Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:29:16 PM

Chapter 1240: 1240

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Upon seeing this, Director Zhou certainly understood that something must have happened that made Ye Chen so unhappy.

"Brother Ye, why do you want to say this?" Director Zhou looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Ye Chen didn't speak, just smiled faintly.

Director Zhou looked at Political Commissar Zhao and asked, "Commissar, why are you sweating so much? What is going on?"

Political Commissar Zhao stopped wiping sweat with his handkerchief and pointed to Yang Wei's grievances and said, "Director Zhou, it is all because of Yang Wei that makes Mr. Ye unhappy."

Sure enough, he was an old fox, Ye Chen thought in his heart, political commissar Zhao easily let Yang Wei take the blame.

But Director Zhou was also stupid. He heard that Political Commissar Zhao didn't tell the matter, and asked again: "Committee, I hope you can tell me what happened just now?"

Hearing this, political commissar Zhao was also taken aback. He saw Director Zhou's serious expression sweating coldly, and even his clothes were soaked with sweat.

He stood there motionless, silent and stopped talking.

"Captain Zhou, it's up to you to tell me what happened." Director Zhou looked at the policewoman in front of him and said.

"Chairman, this is how I asked Ye Chen to come to the police station to discuss the case according to your instructions, but political commissar Zhao said that I violated the regulations. Not everyone can enter the police station casually, and I have to cancel my participation in the National Excellent Police. Candidate qualifications for selection." Zhou Susu said the matter as it was.

"Political commissar, is this true?" Director Zhou looked at Political Commissar Zhao and asked.

"Yes, but this is all a misunderstanding. I have explained clearly to Mr. Ye just now, and it was Yang Wei who told me that Captain Zhou brought the man to the office. I said that because of the bad influence. After all, this is about it. To the image of our police station." Political Commissar Zhao said nervously.

"Political Commissar Zhao, are you old and confused, don't you know what Captain Zhou is like? Will you chill the hearts of these good comrades if you do this?" Director Zhou sighed and said.

"Director Zhou, it is true that I did something wrong this time. I apologize to Mr. Ye and Captain Zhou." Political Commissar Zhao said sincerely.

Afterwards, he looked at Ye Chen and Zhou Susu and said, "Mr. Ye, Captain Zhou, I just misunderstood. Now I apologize to you and hope you can accept it."

Since Political Commissar Zhao had already said this, Ye Chen and Zhou Susu didn't pursue any more.

A dignified political commissar apologized to the two young men. It would be too much if they were to be ignored.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't want to embarrass Political Commissar Zhao too much. The reason for doing so was to give him a warning.

Moreover, this time was a lesson for Political Commissar Zhao, so that he did not dare to have the idea of ​​disqualifying Zhou Susu from being selected.

"Since the misunderstanding has been cleared up, should you stay, Brother Ye," Director Zhou said with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't answer but looked at Yang Wei and asked, "Officer Yang, do you still think I shouldn't be in the police station."

Originally, Yang Wei thought everyone had forgotten him, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to ask this directly.

"Mr. Ye, I just made a mistake, I'm really sorry." Yang Wei explained hurriedly.

At this time, Political Commissar Zhao looked at Yang Wei with a bitter expression.

Seeing the eyes of Political Commissar Zhao, Yang Wei's legs trembled with fright.

Ye Chen stopped paying attention to the two of them, but looked at Director Zhou and said, "You have said that. If I leave again, it will be a bit of a shame for you." He said with a smile.

"Political commissar, let's go first, I have something to discuss with Brother Ye." Director Zhou looked at Political Commissar Zhao and said.

"Zhou Ju, you talk, you talk." Political Commissar Zhao said quickly.

He walked towards the door knowingly, saw Yang Wei still there, and said in a stern tone: "Yang Wei, what are you doing here, follow me to my office."

When Yang Wei heard this, he even felt like crying.

Ye Chen and Zhou Susu looked at each other, and they both knew that Yang Wei's fate would definitely not be better.

Originally, Political Commissar Zhao thought that he had caught Zhou Susu from Yang Wei and took the opportunity to disqualify her from running for the election.

But I never dreamed that stealing chickens would not lose money, and not only did not cancel the qualifications, but annoyed Zhou Ju.

Ye Chen's bitter trick is truly incredible.

Yang Wei followed the political commissar Zhao and left Zhou Susu's office.

Of course he knew he must be over this time.

After seeing the two leave, Director Zhou said with a smile: "Brother Ye, what happened just now is really embarrassing."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Director Zhou, you don't have to blame yourself, it has nothing to do with you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words like this, Zhou Ju's heart was relieved.

"Brother Ye, please sit down." Zhou Ju made a please gesture.

Then he looked at Zhou Susu and said, "Captain Zhou, don't you hurry up to pour Mr. Ye a cup of tea, how can you entertain guests like this?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Susu hurried to make hot water, but was stopped by Ye Chen.

He doesn't want to stay in the police station at all now, let alone discuss the case with the old man Zhou.

"Zhou Ju, you don't have to be so polite, I really don't want to drink water, and I really want to go out." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Director Zhou was stunned when he heard the words. Ye Chen had to leave after a long time.

"Brother Ye, are you still angry?" Director Zhou asked hurriedly.

"Zhou Ju, Ye Chen is not angry at all. We two really said we were going out before." Zhou Susu said with a smile.

"Oh, I get it." Zhou Juzhang's face had a suddenly realized expression.

He knew that Zhou Susu and Ye Chen were falling in love. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and now they said they wanted to go out. It must be that it was not convenient to be in the police station.

Young people, it's understandable to be open-minded, Director Zhou is not that kind of antique.

Seeing Zhou Ju's expression, Zhou Susu's pretty face turned red.

She felt as if she had been misunderstood.

However, Ye Chen is an indifferent watch Qiong: "Director Zhou, then we will leave."

"Go go, right Susu, don't forget to tell Ye Chen about the case." Director Zhou looked at Zhou Susu from his side and said hurriedly.

"Zhou Ju, don't worry." Zhou Susu said.

Looking at the two people who left, Director Zhou looked envious, thinking in his heart: "It's nice to be young."

When Ye Chen and Zhou Susu walked out of the police station, they happened to meet Yang Wei who had come out of the political commissar's office.

At this moment, Yang Wei bowed his head as if he had been defeated.

You don't need to think about it to know that Yang Wei must have been scolded by the political commissar.

Seeing Yang Wei so embarrassed, Ye Chen and Zhou Susu didn't have any sympathy. They felt that such a person deserved it.

"Mr. Ye, Captain Zhou, I was really wrong, please help me plead, don't transfer me to the police station." Yang Wei pleaded.

Ye Chen shrugged and said nothing.

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