Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:28:50 PM

Chapter 1254: 1254

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As the black smoke became thicker and thicker, Ye Chen knew that this method could not insist on getting out of the building.

His heart moved, and suddenly a protective cover appeared around his body, but only Ye Chen could see this protective cover, and other people couldn't see it at all.

Everyone covered their mouth and nose with their hands as they walked, and of course Ye Chen did the same.

The reason why he did this was because he was afraid of making others suspicious.

Under the leadership of Ye Chen and the protection of the protective cover, everyone walked out of the building safely.

Originally thought that the method Ye Chen said worked, and was not choked by the black smoke, but they didn't know that there was actually a protective cover around the body, and the black smoke could not get in at all.

Even if you don't cover your mouth and nose with your hands, there is no problem.

Fortunately, it is working time, and most of the people in the building are not staying at home.

It would be somewhat difficult for Ye Chen if there were more people in need of rescue.

The woman saw that the child had been rescued, and cried and rushed towards the girl. At the same time, the girl ran in the direction of her mother.

The woman hugged the child and cried. Just now, she had been worrying about her daughter, and even more regretted why she left a six-year-old child alone at home.

If a daughter has three long and two short, she will not live anymore.

When she was thinking about it, she was extremely excited when she saw the daughter who was rescued by Ye Chen.

She was holding her daughter, and just about to express her gratitude to Ye Chen, she realized that Ye Chen had already rushed into the building again.

The male policeman was also stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Ye Chen finally escaped and went back again.

With an anxious look on his face he kept calling Ye Chen: "Little brother, little brother, it's too dangerous there. Come back quickly."

But Ye Chen ignored him at all, and ran into the building again.

Thinking of what the policeman said just now, his colleague was also inside, why didn't he see anyone.

Ye Chen knew that something must have been left behind.

His heart was very nervous, and he kept praying that the policeman would never have trouble.

Ye Chen turned on his clairvoyance skills and looked for the policeman who entered the corridor again, and at the same time looked for the direction of the fire source.

Sure enough, he found a fire on the second floor, which was the innermost room on the second floor, and he found the policeman in this room.

At this moment, the policeman was already lying on the ground, breathing a little difficult, and even a little unconscious.

Ye Chen knew it was important to save people. He just hurriedly came to the policeman lying on the ground and put his hand on his chest. Slowly, the policeman felt that his breathing was a little smoother.

His consciousness also gradually awoke, looking at Ye Chen in front of him, he said with a grateful expression: "This gentleman, thank you."

Originally, he thought he would die here, but he was a little reconciled. After all, he had just joined the police for a year and wanted to do something for the people.

When I was patrolling with my colleagues, I found a fire here, and ran in without saying a word.

But even though he found the fire place, he didn't know what to do. After all, he hadn't been professionally trained, and he was a little panicked when he encountered this kind of thing.

I wanted to put out the fire, but not only did the fire not go out, but I was also stunned here.

Fortunately, with Ye Chen's help, otherwise it would really have been a sacrifice in vain.

"Don't talk, this will inhale a lot of dense smoke into your lungs." Ye Chen reminded kindly.

The young male police nodded when he heard it, and said nothing.

Ye Chen helped the male policeman aside to rest, and he himself came to the burning place, took out the map of the country and mountains, and held a pointing pen to draw the river out again.

These raging flames were no longer so rampant as if they had encountered a strong enemy, and the fire gradually became smaller.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't let the policeman see all this.

He didn't want to trouble himself.

The policeman paused for a while and came to Ye Chen's side.

Seeing the smaller fire, he was surprised. He didn't expect the blazing fire to turn into the scene in front of him.

Ye Chen found another fire extinguisher from home and sprayed it at the burning flame, and the fire was extinguished instantly.

He and the young male police confirmed that there was no other fire in the building before turning and leaving.

Seeing Ye Chen helping his colleague to walk out unharmed, the male policeman ran over with a look of excitement: "Little brother, thank you for putting out the fire, saving my colleagues, and also saving people’s property and lives. ."

The male policeman said a salute to Ye Chen.

The crowds around also praised Ye Chen again and again, and even gave him a thumbs up.

"Little brother, good job."

"Thank you really for saving my daughter."

"Thank you, our hero."

The fire truck did not dare to come, and the reporter who didn't know where it was indeed rushed over.

Ye Chen didn't want to make trouble for himself. If this incident were reported, many doubts would definitely be discovered.

He waved his hand and left the crowd.

Because his body and face had been blackened with smoke, no one could see his appearance at all.

Ye Chen's speed was very fast, even the police did not catch him.

Seeing that no one was chasing after him, Ye Chen's heart was let go.

After the female reporter arrived, she looked at the people around her and asked, "Where is the little hero who saved the life?"

She dared to come for questioning only after receiving a call from the masses. This kind of thing should be publicized.

Originally, the female reporter was worried about the material for this issue, but she heard such news.

But what disappointed her was that she didn't even see Ye Chen's figure.

When everyone heard the words, they all shook their heads, saying that they didn't know where Ye Chen had gone.

Reluctantly, the female reporter could only interview the two police officers.

But after all, the police didn't do the thing, and he didn't get much information from it. He could only leave disappointedly, and in his mind he must find Ye Chen, a hero who did good deeds without leaving a name.

As long as she is found, she must be publicized and reported.

In this society, there are few young people who are willing to help others like Ye Chen.

But wanting to find Ye Chen is like looking for a needle in a haystack, no one present can recall Ye Chen's appearance.

Even the male policeman who saw Ye Chen before couldn't tell. The main reason was that it was getting dark.

The female reporter knew that this would be a long search, but she was still unwilling to give up.

Ye Chen drove the car, sneezing, he rubbed his nose, wondering who was talking about me.

He didn't care about this, he just felt a little tired and wanted to go home and sleep comfortably.

He has more important things to do tomorrow.

This night, maybe because of tiredness, Ye Chen slept very peacefully.

He literally slept till dawn.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!