Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:36 PM

Chapter 122: 122

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Ma Jincheng was a little dazed.

Who is the chairman? He is a big man in the business circle, why is he so respectful to Ye Chen?

Wu Peng glanced at Ma Jincheng: "Jincheng, why don't you tell me Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye is the valued customer I'm waiting for."

"Ah!" Ma Jincheng suddenly stupefied.

Wu Peng said, "Mr. Ye, these are all your friends."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, it's all my classmates, let's get together here."

"Well, since you are all Mr. Ye's classmates, I will pay for all the consumption here today. Everyone is good to eat and drink and have fun."

Hearing what the chairman said, Ma Jincheng looked embarrassed.

Is this world crazy? How can our boss be so respected by a dick?

Ma Jincheng felt that the whole person was in confusion.

I am a returnee doctor. I thought that this time the return of the king would be a shame, but I didn't expect to be crushed by Ye Chen.

The most important thing is that Ye Chente is a little brother Didi!

Hearing what Wu Peng said, the students were all excited.

Just now Ma Jincheng boasted for a long time, but everyone just watched the excitement.

No matter how awesome you are, what does it have to do with us.

But now that there are benefits, everyone is naturally happy.

I just saw Ma Jincheng pretending to be forced, but in fact, many students are already bored.

Look at Ye Chen.

Although low-key, no matter where he goes, he will jump out to favor him.

What is Niubi? If you say Niubi, it is called poison. Only the invisible pretense of others to set off you is the most powerful.

The students clapped excitedly.

"Thank you Wu Dong."

After all, Wu Peng is an old fried dough stick in the shopping mall and smiled: "It's all because of Mr. Ye's face. I didn't expect you to be so lucky to have such awesome classmates. Hey, I really envy you. Just look at me. Can I only please Mr. Ye to win the relationship?"

Although it was a joke, it not only set off Ye Chen's awesomeness, but also counted all these benefits on Ye Chen's head, and really helped Ye Chen to put the pressure on him.

Wu Peng is very shrewd. Although he spent a few small dollars today, he knew that as long as he could hold Ye Chen's thigh, the benefits would be more than that.

Ma Jincheng's face was pale on the side.

The classmates around were also amused secretly.

The last time the party was Feng Tao, this time there was another face-slapped king Ma Jincheng.

"Haha pretending to be coercive in front of Ye Chen, it's like death."

"I'm so ridiculous, someone wants to find a job for Ye Chen."

"Haha, I have to support Ye Chen."

Ma Jincheng was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly noticed something.

It seems that everyone knows that Ye Chen is awesome, except for himself.

Ma Jincheng said to Feng Tao with some dissatisfaction: "You are too uninteresting, Ye Chen is so awesome, why didn't you tell me in advance, it made me so embarrassed and almost offended Mr. Ye."

Feng Tao looked innocent: "I didn't say anything, you didn't give me a chance, you just pretended to be forced on the way, I didn't even have a chance to interrupt."

Tian Lili said: "I also reminded you just now. Didn't I say that Ye Chen is doing pretty well now?"

Ma Jincheng: "..."

He hurriedly came to the chairman: "Wu Dong, I really don't know that you are looking for Mr. Ye, sorry Wu Dong."

Wu Peng waved his hand: "Okay, let's go, I will talk to President Ye."

In fact, as a classmate, Ma Jincheng should accompany him.

But just in the distance, Wu Peng also heard Ma Jincheng taunting Ye Chen.

Therefore, Wu Peng directly kicked Ma Jincheng aside.

Ma Jincheng's face was pale.

He knew that the chairman did this clearly because he wanted to reuse his own meaning.

The more I think about Ma Jincheng, the more I feel wronged.

Can only stand messy in the wind.

He regrets more and more, is it okay to be his director obediently? What are you pretending to be!

The students around were eating, but saw that Ma Jincheng was not eating anymore, standing in the wind blankly, staring at the direction of Wu Peng and Ye Chen's dining table.

Everyone shook their heads helplessly.

Another child pretending to be injured.

As for the other students, Ye Chen was even more shocked.

This is too bullish.

Even the chairman of Rick Ventures was cheating on Ye Chen.

What is Ye Chen's identity?

Anyway, many students understand that Ye Chen is a big brother.

This kind of boss can't afford to provoke, can't provoke.

At this time, Feng Tao walked to Ma Jincheng and patted him and said: "Jincheng, don't be depressed. Ye Chen is a legend in our class. It doesn't matter if you pretend to be beaten in the face, you see I was beaten in the face. , Recognize how many catties you are, and don't be okay next time you pretend to be forced."


In the evening, Wu Peng invited Ye Chen to dinner.

Their location is the VIP welcome restaurant of Yunlong Villa.

The huge bay window overlooks Yunlong Lake as a whole.

Ye Chen sat in the main seat, while Wu Peng and the secretary sat at the bottom.

"When Mr. Ye saw you today, it was really late to see each other. I toast you a glass."

Ye Chen picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine.

"Thank you Dong Wu, you are so polite."

The two were chatting, and a few more people walked into the reception hall.

One of them saw Ye Chen's eyes light up.

"Mr. Ye, just now my secretary said that I didn't believe me when I saw you. As expected, you are here."

Walking in was Chen Wan from Wantai Group.

"Mr. Chen, what a coincidence."

Seeing Chen Wan, Wu Peng also got up quickly.

Wantai Construction Company, a leading enterprise in the real estate construction industry of Magic City, two people have also eaten at the same dinner table before.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen's circle is so wide that he even knew Chen Wan.

"Old Chen, why don't you know Brother Ye and tell me earlier."

"Haha, didn't you secretly invite Brother Ye to dinner and didn't call me."

The two old foxes looked at each other and smiled. Their purpose was simple, they wanted to curry favor with Ye Chen.

Chen Wan was also not welcome, and directly sat at Ye Chen's wine table and toasted Ye Chen.

"Ye Dong, I respect you."

Hearing Chen Wan's address to Ye Chen, Wu Peng took a deep breath.

Chen Wan was already pretty awesome, but Ye Chen turned out to be the boss of Wantai Group.

The awesome level has gone up to another level.

For Ye Chen, Wu Peng was even more in awe.

Wu Peng was surprised and said, "Brother Ye, I know that you are a major shareholder of Yida Group, or the owner of Magic City Building and Magic City Commercial Street. Now there is another Chairman of the Wantai Group. How much identity do you have?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "In fact, those are just fake names. My real identity is just a little brother Didi."

Wu Peng: "..."

Chen Wan: "..."

This guy has too much ability to pretend to be.

Obviously you are a big brother, so you pretend to be a didi little brother every day.

Ye Chen's several industries, none of them can have tens of billions of income a year.

Properly hundreds of billions of big brothers.

Even in front of Ye Chen, Wu Peng and Chen Wan felt that they were a scum.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen is too young. At this age, he has so many awesome industries, how can he not be alarmed.

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