Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:29:24 PM

Chapter 1236: 1236

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"Wow, Ye Chen is too rich." Zhang Rui's mouth grew in surprise.

Before, she learned from Song Xiaoxiao that Ye Chen was just a takeaway, how could it be possible to have so much money.

"Well, it's okay." Song Xiaoxiao said modestly.

"Xiaoxiao, Ye Chen shouldn't be the senior of the company or something, he lied to you that he was delivering couriers in order to test you." Liu Xin suddenly thought of something and said.

Song Xiaoxiao didn't care what Ye Chen did. She loved Ye Chen and not his money.

After Ye Chen got home, he took a shower and lay on the bed and fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly the cell phone rang, awakening Ye Chen from his dream.

After a glance, it turned out to be Zhou Susu's call. Why did this girl remember to call him all night.

Ye Chen helped this little policewoman solve several cases before, and in order to thank him, he even invited him to dinner.

After answering the phone, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Police Officer Zhou Da, what can I tell you at this late hour."

"Ye Chen, I am indeed looking for you for something." Zhou Susu said.

Ye Chen knew that Zhou Susu must have something to do with the case when he was looking for him, so he was also a little curious.

He hasn't been involved in solving the case for a long time, and he has some expectations for a while.

"Oh, is it related to the case?" Ye Chen asked hurriedly.

"How did you know?" Zhou Susu said with a surprised expression.

Ye Chen was very speechless. Zhou Susu and Su Wanyi were both workaholics. They could not go home for several days and nights in order to solve the case.

And she hasn't contacted herself for so long, it must be because of work.

Now that I called myself suddenly, I was still so anxious to speak, and I knew it was related to the case without even thinking about it.

"Of course I know, because you are my woman." Ye Chen replied with a smile.

"Hate, who is going to be your woman? Don't you already have a lot of them, I don't want to rob them." Zhou Susu said with a flushed face.

Ye Chen was also very helpless to this girl.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's get down to business." Ye Chen changed the subject and said.

"Ye Chen, do you have time tomorrow?" Zhou Susu suddenly asked.

Ye Chen wondered what exactly this girl wanted to do. Is it because he called him to ask him if he has time tomorrow.

"Since your Zhou Da police officer called, even if you don't have time, you still have to make time." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Cut, you don't want to talk about it anymore, don't I know you yet, so let's meet at the police station at nine o'clock tomorrow morning," Zhou Susu said.

"Okay, then we'll see you at the police station tomorrow." Ye Chen hung up after finishing talking.

He knew that Zhou Susu didn't say it because it was inconvenient to say it on the phone, and many cases were classified.

Strangely speaking, what Ye Chen dreamed about this night was the scene of helping Zhou Susu solve the case.

When he got up in the morning, he smiled and shook his head, knowing that the reason why he had such a dream was because Zhou Susu called last night.

Ye Chen attacked from the bed, went into the bathroom to wash, and then simply took a bite.

After getting dressed, he walked out of the house and drove towards the police station.

When I came to the door of the police station, I glanced at it, and it was almost nine o'clock.

Ye Chen walked towards the police station, but Zhou Susu was not seen in the police station.

"Sergeant Zhou Da, did you sleep late and didn't get up? I'm already at the police station." Ye Chen said to the phone.

"I want to sleep late. I didn't sleep much at all yesterday. Wait for a while, and I will go back soon." Zhou Susu sighed and said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen felt that Zhou Susu was really too hard.

After a while, Zhou Susu dragged his tired body and walked in from outside.

Ye Chen looked at the girl in front of him with a surprised expression, a little unbelievable.

"Ye Chen, don't you know me so soon?" Zhou Susu asked, looking at Ye Chen's anger.

"How is it possible, I just think you have become beautiful again." Ye Chen praised.

"You don't come to this set with me. If you don't know you don't know, you don't need to dress." Zhou Susu said politely.

Ye Chen did feel a little strange to the girl in front of him, mainly because Zhou Susu's changes were so great, and the whole person suffered a lot, so that he felt a big change.

"Yes, it's all right, Police Officer Zhou Da is really clever, I can't tell you." Ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

Zhou Susu did not speak to Ye Chen again, but looked at him and said, "Ye Chen, let's go to my office."

In fact, there was a male policeman who came in with Zhou Susu just now. The male policeman listened to the conversation between Ye Chen and Zhou Susu without speaking.

From the content of the chat, the male police could hear that the relationship between the man and the woman was not simple, and was a little angry in an instant.

The male policeman was named Yang Wei, Zhou Susu's partner, and of course one of the men who admired the girl.

When Zhou Susu arrived at the police station, the two were partners, and it has been so long in a flash.

Although the two were partners at work, and the man had confessed to Zhou Susu, they were ruthlessly rejected.

Zhou Susu told a man that her standard for finding a boyfriend was impossible to find the same profession as her own.

To be clear, Zhou Susu's boyfriend would never be a policeman.

Even so, the man did not give up pursuing Zhou Susu, and confessed to her from time to time, but Zhou Susu was cruelly rejected.

"Susu, who is this man?" Yang Wei looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"This is my boyfriend Ye Chen." Zhou Susu said with a smile.

"When did you have a boyfriend? Why don't I know." Yang Wei looked at Zhou Susu with surprise.

"Yang Wei, I have no obligation to report to you about my boyfriend." Zhou Susu said coldly.

"But how can you make a boyfriend when you are always busy working in the police station? Susu, I know you want to reject me, but you don't need to find a man to make me give up." Yang Wei said passionately.

Zhou Susu was also a little speechless about Yang Wei, thinking: "Now that the case has not been solved, how can this lady have the time to find a man and act in front of Yang Wei."

"Yang Wei, you think too much, and you are not allowed to call me Susu in the future, you should call me by my name directly." Zhou Susu said with a look of disgust.

"Are you really Susu's boyfriend?" Yang Wei looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Isn't Susu already very clear to you, I am her boyfriend." Ye Chen said honestly.

Although he sympathized with Yang Wei and knew that Yang Wei liked Zhou Susu in his heart, he couldn't help telling the truth.

After all, it is a bit immoral to deceive an infatuated man like this.

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