Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:29:17 PM

Chapter 1239: 1239

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"How could it be you?" Political Commissar Zhao asked, looking at the young man in front of him in surprise.

Seeing the expression of the political commissar, Yang Wei knew in his heart that the two must know each other.

But he still asked: "Political commissar, do you know each other?"

Political Commissar Zhao ignored him, but gave him a fierce look, thinking that Yang Wei had really harmed him.

Ye Chen didn't speak, his expression on his face was indifferent.

Political commissar Zhao is an old fritters, he is very good at observing words and colors, knowing that Ye Chen is unhappy in his heart.

He looked at Zhou Susu and said, "Team Zhou, Mr. Ye is here, you don't want to tell us, you are really welcome."

Zhou Susu also said unceremoniously: "Political commissar, you can give me a chance to speak. You are always talking about me, and how can you easily get my little braid? Passed."

According to Zhou Susu's words, Political Commissar Zhao's face was green and white.

He hurriedly explained: "It's all Yang Wei, I'm just talking nonsense here without getting things clear."

Then he stared at Yang Wei fiercely and said, "As a member of the police squad, you don't want to solve the case properly, but you are here to tell the truth, and you are still learning children's tricks to make small reports, right? If you don't give you something You will be like this next time."

Hearing this, Yang Wei was also taken aback. He did not expect that Political Commissar Zhao would say such a thing.

"Political commissar, aren't you very happy to hear what I said just now? You also said that you finally caught Zhou Susu's handle, why now you turn your face and deny you." Yang Wei suddenly snapped back.

"Yang Wei, you don't spit people here anymore. When did I say this." Political Commissar Zhao said angrily.

His face turned pale as he spoke.

Political Commissar Zhao did not expect that Yang Wei, who is usually honest and honest, would become so bold today that he would dare to confront him.

Political Commissar Zhao didn't dare to say anything about Zhou Susu's unreasonableness, after all, Ye Chen was behind her back.

But Yang Wei is different. If even a small policeman dared to contradict him, what would he do as a political commissar in the future.

It was too bad for him to spread this incident.

"Political commissar, how can a leader of yours turn his face and refuse to admit it." Yang Wei continued.

"Yang Wei, as a policeman, you must pay attention to your words." Political commissar Zhao said with an ugly face.

At this time, Yang Wei finally knew that he was afraid and stopped talking.

Ye Chen kept watching political commissar Zhao and Yang Wei biting the dog there, but did not speak.

"Mr. Ye, just made you laugh." Political Commissar Zhao said with a smile on his face softened.

"Political Commissar Zhao, you are very angry, of course not." Ye Chen said with a smile: "If it's because I'm here to affect Susu, that's not good."

"Mr. Ye, how come? Of course you have no problem here, if you change it to someone else, it will definitely not work." Political Commissar Zhao said with a smile.

After hearing these words, Ye Chenbai waved his hand and said, "I don't think it's right."

As he said, he walked outside.

Political Commissar Zhao was also a little dazed when he saw this.

He walked to Ye Chen and asked, "Mr. Ye, where are you going?"

"Of course I left here." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Mr. Ye, why do you say that?" Political Commissar Zhao asked with a puzzled expression.

He had just said that Ye Chen would have no problem staying here, but why did Ye Chen leave again?

Ye Chen said with a smile: "I think I'd better go, lest the information related to the case is leaked out."

"Mr. Ye, I was just joking. How could you leak the case? What's more, you have helped the police to solve many cases before, and you have been praised by the director." Political commissar Zhao said again.

In any case, he wanted to keep Ye Chen, after all, Ye Chen was deeply appreciated by Director Zhou.

If he let Ye Chen leave because of himself, Director Zhou knew that he would definitely be blamed.

What's more, Director Zhou will be back soon.

"You think it's a joke, but I take it seriously," Ye Chen said.

At this moment, Director Zhou walked in from outside.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry I just went out to do something, and made you wait here for a long time." Director Zhou said to Ye Chen with a smile.

Political Commissar Zhao saw Director Zhou coming back and thought to himself that the more he was afraid, the more he would come.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Political Commissar Zhao said with a smile: "Zhou Ju, why did you come back so early?"

In fact, when Director Zhou was about to leave, he greeted Political Commissar Zhao, saying that he would be back in the afternoon.

But I didn't expect it to be so much earlier than expected.

"Well, things went well, so I came back early." Zhou Ju said with a smile.

He looked at Political Commissar Zhao and asked, "Commissar, you are here."

"Yeah, I didn't hear that Mr. Ye was here, so I hurried over." Political Commissar Zhao said.

"Yes, yes, let's not neglect Mr. Ye, he helped the police to solve a lot of cases, and I specifically asked Captain Zhou to call Mr. Ye for the latest murder." Director Zhou said with satisfaction.

Upon hearing this, the political commissar Zhao sank.

It turned out that Director Zhou asked Ye Chen to come, no wonder Zhou Susu was so arrogant.

If Director Zhou were to know what had just happened, he would definitely be furious.

When Yang Wei saw this, he was also dumbfounded.

He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so powerful, and he would be highly regarded by Director Zhou.

Thinking about the stupid things he did, Yang Wei regretted it because he was jealous that Ye Chen was Zhou Susu's boyfriend, so he was telling the truth here.

If Director Zhou knew about this matter, he would definitely not be spared. He even shuddered at the thought of this.

"You talk about Zhou Ju, I'm just about to leave." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, why are you leaving when I first came, is there something urgent to do?" Director Zhou looked at Ye Chen and asked.

He originally wanted to discuss the case with Ye Chen, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to leave in a hurry.

"I'm not in a hurry. The main reason is that the police station doesn't welcome me. After all, I am not a policeman. If the situation of the case is leaked, it won't be good." Ye Chen said calmly.

As soon as Zhou Bureau heard it, he knew that there was something in Ye Chen's words, and it must have something to do with political commissar Zhao.

"Mr. Ye, what are you talking about? Although you are not a policeman, you are more capable than the police in our police station. We welcome you before it’s too late, and we also know you very well. How could that happen? What's up." Political Commissar Zhao said hurriedly.

"Oh? Really, you didn't say that, the political commissar just now." Ye Chen looked at the Zhao political commissar and said.

At this moment, political commissar Zhao was already scared to sweat on his forehead.

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