Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:28:19 PM

Chapter 1269: 1269

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Zhou Susu took Xiao Jing out of the car and walked into the pre-appointed coffee shop, and found an empty seat to sit down.

"Xiaojing, don't be afraid, my sister will always be with you." Zhou Susu said, touching the girl's head.

Xiaojing nodded obediently and smiled at Zhou Susu.

At this moment, a woman in a fashionable dress with sunglasses and a suitcase walked in.

When she walked into the coffee shop, she made a phone call.

At this moment, Zhou Susu's cell phone rang.

The woman also saw Zhou Susu's action to connect to the phone and the little girl next to her.

She looked at Zhou Susu and cried and said, "Officer Zhou, hello, I am Zhang Ruimei, the sister of the deceased. I really didn't expect to have been abroad for so many years. When I came back, it was because of my sister's death."

"I have had a good relationship with my sister since I was a child. If I had known that I would not go abroad, and be by my sister's side, maybe she would not have such a thing." She carried the suitcase and moved towards that one. The freshman and the young came over, and then sat on the empty seat.

Zhang Ruimei was talking about tears, as if she and Xiaojing's mother and sister were deeply in love.

If it weren't for hearing those recordings, Zhou Susu would have believed it a little.

"Hello, Ms. Zhang, please save your sorrow. After all, death cannot be resurrected." Zhou Susu comforted.

Xiao Jing saw the woman in front of her face a little nervous, Zhou Susu kept holding her little hand.

Then Zhang Ruimei looked at the girl next to Zhou Susu and smiled and said, "Xiaojing, I am your aunt, why don't you know me? I used to take you out to play."

Xiao Jing ignored her, but showed a scared expression on her face.

She remembered that the woman in front of her was the woman who had quarreled with her mother before, and she also said a lot of scary things.

Seeing that Xiaojing ignored herself, Zhang Ruimei did not feel embarrassed, but said sadly: "Hey, poor Xiaojing is so young and lost her parents. I really feel sorry for this child."

Zhou Susu knew that Zhang Ruimei was acting, and she had the idea of ​​killing Xiaojing before.

However, Xiao Jing's life was relatively large, and she did not suffer a brutal attack, and she escaped by chance.

"Yes, the problem now is that your sister-in-law has passed away, leaving Xiaojing alone. If she has no relatives, we can send her to the orphanage, but on the contrary, she still has your aunt, so We have to get your consent." Zhou Susu said with a frown.

Hearing Zhou Susu's words, Zhang Ruimei hurriedly said: "She is my sister's own flesh and blood. How could I let her go to the orphanage? From now on, Xiao Jing will be raised by me, not to mention that I don't have any children who love Xiao Jing in my heart."

Zhou Susu was not surprised at what Zhang Ruimei said, because she had her own purpose.

"But, Ms. Zhang, you have been abroad for many years. Xiaojing suffered such a big change and suffered a huge internal trauma. If you take her abroad, I am afraid that she will not be able to adapt to life abroad." Zhou Susu will have concerns in her heart. Said it.

"Officer Zhou, you are very thoughtful. I have been thinking about this issue these days, so I made a decision. From now on, I will live in China and take care of Xiaojing, all for my sister." Zhang Ruimei Said with a smile.

Zhou Susu did not expect that Zhang Ruimei would not even leave the country, just to take care of Xiaojing.

After Xiaojing heard the conversation between the two women, her expression became more nervous, and her heart became more frightened.

She actually started crying, her voice was very loud.

Xiao Jing's abnormal behavior shocked Zhou Susu and Zhang Ruimei.

No matter how they coax, they can’t coax Xiaojing.

After all, the coffee shop is a public place, and Zhang Ruimei and Zhou Susu are too embarrassed to stay with Xiaojing.

"Ms. Zhang, Xiao Jing hasn't come out for a long time. Maybe it's because I'm not used to it. Why don't we talk to another place." Zhou Susu said.

Originally, Zhang Ruimei was able to take Xiao Jing away only once, but she didn't expect Zhou Susu to propose to chat elsewhere.

In fact, Zhou Susu did this deliberately. Just now, she thought about how to introduce Zhang Ruimei into the police station.

It happened that Xiao Jing made such a fuss and helped her a lot.

"Okay, but where are we going?" Zhang Ruimei asked, looking at Zhou Susu.

"Why don't you go to my office, it's quiet and no other people bother you." Zhou Susu asked, looking at the woman in front of him.

Zhang Ruimei didn't hesitate at all, and said happily, "Well, it just so happens that I don't like a crowded environment either."

The three people walked towards the place where Ye Chen stopped.

Along the way, Zhang Ruimei tried to approach Xiao Jing several times, but Xiao Jing kept holding Zhou Susu's hand and refused to let go.

She knew that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed, and she had to take it slowly.

After all, I haven't seen each other for a while, and it's normal to feel strange.

When they came to Ye Chen, the three people got into the car. Instead of sitting in the passenger seat, Zhou Susu let Zhang Ruimei sit there.

Zhang Ruimei can see that the man driving the car and Zhou Susu must be a lover.

She smiled and said, "Officer Zhou, your life is so good, you have such a handsome and rich boyfriend."

Zhou Susu smiled and said, "Yeah, Ye Chen is indeed very good."

Ye Chen was also taken aback when he saw Zhang Ruimei. This woman looked really good, but her heart was too cruel, and she couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

Along the way, only Zhang Ruimei and Zhou Susu were chatting, Ye Chen was attentive and happy, and Xiao Jing was silent.

The car soon came to the door of the police station. Four people walked in and went straight to Zhou Susu's office.

"It's better here, be quiet, see Xiao Jing's state is much better than before." Zhang Ruimei said with a smile.

I have to say that this woman's psychological quality is really good. Even ordinary people feel a little scared when they come to the police station after doing that kind of thing.

"Yes, maybe it's because Xiao Jing has been staying at home during this period of time and didn't go out." Zhou Susu also echoed.

When she chatted with Zhang Ruimei, she kept thinking about how to ask this woman.

Ye Chen may have seen her thoughts and said with a smile: "You talk, I will take Xiaojing out to play for a while."

After all, Xiao Jing staying here to listen to Zhou Susu's chat with Zhang Ruimei is obviously not very good, and it is likely that she will be hit again. ‘

"Ye Chen, go ahead, look up on Xiao Jing." Zhou Susu exhorted.

"Mr. Ye, Xiao Jing will ask you, thank you." Zhang Ruimei also said with a smile.

In fact, she didn't want Xiaojing to hear those things, after all, she was still a child.

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