Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:28:12 PM

Chapter 1272: 1272

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Zhou Susu knew that since Zhang Ruimei said that, there must be a story between the two sisters. She did not speak, but listened to the woman in front of her.

Zhang Ruimei said fiercely: "My sister deserves it. Everything she owns is mine. Her husband should be my husband. I should live the life of a rich wife. I have been better than her since I was a child. What does she usually do better than me."

"Zhang Ruimei, don't talk nonsense here. We will record what you say. If it doesn't match the facts, you will be held accountable." Zhou Susu said.

She felt that what the woman in front of her said was a little untrue, and it was obviously made up here.

"What I said is the truth. My brother-in-law was interested in me, but it was indeed my sister in the end. Do you think it was because my sister seduced him? Did my sister sorry me and allowed me to live a life that is worse than death. "Zhang Ruimei gritted her teeth and said.

But she only told half of the facts, and she didn't say the other half.

"But you have been abroad for so many years. Apart from your husband's not very good life, you can live a good life. As far as I know, your sister gave you money from your bank card many times." Zhou Susu continued.

"She did that to calm her conscience, and she sent me out of the country because she was afraid that my brother-in-law and I would rekindle the old relationship. On the surface, everything she did was for my good. In fact, it's all for herself." Zhang Ruimei retorted.

She didn't agree with Zhou Susu's statement at all. She had always believed that her sister was doing this to redeem her sins and make her conscience live.

Now that she heard her say this, Zhou Susu was not good to say anything. After all, the emotional entanglement between the two people did not have much to do with this case.

It is a fact that Zhang Ruimei hired a murderer, no matter what her purpose is, she can't deny it.

But what Zhou Susu didn't expect was that Zhang Ruimei hated her sister so much, and she didn't even feel ashamed for her death.

It can be seen how deep the grievance between the two sisters is, and it actually reached the point of killing each other.

"Then since you just wanted to kill your sister, why did you let the hired kill even your brother-in-law?" Zhou Susu continued to ask.

"From the bottom of my heart, I didn't even want to kill him. Whoever asked him to block that for my sister, let them continue to be a husband and wife underground. I really didn't expect my brother-in-law would do this for my sister. It shows that she was playing tricks. A lot of scheming and methods." Zhang Ruimei cried and said.

Zhou Susu can tell from her expression that she does have feelings for Xiaojing's father.

Zhang Ruimei gritted her teeth when she talked about Xiaojing's mother, but when she talked about that man, she had tenderness in her eyes.

"Zhang Ruimei, why don't you let a child go? After all, she is related to you." Zhou Susu sighed and asked.

"That's a wicked species. How could I let her live in this world? When I saw her, I would think that my sister had done things I was sorry for, and the hatred in my heart would grow stronger and stronger." Zhang Ruimei said this sentence When it was time, there was a ruthless look in his eyes.

When Zhou Susu saw the woman in front of him, he finally understood the words of the most poisonous woman's heart.

"Since you have so much hatred in your heart, why do you take the initiative to adopt Xiaojing? Wouldn't you say that you don't want this child to live at all?" Zhou Susu asked.

"Since she is not dead, then I will adopt her, just to vent all the hatred in my heart on this child, maybe this is God's will." Zhang Ruimei showed a sneer on her face.

She didn't tell the truth this time. In fact, she really wanted to raise Xiaojing to an adult and give her the best things, just like her own.

Zhang Ruimei knew that it was useless to tell her true thoughts, and it would not make up for what she did.

For women, let Zhou Susu have a cold sweat. If it wasn't for Ye Chen to find the little bear, Zhou Susu really wanted to give Xiaojing to Zhang Ruimei to raise him.

After all, this is the flesh and blood of my sister. As a younger sister, I will definitely take care of it with all my heart.

According to what Zhang Ruimei said, it was undoubtedly to send Xiaojing to the fire pit.

If that were the case, Zhou Susu couldn't feel at ease in his heart, and he would definitely live in guilt.

Zhang Ruimei's words made Zhou Susu more angry the more she listened. She felt that the woman in front of her was simply too vicious.

At this time, Zhou Susu took out the stuffed bear from Xiao Jing.

Seeing that little bear, Zhang Ruimei had a feeling of deja vu, as if he had seen Xiao Jing hug.

But she hadn't noticed it at the time, she just thought it was just an ordinary plush toy.

When Zhou Susu opened the recording inside, Zhang Ruimei realized that this little bear still has a recording function.

When I heard the recording of the quarrel with my sister, Zhang Ruimei's face was full of hatred. It was that time that she had a murderous intent against her sister, so that the situation has developed to the present level.

After the argument, there is another recording.

Zhang Ruimei could hear her sister's voice.

"Xiaojing, when you heard this recording, your mother was no longer by your side. My baby girl, I'm sorry that my mother had broken her promise. She wanted to protect you all the time, but now she can't. Please don't hate your aunt. These are all It’s a debt owed by your mother. You and your father must live a good life, and your mother will watch you in heaven."

Zhou Susu has been observing the changes in Zhang Ruimei's expression, and she can see the painful expression on this woman's face.

"Zhang Ruimei, what do you think about hearing this recording? Your sister knew that you had a murderous intention towards her, and decided to die in your hands, and let Xiaojing not hate you. Your sister loves you so much. How can you treat her like this?" Zhou Susu asked.

At this time, the hatred on Zhang Ruimei's face disappeared, and turned to regret and guilt.

She cried and cried: "Sister, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong, if time can come back, I really won't do anything like that again, I'm jealous of your good life, my own Life is unsatisfactory, but it's all I asked for, and who can I blame? I always attribute my mistakes to others."

"Since I was young, you have been protecting me everywhere, giving me all the good things, even your beloved, it doesn’t matter. I’m really not a human being. How can I do that kind of dehumanizing thing to you? , You don’t blame me, you treat me with a tolerant heart."

Zhang Ruimei cried very sad, even emotionally uncontrollable, and wanted to hit the iron fence in front of her with her head.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Susu hurriedly stopped her and ordered Zhang Ruimei to be locked up.

She knew that Zhang Ruimei was in this situation and it was not suitable to continue the interrogation.

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