Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:28:16 PM

Chapter 1270: 1270

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After seeing Ye Chen and Xiaojing leave, Zhang Ruimei cried and said, "My sister is so good, why did she encounter this kind of thing? I think it must be because my brother-in-law has too many enemies outside, and my sister is also affected."

She said this deliberately to induce Zhou Susu to mislead the police in the direction of investigation.

If there was no such recording, Zhang Ruimei's statement would be reasonable. After all, Xiaojing's parents are both in business, and there will definitely be rivals who will retaliate when their interests are damaged.

"Miss Zhang, why do you say that, do you know something?" Zhou Susu asked when he looked at the vicious woman in front of him.

"Brother-in-law's business is so big, naturally there are so many enemies, and those people are really too hateful to behave on them for their own desires." Zhang Ruimei wiped her tears and said.

"You are right Miss Zhang, but some people do this kind of hurtful things for their own desires." Zhou Susu said with a smile.

"Officer Zhou, has the murderer caught him? I must avenge my sister and brother-in-law." Zhang Ruimei said angrily.

"Miss Zhang, although the murderer has not been caught, we did lock this within the range of the relatives next to Xiao Jing's parents." Zhou Susu said while observing Zhang Ruimei's expression.

"How is it possible, how could the relatives around the sister-in-law kill them? If it is true, this person is simply not as good as a beast." Zhang Ruimei retorted.

However, there was a slight change in the expression on her face, just for a moment, but Zhou Susu, who had always been keen-eyed, caught this.

"You are right. Judging from the evidence in our hands, that's it." Zhou Susu said with a smile.

Then she added: "The murderer I said was a relative, but it doesn't mean that she committed suicide. It may also be hired to kill someone, right?"

"I still think it's impossible. If that's the case, this person's heart is really too vicious. As far as I know, my sister and brother-in-law are very kind to people around me and often help those relatives and friends. Is your police targeting the suspect? There is a problem." Zhang Ruimei retorted again.

She knew that the police should have suspected, but there should be no suspicion on her.

After all, judging from the fact that she took the initiative to come back from abroad and dare to come to the police station, she wouldn't think there was any problem.

Zhang Ruimei is very smart. She thinks she dare to come to the police station with Zhou Su, which is enough to prove that she is not a murderer and the police will rule her out.

But people are not as good as the heavens. She is clever but was mistaken by cleverness. Now the police have targeted her.

No matter how she behaves, there is no escape.

The reason Zhou Susu didn't act rashly was because Ye Chen told him to wait for him to come back when he was about to leave.

Although she didn't understand Ye Chen's meaning, she did know that there was definitely nothing wrong with listening to him.

After a while, Ye Chen walked in, but Xiao Jing was gone.

It turned out that Ye Chen just sent Xiaojing back. She was worried that the girl would be frightened when she knew that her aunt was a murderer, and she was even more worried that Zhang Ruimei would jump over the wall and take Xiaojing as a hostage, which would be difficult to handle.

"Mr. Ye, where is Xiaojing?" Zhang Ruimei asked as he looked at the handsome young man who walked in.

"Xiao Jing said she was a little tired, so I sent her back." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Sent back, I want to take Xiao Jing away." Zhang Ruimei said with a puzzled expression.

She didn't know why Ye Chen sent Xiao Jing back. She had already agreed with Zhou Susu that she would take Xiao Jing away.

"Miss Zhang, I'll take you to Xiaojing in a while." Ye Chen said with a smile.

He had already seen Zhang Ruimei's expression a little flustered, and quickly comforted her.

"No, I have nothing to do with the police station. You should take me to find Xiaojing." Zhang Ruimei said with an unhappy expression.

She said as she got up to go out.

After all, Ye Chen was a man who couldn't stop her.

At this time, Zhou Susu said, "Miss Zhang, I actually asked you to come here to talk to you about Xiao Jing's raising issues."

"Isn't it all done? What else is there to say." Zhang Ruimei said in an annoyed manner.

She felt that Zhou Susu had been delaying time now, as if waiting for something.

Zhang Ruimei is a smart person. She knows that the police do not have enough evidence to point out that she is buying homicide, so she cannot restrict her freedom.

As long as you leave the police station, everything is easy.

"Officer Zhou, I have just returned to China and I have to suffer jet lag. I am a little uncomfortable now, and I still have a lot of things to do. I really don’t have time to chat with you here. I’ll leave it to you for my sister-in-law’s affairs. I must catch it. That murderer, to comfort their spirit in the sky." Zhang Ruimei walked outside again.

She knew she couldn't stay here anymore, she probably couldn't leave.

Zhou Susu knew that there was no way to stop Zhang Ruimei, she looked at Ye Chen anxiously, not knowing what medicine Ye Chen sold in the gourd.

Ye Chen glanced at the phone, with a smile on his face.

Zhou Susu was going to be mad at this moment. How could he still laugh at this critical juncture.

It was hard to trick Zhang Ruimei to the police station. If she was allowed to leave like this, it would be difficult to catch her again in the future.

Originally, Zhou Susu wanted to clarify with Zhang Ruimei and let her know that the police already knew that she was a murderer. Although she did not do it herself, she was also buying a murderer, which was illegal.

But she knew that even if she said that, someone like Zhang Ruimei would definitely not admit it. Maybe she would bite them back and even cause trouble to herself.

Zhou Susu also thought about showing that recording to Zhang Ruimei, but that recording can only prove that Zhang Ruimei resents Xiaojing's mother, not that she is the murderer.

Zhang Ruimei must have all kinds of excuses to say that she was wronged and innocent.

What's more, Ye Chen also told him to be calm and wait for him to come back.

Ye Chen had returned now, and besides sending Xiao Jing back, he didn't seem to be doing anything else.

At this moment, Ye Chen saw Zhou Susu staring at him with an ugly face. He knew Zhou Susu was anxious and worried that Zhang Ruimei would leave.

"Miss Zhang, wait a minute, I have already asked Xiao Jing to be brought back." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Later, he sent another WeChat message to Zhou Susu: "That person will be here soon."

Zhou Susu didn't know who Ye Chen was talking about, and looked at the man in front of him with a look of confusion.

After Zhang Ruimei heard this, she stopped. She knew that she had to become Xiao Jing's guardian to get everything her sister and brother-in-law had.

As long as Xiaojing comes, she will take Xiaojing out of the country, and no one will find them in the future.

Zhang Ruimei returned to the sofa and sat down, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Ye Chen closed the door and also sat on the sofa.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhou Susu let out a sigh of relief, which fortunately stabilized Zhang Ruimei.

At this moment, a person walked in outside the door.

Zhang Ruimei originally thought it was Xiaojing, but when she saw that person, her face turned pale in fright, and she said in horror, "Why are you?"

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