Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:27:56 PM

Chapter 1282: 1282

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Uncle Qiang kept looking forward to the operating room, anxiously waiting for his mother to come out.

Although Director Zhou Tao said that the operation was a success, he still couldn't relax his mind when he didn't see his mother coming out for a moment.

Ye Chen kept comforting Uncle Qiang, he also knew it was useless.

Uncle Qiang's feelings as a son can't be understood. After all, it is his mother who is lying in it, and the person he has always depended on.

After a while, the two nurses pushed the old man out and saw that his mother's face was pale, and Uncle Qiang's distressed tears were streaming down.

It is said that men have tears and do not flick them lightly, and even the strong uncle who is a clank and iron man can't control his emotions in front of his mother.

"Uncle Qiang, see, the old man has already been pushed out, let's go to the ward too." Ye Chen said with a smile.

The two followed the nurses and came to the VIP-class ward arranged by Dean Chen.

This ward is many times better than the old man lived in before. Seeing this ward, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

He was very satisfied with all the arrangements made by Dean Chen, and decided to help the Dean if he had the opportunity.

Originally, Dean Chen took a few medical staff with them in the ward, but Ye Chen sent them away. After all, the elderly need to rest, and the number of people is not so good.

Dean Chen saw Ye Chen's attitude and left with great interest, and told Ye Chen to tell him if he had any needs.

Uncle Qiang did not eat because he was worried about his mother.

Ye Chen had nothing to do anyway, so he drove out and bought some food for Uncle Qiang.

When he came back, Uncle Qiang's mother was already awake.

Hearing the mother and son chatting, Ye Chen didn't go in, he wanted to leave time for both of them.

"Aqiang, I seemed to have a very long dream just now. The dreams are all those pictures of you from childhood to adulthood." Uncle Qiang's mother said in a weak voice.

"Yes, Mom, the son has grown up under your careful care." Uncle Qiang said, holding his mother's hand.

"Aqiang, Boss Ye saved her mother's life. You must repay Boss Ye's kindness for me, and work hard to make some achievements." The old man whispered to his son.

"Mom, don't worry, I must work hard, but I can't take care of you like I do now. You have to take care of your body alone." Uncle Qiang cried and said.

"How old are you, why are you crying? If you are seen, you won't be a joke." The old man gently wiped away his son's tears with his hand.

"Mom, I am very happy. I am so happy to see your successful operation and you will soon be able to recover." Uncle Qiang said with a smile.

Ye Chen listened to the conversation between mother and son outside the ward, and his nose was a little sour.

He dialed his mother's phone and said, "Mom, I miss you."

Ye mother heard her son say this and hurriedly asked: "Xiaochen, what's the matter with you, what happened?"

"It's nothing, just call you to tell you that Wanyi and I will go home to see you and dad this weekend and make us something delicious." Ye Chen wiped away tears and said.

"Smelly boy, I thought something happened, it really scared me to death." Ye Mu said with a scolding face.

But she was very happy in her heart. Her son hadn't been home for a long time. She knew that they were busy and each had their own careers.

But when Ye Chen called suddenly, she still frightened Ye's mother. She thought something was wrong, and her feelings were to tell her to go home for dinner on the weekend.

"I'm so good, what can happen?" Ye Chen said with a grieved expression.

"Well, you are the best behaved if you are good. I won't tell you anymore. I will go out with your dad in a while." Ye Mu said.

Ye Chen had to hang up when his mother said so.

There was no longer the voice of Uncle Qiang chatting with the old man in the ward, and Ye Chen walked in with the food he bought.

"Uncle Qiang, hurry up and eat." Ye Chen opened the lunch box and handed it to Uncle Qiang.

Seeing that his mother was fine and Uncle Qiang had an appetite to eat, he took the lunch box and gobbled it up.

When his mother had surgery before, he had no appetite at all, but now he feels a little hungry.

The old man was also happy when he saw her son's eating style. She just said hurriedly: "Aqiang, eat slowly and don't choke. Looking at your eating style, Boss Ye makes a joke."

Although he said so, the old man looked at his son with love.

"Old man, how do you feel?" Ye Chen asked concerned.

"Boss Ye, I feel suffocated and my heart no longer hurts." Uncle Qiang's mother said with a smile.

"That's good, you have a good rest, you will be able to recover soon, let me know if you need it," Ye Chen said.

At this moment, Ye Chen's phone rang and glanced at what turned out to be Zhou Susu's call.

"Uncle Qiang, I'll go out and answer the phone." Ye Chen said and walked out.

He knew that Zhou Susu would definitely tell him about Uncle Qiang, so he could only pick it up outside in order to prevent the elderly from hearing.

Ye Chen walked out of the ward and came to the stairwell. It was relatively quiet and there were not many people coming and going. Most people would choose to be elevators, and few would choose to climb stairs.

Ye Chen answered the phone, and Zhou Susu's voice came from inside: "Ye Chen, where are you?"

"Susu, I'm in the hospital, what's the matter?" Ye Chen replied.

"Ye Chen, I want to meet the murderer before, and I need to interrogate him." Zhou Susu said.

"Susu, can you give me some time, I will take him with me as soon as my affairs are over." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhou Susu, who was on the opposite side, knew that the phone had been hung up.

This was the first time. She knew where the murderer was, but she couldn't catch it. It was because of Ye Chen.

Now this guy dared to hang up her phone, Zhou Susu made a few more calls, but Ye Chen still didn't answer the phone.

Ye Chen was really helpless when he hung up the phone. In fact, he didn't want to, mainly because in this situation, the old man didn't know how to speak to Uncle Qiang just after the operation.

If Zhou Susu were to let Zhou Susu know where Uncle Qiang was, maybe this girl would come and arrest people, and everything he had done before would fall short.

Ye Chen also had some headaches about this matter. He didn't know what to do. This was the first time he had encountered such a problem when he grew up.

This incident really caused Ye Chen a headache. He saw the familiar face as soon as he turned around.

"Uncle Qiang, why are you here?" Ye Chen asked with a look of surprise.

Seeing Ye Chen going out to answer the phone, Uncle Qiang knew there must be something, so he lied to his mother that he was going to the toilet, and followed Ye Chen to here.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!