Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:26 PM

Chapter 127: 127

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After Chen Hong finished processing, he turned to Ye Chen and said, "Mr. Ye? Are you satisfied with what I did?"

"Yeah!" Ye Chen nodded.

Chen Hong respectfully said: "Mr. Ye, then don't disturb you playing, if you have any needs, you can contact me directly."

Zheng Long was driven out of the Huale Golf Course, he was going crazy.

Today he is embarrassed in front of the woman he likes, how could he just let it go.

Zheng Long angrily picked up the phone: "Second Uncle, today I had a conflict with a **** at the Huale Golf Course. As a result, Manager Chen used power for personal gain, blasting me out of the golf course and revoking my gold membership. ."

"Is there such a thing? Nephew, it's okay, my second uncle will definitely ask you for justice."

Zheng Fei angrily picked up the phone; "Chen Hong, you have to give me an account of my nephew."

Chen Hong snorted: "Ms. Zheng, Ye Chen is the one who offended your nephew. You can find out who Ye Chen is? You can ask me again. For the sake of an old friend, I advise you to be with your nephew. Keep a little distance, otherwise you should be aware of the consequences."

Ye Chen!

Zheng Fei's face suddenly changed when he heard the name.

Vanke Group is their company's largest supplier.

If Ye Chen is offended, their company will be over.

Between the enterprise and his nephew, Zheng Fei certainly chose the former without hesitation.

He immediately dialed Zheng Long's phone: "You little bastard, how dare you offend Mr. Ye? Do you know who Mr. Ye is? The owner of Vanke Group, my business depends on others to support it. From today onwards You are no longer my nephew, and I am not your second uncle, and you were fired."

Zheng Long held the phone in his hand, messy in the wind.

The second uncle usually spoils him the most, no matter what he provokes outside can be settled.

But what happened to your second uncle today? He was fired from the company directly, and the relationship was severed.


Ye Chen and Li Rongrong walked out of the golf course after playing golf.

Hey, playing golf with beautiful women is really enjoyable.

Although Ye Chen's strength was average, Li Rongrong was even a rookie.

Just holding Li Rongrong's hand and teaching her to play, it felt so cool.

Next time I will ask more beautiful women to come here to teach them to play.

Ye Chen drove Li Rongrong home.

Li Rongrong had a great time, and when he left, he gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating 1 praise star (25), and rewarding the mansion Washington. 】

Huafu is a newly built Hanting-style community in the capital.

Huafu’s villas are the only Hanting-style villa area in the magic city, located in the center of the magic city, with a total of 20 villas.

After the project opened, the villa was snapped up by the big bosses of the city.

Ye Chen was also curious about how awesome the Washington mansion was snapped up by the big guys.

He drove to Washington.

Unlike the security guards in other villa areas, when Ye Chen came in a sports car, the other party did not let him go directly.

But seeing Ye Chen's Lycan sports car, the security guard did not dare to neglect, and ran out of the police booth quickly, and saluted in front of Ye Chen's car.

"Sir, our community implements closed management. Vehicles that are not the owners of this community are not allowed to enter. If you are visiting customers, please park your car at the door."

Ye Chen said: "I am the owner of this community."

The security guard froze for a moment and said, "Sir, we have all registered the license plate numbers of the villa owners in this community. Didn't you have your license plate registered?"

This community has a small number of residents, so there are only two dozen people going back and forth, so the security guards all know it.

Ye Chen is a new face, so the security guards naturally have to interrogate him.

Ye Chen wasn't angry about the security's questioning. After all, this is the responsibility of others. In other words, you are the owner and anyone can come in. Can you rest assured?

"The villa I just bought. By the way, I have a book in the car. You can take a look."

Ye Chen took the room book given by the system from the passenger seat and handed it over.

The security guard saw Ye Chen’s face change slightly: "Ah, you are the owner of No.1 Washington DC. We have moved in all the other 20 villas in Washington DC, but this one has not been checked in. Mr. delays you. Sorry for the time, you can go in now."

Opening the guardrail, Ye Chen drove directly into Washington.

The security guard took a deep breath: "It turns out that the owner of Villa One in Washington is so young."

People who can live in Washington are all top successful people in the magic city, so they are all over forty years old, and Ye Chen is the youngest.

The security guard returned to the guard box and quickly called the property manager of the community: "Manager Li, the owner of Villa One in Washington is here."

"What? Okay, I see." Li Zhong immediately hung up and ran out of the office.

Huafu One is the most upscale villa in the entire villa area.

The owner of this villa is said to have a monstrous background.

You know, China's richest man Marco bought only Villa No. 2, which shows how awesome the owners of Villa No. 1 are.

Ye Chen drove the car and was very satisfied with this villa.

Unlike other urban villas, this villa is completely decorated in an antique style.

The pavilions, walking in them, feel as if you have traveled to the Han Dynasty.

It's worthy of Washington.

Ye Chen remembered the advertising slogan of Washington, traveling through time, showing the prosperous age of the Han Dynasty.

It seems that this ad term is well-known.

It is really not easy to build such an outdoor garden in this reinforced concrete city.

Ye Chen drove the car and drove for ten minutes, and a luxurious and majestic building like a palace appeared in front of him.

The courtyard walls of the villa are all antique, and the two stone lions at the door are tall and mighty.

Ye Chen stopped the car, and a middle-aged man in a suit greeted him quickly: "Hello, Mr. Ye, welcome to stay in Washington, I am Li Zhong, the property manager of the community."

"Hello!" Ye Chen nodded.

"Mr. Ye, since you are the owner of the No. 1 Washington Villa, you can enjoy our highest standard of service, including personal butler and supreme VIP service."

"Are you a personal butler?" Ye Chen frowned.

If the personal butler is this big fat guy, Ye Chen feels that it's better to forget it.

There is a big man at home every day, it feels weird.

Manager Li smiled awkwardly: "Of course not. The personal butler is selected from tens of thousands of applicants. I believe you will be satisfied."

With that, Li Zhong had envy in his eyes.

The other party's **** was mysterious, which made Ye Chen look forward to this personal butler.

Ye Chen came to the door, scanned his face, and the door slowly opened.

Driving the car and entering the villa, I saw a superb beauty in Hanfu coming by the gate.

The beauties are in their early twenties, are tall, and have an amazing 98 points.

The beauty in Hanfu walked to the car and hugged a wanfu: "Welcome the master home!"

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