Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:29:13 PM

Chapter 1241: 1241

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Yang Wei just wanted to give it a try. He already guessed that Ye Chen would not help.

As expected, Yang Wei completely gave up on seeing Ye Chen's expressions and movements.

Who can be to blame for this? It's not that he is jealous.

Ye Chen took Zhou Susu away from the police station and got on a sports car.

As soon as the car started, Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, Yang Wei is actually quite pitiful, don't you think?"

He didn't expect the girl around him to say this, but said with a smile: "Susu, you are so kind, I think he is not pitiful at all. Think about it if the man in the office was not me, you Is it because of this that I was disqualified from running for the election."

"That's what I said." Zhou Susu nodded and said.

Suddenly, she seemed to have reacted to something and hurriedly said: "Except you think, I won't bring other men to the office."

When Ye Chen heard this, he smiled and looked at Zhou Susu, feeling that this girl was worthy of being a policeman, and his reaction ability was so strong.

"Well, let's not talk about it, where do you want to eat?" Ye Chen asked when looking at the girl.

"It's better to have some KFC, it's time-saving and convenient." Zhou Susu replied.

Usually Zhou Susu and they all order takeaway, and fast food like this is the most convenient, and it won't waste much time on it.

Ye Chenbai glanced at her and said, "Do you like this so much? Haven't thought of eating something else?"

"Let's just eat this. After we finish eating, we will continue to investigate. Now I have to race against time to solve the case as soon as possible." Zhou Susu said firmly with an expression.

Helpless, Ye Chen could only take the girl to eat KFC. He had already thought of a place to eat along the way.

Seeing that Zhou Susu was so eager to solve the case, he knew that he would definitely not be able to eat it, so let's just follow Zhou Susu's words.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Chen would not choose to eat this kind of food, because he felt a little monotonous and not full of food.

When the two came to the door of KFC, Ye Chen listened to the car.

He got out of the car, but found Zhou Susu still sitting in it.

"Susu, you're here, get out of the car as soon as possible," Ye Chen shouted.

"Ye Chen, you just need to buy me a hot-legged castle. I'll wait for you in the car." Zhou Susu waved his hand and said.

The girl's words made Ye Chen really speechless. Could it be that he came here just to eat a hamburger?

"Susu, hurry down, let's go in and order food together, and it won't take long." Ye Chen said again.

Hearing this, Zhou Susu frowned and got out of the car and walked inside with Ye Chen.

Ye Chen ordered two spicy leg buns set meals, and then ordered some chicken nuggets and grilled wings.

While waiting for the meal, Zhou Susu looked anxious, looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Chen, why haven't we got our account yet?"

"Wait for me, let me have a look." Ye Chen got up and walked towards the dining table.

During this period of time, Zhou Susu kept looking at the watch on his wrist, with a worried expression on his face.

After a while, Ye Chen walked towards her with the dinner plate.

"Susu, let's eat slowly, don't have to be in such a hurry." Ye Chen comforted.

Perhaps because of Ye Chen, Zhou Susu no longer felt this anxious.

She took the burger and ate, then took another sip of her drink.

"Well, that's right, eating too fast is bad for your health." Ye Chen said with a smile.

However, it took less than half an hour for the two to finish their meal.

After all, in the store, although Zhou Susu was anxious, he couldn't tell Ye Chen about the case.

After the two got in the car, she looked at Ye Chen anxiously and asked, "What do you think about this case and how do you plan to solve it?"

Ye Chen didn't answer him, but looked at Zhou Susu and said, "Go, you take me to see the little girl."

"Well, good." Zhou Susu nodded.

Ye Chen drove the car and followed Zhou Susu's address to a very luxurious community.

However, this community is a bit worse than Ye Chen's.

The car drove inside, and when the security saw Ye Chen's car, he didn't stop him, but let him go easily.

Ye Chen stopped the car and walked inside with Zhou Susu.

Two people got on the elevator, Zhou Susu pressed the number 10.

With a sound of "ding!", the elevator door opened, and two people walked out. Under the leadership of Zhou Susu, they came to a door.

At this moment, there is a cordon at the door.

Ye Chen frowned, wondering if that little girl still lives here.

After all, this is the location of the crime. The police need to protect the scene and it is impossible for anyone to stay inside.

Before Ye Chen could ask, Zhou Susu said, "Ye Chen, this is the little girl's home, but the little girl is not here."

"That little girl is not here, what are you taking me here for?" Ye Chenbai said with a glance at Zhou Susu.

"I thought that with many years of experience, we usually solve the crime through the crime scene, because there will be some clues about the murderer." Zhou Susu said while looking at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt that Zhou Susu's words really made sense, but that also scored the situation.

Now that you have come here, it is better to go in and take a look as Zhou Susu said, so as not to think she is lying to her.

Ye Chen put on the clothes, shoe covers, gloves, etc. that Zhou Susu prepared for him last year and walked in, but after entering, Ye Chen did not look for fingerprints, shoe prints, blood stains, etc. like those professional policemen, but walked around the building. Looked upstairs and down.

He came downstairs, looked at Zhou Susu and said, "Susu, let's go."

Zhou Susu looked at the time, and after two people came in to Ye Chen and said to leave, it took less than ten minutes.

"Leave so soon, Ye Chen, have you seen everything clearly?" Zhou Susu asked with a puzzled expression.

"See clearly, see clearly." Ye Chen said perfunctorily.

In fact, this is what Ye Chen used to solve the case. The reason why he came in was because he was afraid that Zhou Susu would become suspicious.

"Have you seen every room?" Zhou Susu asked again.

"Yeah, I've seen every room, don't worry, Officer Zhou Da, how dare I lie to you?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Seeing Ye Chen saying this, Zhou Susu nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhou Susu's words. After all, for him, being here was nothing more than a waste of time.

Ye Chen knew that Zhou Susu wanted to solve the case quickly, and it wouldn't be useful to stay here for a long time. He had to go to see the little girl as soon as possible.

Two people walked out of the building, Ye Chen drove the car, Zhou Susu sat in the co-pilot.

"Ye Chen, let me take you to see the little girl." Zhou Susu said.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Wait a minute, shall we go somewhere first?"

Zhou Susu looked surprised and asked, "Where to go?"

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