Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:28:30 PM

Chapter 1264: 1264

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Hearing Zhou Tao's name, Director Liu showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Do you know Zhou Tao?" He looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"Yes." Ye Chen replied lightly.

You must know that Zhou Tao is a very famous cardiology expert. He once studied abroad and had the opportunity to stay abroad, but he was very patriotic, and he resolutely brought his family back to China.

"How do you know him? Can you introduce us to know him?" Director Liu begged.

"This is no problem." Ye Chen said with a smile.

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and dialed Zhou Tao's number.

Zhou Tao was sitting in the office, studying the case of a patient, and suddenly heard the phone ringing.

Taking a look at what turned out to be Ye Chen's phone, he hurriedly connected the phone.

"Mr. Ye, hello, if you have anything, please tell me." Zhou Tao said respectfully.

"Director Zhou, this is the case. I have a patient here who needs cardiology surgery. I don't know if you have time?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Director Liu knew Zhou Tao, and he knew better that he was going abroad tomorrow. It was impossible to operate on anyone at all.

The reason why he said this was to slap Ye Chen in the face. He felt that this young man was really too arrogant.

At a young age, he even said that he knew Zhou Tao. You must know that Zhou Tao can be known to anyone, let alone to have an operation on him.

Although Ye Chen looked like a rich man in his clothes, he might not be able to please Zhou Tao if he was rich.

Director Liu stood by and wanted to watch Ye Chen's good show, he just wanted to let Ye Chen know the fate of talking big.

"Of course there is time. Your business is more important than anything else. Even if I squeeze, I have to squeeze out time." Zhou Tao said with a smile.

Then he continued: "But before the operation, I need to understand the patient's condition and then formulate a treatment plan."

"It's okay to see the patient, but you need to come to the hospital in person. I don't know if you have time now?" Ye Chen asked.

"No problem, I'll go over now, please send me the address." Although Zhou Tao was reluctant in his heart, he still said with a smile.

Ye Chen sent the address to Zhou Tao, and then hung up.

Director Liu just heard the conversation between the two people and couldn't help but look at Ye Chen in front of him with even more surprise.

He originally thought that Ye Chen was just bragging, but he didn't expect all of this to be true.

Zhou Tao and Ye Chen spoke in such a respectful tone, since the person who can be treated like this by Zhou Tao is definitely not an ordinary person, maybe it is a super boss.

Although Director Liu's attitude towards Ye Chen just now was fairly good, Ye Chen knew that he was skeptical and didn't believe that he would know the famous Director Zhou Tao.

"Director Liu, I ask Director Zhou to come to your hospital, don't you mind." Ye Chen asked when he looked at the man in a white coat in front of him.

"No, of course not. The arrival of Director Zhou will make our hospital flourish. We can't ask you to please." Director Liu waved his hand and said.

When he thought of seeing the Director Zhou Tao who he didn't even dare to even think about immediately, Director Liu felt introspective and excited.

"Oh, that's good." Ye Chen nodded and said.

The middle-aged man and mother were also a little dazed.

Although they don't know what Zhou Tao is, through the conversation between Ye Chen and Director Liu, they can know that Zhou Tao is a very famous expert in the heart.

"It seems that my mother is saved now." The middle-aged man showed an expression of excitement on his face.

Before I heard Director Liu introduce his mother’s condition, he thought that his mother’s illness would not be cured at all, but he did not expect that a very famous director would soon come to see and perform operations on his mother.

This is really keeping the cloud open to see the moon.

The old man was also very happy after hearing it. She was very hopeless before, but now she seems to see hope.

Four people were waiting in the room, time passed by.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man wearing gold glasses and a suit was standing outside.

Both Ye Chen and Director Liu knew that this middle-aged man was no one else but Director Zhou Tao Zhou, a very famous expert.

Seeing those who walked in, Director Liu welcomed them respectfully, and said with a smile: "Director Zhou, it's really a big name I've heard for a long time. It's an honor to see you today."

Zhou Tao looked at the man in front of him and just smiled and nodded.

Then he passed by the man and walked to Ye Chen who was standing in front of the hospital bed and said respectfully: "Mr. Ye, here I am."

"Well, Director Zhou has worked so hard, why did I ask you to come here late?" Ye Chen said politely.

"Mr. Ye, you must not be so polite with me, it is my honor to be able to help you." Zhou Tao said hurriedly.

He didn't dare to let Ye Chen continue to say thank you.

Zhou Tao knew very well that Ye Chen was a gangster-level figure, and even the dean would treat him respectfully, not to mention that he was a small director.

Hearing this, Ye Chen didn't speak anymore.

In this way, the two people were polite, and Zhou Tao began to get busy.

He knew that the old man next to Ye Chen was a patient, and hurriedly asked, "Old man, do you feel anything uncomfortable?"

"Hello, Director Zhou, I feel my chest is blocked and I can't breathe at all." The old man said with a pained expression.

In fact, Zhou Tao didn't need to talk to the old man in person. The main reason for understanding the condition was that Ye Chen was next to him, so he wanted to pay more attention to it.

Ye Chen was also very satisfied with Zhou Tao's performance.

He felt that Zhou Tao was indeed a good doctor and expert, and he treated patients very well.

Regarding his point, Ye Chen knew that Zhou Tao did not perform, but revealed his true feelings.

After Zhou Tao asked about the old man’s condition, he looked at Director Liu and asked with a smile, "Are you the old man’s doctor?"

"Yes, Director Zhou." Director Liu walked over with a look of excitement.

Being able to have a conversation with Zhou Tao, it's so shameful to talk to colleagues in this way, and everyone will definitely admire him very much.

"Well, I want to see the old man's case, please take me to see it." Zhou Tao said politely.

Hearing Zhou Tao's polite manner, Director Liu felt flattered.

He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Director Zhou, I know that your time is very precious. If you wait, I will go to the office to get it for you. You can run again if you save it."

Director Liu felt that being able to help Zhou Tao run errands was really a blessing he had cultivated in his last life.

That’s how the doctor’s circle is. If you have the ability, others will respect you and respect you.

Seeing Director Liu's enthusiasm, Zhou Tao nodded and agreed: "Then I will trouble you."

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