Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:29:04 PM

Chapter 1246: 1246

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In front of me is a small house with gourds planted in front of the house, and seven gourds of different colors grow on the gourd vine.

You don't have to think about it and know where it is. This scene is a childhood memory.

Ye Chen didn't rush to walk over, but parked the motorcycle aside and looked at everything in front of him.

The seven gourds did not sleep peacefully, but shouted: "Grandpa has been arrested, we are going to save Grandpa."

They kept swinging on the vine, all wanting to get down.

Ye Chen knew that these gourds were separated according to the plots he had seen before.

The snake essence and the scorpion essence caught them one by one, and then swept them all in one swoop. They wanted to train the seven children into golden pills to be immortal.

Just when Ye Chen recalled the story, a red gourd matured and fell on the ground and instantly became a little boy with a gourd on his head.

"Brother, hurry up and save Grandpa." The other six gourds said in unison.

"You are waiting for me, I will catch those fairies, and grandpa will come back." Hongwa said swearingly.

Ye Chen knows that this is what a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Although these gourds had their own abilities, none of them managed to rescue the grandfather.

Now that Ye Chen is here, where does the gourd baby need to be taken? Anyway, it's better to rescue the old grandfather by the way, and you can get the goodwill of the gourd baby.

Through these few food deliveries, he found that if the customer’s favorability towards him is higher, the more rewards he will be rewarded.

Seeing the red baby about to leave, Ye Chen hurriedly rode over to stop him.

"Child, this is your takeaway." Ye Chen handed the bag in his hand to Hongwa and said.

"Are you?" Hongwa frowned, looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Ye Chen in front of him was wearing yellow clothes and looked very strange.

"I'm your takeaway." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"No, I want to save Grandpa as soon as possible. I can't let him suffer from the fairy." Hongwa pushed the bag aside and said.

I have to say that this baby is really filial enough. If only half of the filial piety of him is a child nowadays.

"Child, don't go, leave this to me." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Leave it to you? I don't know why you want to help me." Hongwa looked at Ye Chen and asked.

He had never seen such a person in a yellow robe before in his impression, but why would this person help him?

What's more, saving grandpa is extremely dangerous. What is this man doing?

"I was moved by your filial piety, but of course I won't help you in vain. It must be conditional." Ye Chen said with a smirk.

Seeing Ye Chen's smile, Hong Wa instantly understood that the person in front of him was not a good person.

But he really blamed Ye Chen. The reason why Ye Chen said this was to make him put his guard down.

"Let's talk about it." Hongwa said.

"I just want you to eat the food I sent and give me a good comment." Ye Chen said, pointing to the bag in his hand.

"It's that simple?" Hong Wa didn't expect Ye Chen to say so.

At first he thought Ye Chen wanted something from him, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to say this.

"Of course, it's as simple as that, or else?" Ye Chen said without angrily.

He thought to himself that this little thing is small, and he has a lot of eyes.

"Well, if you agree, I will help you save Grandpa now." Ye Chen said again.

"Okay, of course I agree." Hongwa nodded and said.

"Big brother, don't believe what he said. He must be a bad person. He wants to harm you, and it is even impossible to save Grandpa." The other six gourds were also a little anxious and kept yelling.

"Little gourds, have you been victimized before? How come you all have delusions of victimization, what can I get if I hurt you?" Ye Chen said with no anger.

"Brothers, don't worry, if he hurts me, I will definitely make him a meatloaf." Hongwa comforted the other gourds and said.

Ye Chen knew that Hongwa was a strong man and had infinite strength. Thinking about what he said just now, he couldn't help being clever.

"Well, you hurry up and try the takeaway." Ye Chen urged.

Hongwa opened the bag dubiously, took out a bottle of yogurt and drank it. I have to say that the ice-cold is really delicious.

Usually, they drink water, where have they ever drunk something so good?

When the other six gourd babies saw Hongwa's enjoyment expression, they were also a little greedy for an instant.

"Brother, give us some too." The six gourds shouted loudly.

Ye Chen thought to himself that he just said that I was a bad person, and this time I felt that the things I gave were delicious. What kind of children are these?

Red Baby took out the rest of the yogurt and distributed it to the other brothers.

Those gourds also have an expression of enjoyment, which is really delicious in the world.

"How about it, kid, I didn't lie to you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hongwa did not speak, but opened the potato chips in the bag, took a piece from the inside and put it in her mouth, and made a "click" sound with a light bite.

The gourds on the trellis were all drooling.

Ye Chen thought it was raining, so he lifted up and looked at the sky.

At this moment, the sky is clear, the blue sky and white clouds, there is no rain at all, and it is really hopeless to look at the gourds on the trellis one by one.

The red baby was very intoxicated when he ate, so he couldn't take care of the shouts of the brothers.

Those gourds on the vine really couldn't bear it, and they all wanted to get off the vine in a hurry.

Only then did the red baby recover from the delicacy, and repeatedly praised: "It's really delicious."

He divided the remaining potato chips among his brothers.

"How about it, are you satisfied with the takeaway I delivered?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, really good." Hongwa nodded and said.

Then he opened the rest of the bag, not only eating it himself, but also sharing it with other brothers.

I have to say that the fighting power of these children is really super strong, and it didn't take a while to eat all the food in the bag.

You know that Ye Chen bought a bag full of snacks, even adults have to eat it for a while, but these little guys actually eat so fast.

"Anything else?" Hong Wa asked while looking at Ye Chen.

"No, you guys can eat too much." Ye Chenbai said with a glance at him.

"Then next time, will you stay longer for us?" Hongwa said with a disappointed expression on her face.

"Okay, no problem." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Although he said so, Ye Chen knew that he wouldn't know which life he would meet next time. After all, Wanjie Takeaway was randomly assigned by the system.

Every time I come to the world is different, of course, it is also possible to go to the world I have been to, but that chance is really too small.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!