Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:29:06 PM

Chapter 1245: 1245

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"Sir, that's the case, this little bear has some problems, we just put it there and don't sell it." The shop owner said apologetically.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Ye Chen shook his head and said.

"But..." the shop owner frowned and said.

Ye Chen didn't understand why the shop owner was so reluctant. Although Xiao Xiong had problems, he just wanted to buy it.

"Well, you make a price, I just want that little bear." Ye Chen said while looking at the boss.

Hearing this, the boss said with a smile: "Since you like this little bear so much, then I will give it to you, and don't need a penny. Anyway, no one wants this little bear, so it's better to make friends."

Ye Chen took the little bear handed over by the boss and said with a smile, "Thank you."

He knew that the boss was only doing a small business and could not take other people's things for nothing.

Before leaving, Ye Chen put one hundred yuan on the table.

The money far exceeds the price of this little bear.

In fact, this little bear is not the same as the one Xiaojing's mother gave to Xiaojing, it just looks the same.

Ye Chen took the little bear and didn't find Xiao Jing, but drove towards home.

Because of using empathy skills to make Xiaojing fall into that painful memory again, Ye Chen was also a little unbearable.

At this moment, Zhou Susu called.

After answering the phone, the girl’s excited voice came from the other side: "Ye Chen, what you said is not wrong. That woman’s company went bankrupt a month ago, and she owes some foreign debts. She was abroad to avoid debts. ."

Ye Chen knew that the woman in Zhou Susu's mouth was Xiaojing's aunt.

If it wasn't for the information obtained through Xiaojing, Ye Chen would not doubt this woman.

After all, she and Xiaojing's mother are sisters, so how could she commit such a murderous attack.

How can you bear to let such a young girl lose her parents and live in pain and fear forever?

It's really the most poisonous woman's heart, so she can live a good life by all means.

"Look at making you happy, now believe what I said." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, then can we arrest people?" Zhou Susu said with a look of excitement.

"Who to catch?" Ye Chen asked back.

"Of course it's Xiaojing's aunt. Didn't you ask you knowingly?" Zhou Susu said with no anger, "That woman is so bad that she can do such a damaging thing."

"Do you have any evidence? Just say arresting people." Ye Chen asked again.

Suddenly, there was silence on the other end of the phone, and Zhou Susu had forgotten this important point because he was too excited.

Arresting people must pay attention to evidence. The bankruptcy of Xiaojing's aunt owes some foreign debts. It can only be said that she has a motive for murder, but she cannot say that this matter was done by her.

This alone is not enough.

"Yes, but we can't find any other evidence." Zhou Susu said with an embarrassed expression.

"Okay, leave it to me as I said this. You don't have to worry about it. Go home early today to rest and don't think about anything."

"You said lightly, how could you not want to? This case has just got some eyebrows, we have to hurry up and find other evidence." Zhou Susu said hurriedly.

Ye Chen knew that if it wasn't for Xiaojing, no matter how to find it, he wouldn't be able to find any clues, let alone solve the case.

Forget it, Ye Chen knows Zhou Susu's character, he definitely can't persuade him.

"Susu, remember that work is important, but body is even more important." Ye Chen said with concern.

"Ye Chen, don't worry, I know how to measure." After Zhou Susu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ye Chen drove for a while and came to the villa area.

After he parked the car, he walked in, changed his shoes and clothes, and lay on the bed comfortably.

I have to say that this feeling is really too comfortable, without being restricted by anyone.

The only thing that can make Ye Chen afraid is the system, after all, the punishment of the system is still very scary.

Just when Ye Chen closed his eyes and enjoyed the good life.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in my mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a new order for Ten Thousand Realms. Do you accept it?"

Ye Chen thought to himself that the system was really troublesome. When he was outside, he didn't have it. He just waited until he entered the house to change his clothes and the order came.

But even though he thought so in his heart, Ye Chen still said to the system: "Accept."

First, if you don’t accept it, you will be punished by the system. Second, because the world you go to is very magical, just like an adventure.

How could Ye Chen miss such a good opportunity.

Because the system prompts the customer every time, this time is no exception.

Ye Chen glanced at the customer's request, it turned out to be a child's favorite food.

Could it be that I can meet Nezha again this time? I remember that the system prompt was this last time.

Forget it, don't care who you meet and accept it anyway, there is no turning back.

Ye Chen got dressed and walked out of the house, and drove towards the nearby convenience store.

Walking into the convenience store, Ye Chen bought some yogurt and snacks.

Instead of driving, he walked forward and found a place with no one.

At this time, there was an impulse before his eyes.

Ye Chen carried the purchased things and walked in.

When he appeared again, he had appeared in a whole new world on a motorcycle.

He is surrounded by mountains, and there are mountain roads at his feet.

The beauty in front of you is refreshing, which is given by nature.

Ye Chen rode on the road according to the navigation, the road was really bumpy.

He felt that his internal organs were about to be reversed, but he had no choice but to continue. Only by sending this order to the customer could he complete the task.

If you give up halfway, it will be regarded as a mission failure. Not only will you be punished by the system, you may not be able to return to the real world.

Of course, this was what Ye Chen thought, mainly because he wanted to see who the customer was this time.

After driving for a while, it still shows that there is still a long way to go.

Ye Chen felt that he had become two halves because of his bumpy buttocks, and he even doubted his life.

"System, are you sure you didn't lead me the wrong way?" Ye Chen asked the system.

System: "The route I navigated must be correct, please don't doubt me."

Ye Chen thought to himself that I didn't doubt you, I doubted life. How could this be food delivery? It's pure life.

After driving for a while, the system prompts: "Already approaching the destination, the destination is on your right."

He looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly realized that something seemed to be thinking of him in his mind.

"It turned out to be this place." Ye Chen said to himself with his eyes wide open.

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