pity his parents, parents can even sacrifice their lives for the safety of their children.

Nezha held the safety charm his father gave him tightly with his hands, and he was already crying.

It seems that as Ye Chen said, he listened to Shen Gongbao's lie, misunderstood his parents who loved him most and the master who took him painstakingly into his apprenticeship, and almost caused an irreparable mistake.

Without saying a word, Nezha picked up the magic weapon on the ground and flew towards Li Mansion with his feet on the hot wheel.

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