Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:28:34 PM

Chapter 1262: 1262

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Of course the middle-aged man knew that there could be no good things in this world, since Ye Chen said that it must be conditional to help him.

"What are the conditions?" The middle-aged man looked at Ye Chen and asked.

Now he has no other way to deal with his mother's condition.

Mother's illness is like a bottomless pit. Although a lot of money has been spent over the years, it can only sustain life, and it may be completely cured.

If this continues, he doesn't know how long he can last.

Although she was able to get a sum of money for helping the woman before, the mother recently needed an operation. The expensive operation can scare people to death, and the middle-aged man even felt a little broken.

But even so, he must hold on, because his mother is the only one to rely on. If he falls, what should the mother do.

"Very simple, as long as you can cooperate with me." Ye Chen said calmly.

"Cooperate with you? I don't know what it means." The middle-aged man frowned and said.

Ye Chen's words really deceived him. He didn't understand what he could do to cooperate with this rich man.

"Well, let me just say something simpler, do you remember the murder that happened in the high-end villa area half a month ago?" Ye Chen kept looking at the expression of the middle-aged man when he spoke. Variety.

"This gentleman, I think you really found the wrong person. I don't understand what you mean." The middle-aged man said pretendingly.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, he understood why this young man came to him, it turned out to be because of the murder.

"I don't think you don't understand, but just pretend to be confused." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen had a smile on his face from beginning to end, and the middle-aged man felt that the young man in front of him was indeed not a simple person.

"Are you a policeman?" the middle-aged man asked with a wary look.

"Of course not, you can rest assured about this." Ye Chen said honestly.

"That being the case, why do you want me to cooperate with you." The middle-aged man asked nervously.

"You don't need to cooperate with me, but this is your opportunity. If we wait for the police to catch you, then we won't have to talk." Ye Chen shrugged and said.

After saying this, he didn't stay here anymore, but walked towards the plane.

Ye Chen's words hit the man's heart heavily. He knew that a lot of things would have to be paid back sooner or later since they were done, but it was only sooner or later.

He doesn't care, but what is his mother.

What's more, a man is forced to do these things. The reason why he promised the woman was because he was able to get a sum of money, which was also for his mother's treatment.

The man thought that he did all this for his mother, and if Ye Chen could really cure his mother, then he would be able to rest assured.

He was originally a person with a conscience. If it weren't for money, he would definitely not do that damaging thing.

Since killing the couple, he has been having nightmares all day long, and his conscience is not at peace. Perhaps this is just a way of atonement.

"Sir, please stay." The middle-aged man hurriedly called out Ye Chen, who was about to go out.

"You figured it out clearly." Ye Chen asked while looking at the man.

"Yes, I figured it out clearly, are you really a policeman?" the middle-aged man asked again in doubt.

"I'm really not, my name is Ye Chen, you can rest assured." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, tell me, how do you want me to cooperate with you." The middle-aged man looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Don't worry about this." Ye Chen didn't answer, but waved his hand and said.

He knew that no matter how he made this middle-aged man cooperate, he would be willing, because he is a filial son, and his mother's life is what he values ​​most.

For middle-aged men, Ye Chen is still very sure.

"Go, let's go to the hospital first." Ye Chen said, looking at the middle-aged man.

"Go to the hospital?" Seeing Ye Chen still walking outside, the middle-aged man didn't understand what Ye Chen meant.

The middle-aged man didn't know exactly what medicine Ye Chen was selling in this gourd. He clearly said that he was asked to cooperate, and now why he said he wanted to go to the hospital.

Seeing Ye Chen still walking towards the front, the middle-aged man had to follow behind him.

When he came to the sports car, Ye Chen motioned him to get in the car.

The middle-aged man had seen this kind of sports car before, but it was driven by his boss, who was almost in his sixties.

But Ye Chen looked like he was less than thirty years old and already owned such a luxurious sports car. The middle-aged man knew that the young man in front of him was definitely extraordinary.

Seeing the middle-aged man stunned there, Ye Chen said helplessly, "Uncle, shall we hurry up?"

Ye Chen's words brought the middle-aged man back to reality, and he hurriedly got into the car.

"Tell me the address of the hospital." Ye Chen said lightly.

The middle-aged man told Ye Chen the address and sat in the co-pilot.

The sports car galloped in the direction of the hospital, and the middle-aged man sat on the road with fear.

If he had been young, he would have no feeling for this speed, but now it is different.

"Mr. Ye, you drive slowly, my heart disease almost scared you out." The middle-aged man said with a pale face.

Ye Chen ignored him, but continued to drive forward.

Seeing that the young man in front of him didn't mean to slow down, the middle-aged man had to shut his mouth and clutched his seat belt tightly.

Because Ye Chen's car was fast, he only drove for more than 30 minutes in an hour's journey.

When he came to the entrance of the hospital, Ye Chen parked the car and saw the middle-aged man with a cold sweat on the side and said, "Uncle, we are here."

The middle-aged man hadn't been relieved from the tension just now. He felt his legs feel weak, and he got out of the car trembling, almost staggering and falling to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen held the middle-aged man back.

"Uncle, slow down."

"Mr. Ye, thank you, I really can't accept the old." The middle-aged man said helplessly.

Seeing that the middle-aged man's face was bloody, Ye Chen walked forward.

"Mr. Ye, you stay for a while, I have something to tell you." The middle-aged man shouted looking at Ye Chen's back.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked back.

"Mr. Ye, see my mother later, can you tell her the truth, I'm afraid she will worry." The middle-aged man begged to know.

"Of course, you can rest assured that uncle, I will not tell auntie what you have done, let alone make him worry about you, this can only aggravate her condition." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good, Mr. Ye, thank you." The middle-aged man said with a sigh of relief.

What he worries most is his mother's condition.

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