Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:28:32 PM

Chapter 1263: 1263

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Ye Chen was so filial to his mother for a middle-aged man, and his mother was a little touched by this incident.

He certainly knew how serious the consequences would be if he let middle-aged mothers know about this matter. After all, no mother would want her children to commit crimes.

What's more, if the mother were to know that her child did this because of her, then she would definitely not stay in the hospital anymore, and even feel guilty in her mind.

Ye Chen can't help feeling sorry for the middle-aged man, but no matter what the reason is, as long as he does something wrong, he will be punished. What's more, what a middle-aged man does is against the law and must be punished by the law. Yes, otherwise the laws of nature are too difficult to tolerate.

The middle-aged man felt comforted when he saw that Ye Chen could agree to his request.

The thing that worries him the most is that his mother knows that he has done that kind of thing, and will definitely not forgive him.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Ye." The middle-aged man said excitedly.

He remembers that since his father left, his mother raised him up with hard work alone. Although his mother didn't give him a rich life, she taught him how to be a human being.

If it weren't for desperate and compelling, he would never do that thing.

But the matter has come to this point, and there is no chance to remedy it.

"Uncle, let's go, what are you doing there, hurry up and lead the way." Ye Chen asked with a smile.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Go, Mr. Ye will go here."

Ye Chen followed the middle-aged man, walked into the inpatient department, and the two got on the elevator.

Coming out of the elevator, the middle-aged man took him to a ward.

The middle-aged man tidyed up his clothes, adjusted his emotions, and walked in with Ye Chen.

As soon as he walked into the ward, Ye Chen saw a gray-haired old man lying on a hospital bed, her eyes closed tightly and a pained expression on her face.

Ye Chen knew it was because of her heart.

When the middle-aged man saw it, his nose was a little sour. He eased his emotions and came to the old man and shouted: "Mom, I'm coming to see you."

The old man may have heard his son's call and slowly opened his eyes. It is not difficult to see that she is also very laborious when doing this action, which shows how seriously she is sick.

"Aqiang, why did you come to see me again? Didn't you just come in the morning?" The old man was breathing while talking.

She looked at the son in front of her with a smile on her face.

Ye Chen also knew that this old man was also trying hard to keep his son from worrying about him so much.

"Mom, stop talking, hurry up and take a good rest, I just miss you." The middle-aged man touched his mother's old face and said.

Seeing his mother in this state, the middle-aged man felt a kind of unspeakable sadness. He hated his inability to allow his dearest mother to suffer such a serious sin here.

In fact, he can't really be blamed for these. As a son, he has done very well.

At this time, the old man noticed the young man next to his son, and hurriedly asked: "Aqiang, who is this young man?"

Before the middle-aged man could speak, Ye Chen said with a smile, "Auntie, hello, I am Ye Chen, the boss of Uncle Qiang. I heard Uncle Qiang said that you were hospitalized, so come and see you."

"Boss Ye, it's so inappropriate, how can you let you come and see me." The old man wanted to do it with a panic expression.

However, she still had the strength to be afflicted by the illness, and she couldn't sit up at all.

"Mom, what are you doing?" The middle-aged man hurriedly asked when he saw his mother's behavior.

"Aqiang, quickly help me up, your boss is here, how inappropriate it is for me to lie down like this." The old man looked at his son with a reproachful face and said.

"Auntie, you don't need to see me like that. Uncle Qiang has done so many things for the company. As the boss, I should see you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"How can it work, you are the boss, and my son is your employee. It is right to do things for the company. Thank you for allowing Qiang to do things in your company." The old man said with gratitude.

"Auntie, you don't have to be so polite. Our company is also honored to be able to recruit strong uncles." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, the old man looked at his son and said, "Aqiang, look at how good your boss is, you have to work hard for the company."

"Mom, I will, don't worry." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"By the way, Auntie, do you feel better?" Ye Chen asked with a look of concern.

"Hey, what's so good? One day counts as one day. Actually, I don’t care. I’m just afraid that after I’m gone, Aqiang will be helpless in this world. Mr. Ye, I’m not afraid of your jokes, if it’s not because of me. Old lady, Aqiang originally had a happy family." The old man sighed and said.

This matter has always been like a thorn in her heart, making her feel very painful and even blame herself.

"Mom, how can you say that? You don't blame you at all for this matter, so don't take it on yourself." The middle-aged man comforted his mother and said.

"Auntie, I think Uncle Qiang is right. If his wife loves him enough, two people can face it together no matter what happens. If you leave, it can only show that you are not loving enough. This has nothing to do with you. "Ye Chen also helped comfort.

"Hey, forget it, it has happened and there is no way to recover it, and I don't want to." The old man sighed again and said.

"Mom, that's right, you have taken care of your body, it's better than anything else." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

The old man knew that his son was comforting her. Her disease was not cured at all, and even the treatment required a large amount of money. The money was simply not something people like them could afford.

"Yeah, Auntie, take good care of your body and think about other things later." Ye Chen said with a smile.

At this time, a doctor in a white coat walked in and saw the old man asking, "Old man, how do you feel?"

"Very good, thank you Director Liu." The old man said with a smile.

At this time, Director Liu looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Are you ready for your mother's surgery? Her condition can't be delayed any longer."

"Director Liu, hello, I want to ask you, what is the success rate of this operation?" Ye Chen looked at Director Liu and asked.

"Well, I can't assure you. You also know that I am not a big hospital here, so medical equipment and other things are definitely not acceptable, and I can't afford to hire those very famous experts. If the operation is successful, it will only continue to be maintained. It can't really be cured." Director Liu said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"How about Director Zhou Tao of Ren'ai Hospital?" Ye Chen asked lightly.

Upon hearing this name, Director Liu showed a shocked expression on his face.

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