Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:27:54 PM

Chapter 1283: 1283

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Ye Chen looked at Uncle Qiang behind him, and felt that he was really careless.

Just because I was in a hurry to answer the phone, I didn't notice that someone was following behind me.

Presumably, Uncle Qiang has already heard the words that I just said to Zhou Susu.

Before Ye Chen had time to speak, Uncle Qiang said: "Mr. Ye, you don't have to be embarrassed. I will go to the police station with you and surrender now."

"Uncle Qiang, really don't need it, I have already agreed with Susu, you can rest assured to take care of the elderly." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

"Mr. Ye, you don't have to lie to me, I have heard the conversation between you just now." Uncle Qiang directly exposed Ye Chen's lies and said.

"I said I don't need it, I'll take care of Susu's side." Ye Chen said with a serious expression.

The old man had just finished the operation, and it was when he needed the company of his family. If Uncle Qiang left at this time, she would definitely be in a bad mood, and it would not be conducive to postoperative recovery.

Ye Chen's heart was softer, he was really embarrassed to speak.

Although he heard Uncle Qiang say this, he still couldn't bear it, and felt uncomfortable when he thought about it.

"Mr. Ye, I know you are good, but I have broken the law after all, so I should be punished by the law." Uncle Qiang said righteously.

"I know this, but when you leave at this time, I am afraid that it will affect the mood of the elderly." Ye Chen said the trouble in his heart.

"Mr. Ye, I am relieved to see my mother's operation was very successful, and I will leave her sooner or later. It would be better to leave her earlier. We went back and told him that the group asked me to leave for the Kyoto branch immediately, so that she would not There is any doubt, and she also hopes that I can achieve something." Uncle Qiang said with a smile.

Since Uncle Qiang said so, Ye Chen couldn't refute anything.

"Well, Uncle Qiang, you have to think clearly, if you really get to the police station, you won't be able to come back again." Ye Chen reminded.

"Mr. Ye, I have already thought very clearly in the past few days. Regardless of why I went on the road of no return, it is unforgivable. Everyone has to pay for the wrong things they have done." Uncle Qiang said There is always a smile on his face when

The only thing he worries about has been solved with Ye Chen's help, and now he has nothing more to worry about his mother.

"Uncle Qiang, just think about it clearly." Ye Chen nodded and said.

Uncle Qiang suddenly said: "Mr. Ye, I have one more thing I want to ask you."

"Uncle Qiang, don't be like this, just tell me if you have anything. We have known each other for so long, so you and I don't have to be polite." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

"My mother is my only relative. After I leave, I hope Mr. Ye can help me take care of her. After all, my mother is getting older and always needs someone to take care of her. She is full of filial piety by her side and will end her care for her. Please help me fulfill this wish." Uncle Qiang pleaded with a face.

"Uncle Qiang, don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I will do the same. I will take care of the old man." Ye Chen said vowedly.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, I owe you so much. There is no repayment in this life. I am willing to let me be the cow and horse for you in the next life." Uncle Qiang said gratefully.

The more Uncle Qiang said this, the more uncomfortable Ye Chen felt. He had already promised Uncle Qiang to wait for the elderly to fully recover before taking him to surrender, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Seeing Ye Chen's hesitant expression, Uncle Qiang said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, let's not waste time here, or my mother will become suspicious."

Ye Chen nodded without speaking, and walked towards the ward, Uncle Qiang followed behind him.

Seeing his son and the boss came back, the old man looked at the two and asked, "Aqiang, what's the matter, why is Boss Ye's complexion not so good? Is it uncomfortable?"

"There is no mom. The main reason is that the group knows that you have completed the operation. Let me go to the Kyoto branch now. Boss Ye feels that it is not appropriate." Uncle Qiang said with a smile.

"Boss Ye, you are so polite, work is the most important thing, and I have already completed the surgery, let Aqiang go quickly, don't delay work." The old man said.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen apologized and said, "Old man, I'm really sorry, this is a temporary decision of the group, and I have no choice."

The old man knew that Ye Chen had just gone out to answer a phone call from the group, so his hanging heart was also let go.

In her opinion this is a good thing, there is nothing to be sorry for.

"Boss Ye, please don't say that. I want to thank you. If it weren't for you, how could A Qiang have such a good opportunity." The old man said with a smile.

Ye Chen suddenly felt his heart tighten, and a feeling of pain instantly hit.

However, he did not appear so obvious, because he was afraid that the old man would find any clues.

"Then you can take a good rest and tell me if you need it." Ye Chen walked out of the ward after finishing speaking.

He knew that the mother and son must have a lot to say, so he left the rest of the time to them.

Ye Chen did not stand at the door, he was afraid to hear the content of the chat, and his heart would be even more uncomfortable.

After a while, Uncle Qiang walked out of the ward after telling his mother something.

"Mr. Ye, let's go." Uncle Qiang said with a smile.

Ye Chen's mood was heavy, he didn't understand why Uncle Qiang was like this.

Two people walked out of the hospital one after another, came to the parking lot, and got in the car.

On the way, Ye Chen didn't say a word to Uncle Qiang, and the atmosphere in the car was very depressed at this moment.

Because Uncle Qiang understood Ye Chen's mood, he didn't say anything.

He is very grateful for everything Ye Chen has done, but a single word of thanks cannot express his feelings at all.

But because of his situation, he couldn't do anything for Ye Chen, so he simply didn't say anything.

Zhou Susu was in the office, feeling about to explode, she didn't even know what to do.

She dialed Ye Chen's mobile phone number again, but the other party still did not answer, which made her even more angry.

The car drove for a while and came to the gate of the police station.

Ye Chen stopped the car and walked inward with Uncle Qiang.

He did not come directly to Zhou Susu's office, but was notified by Zhou Susu.

After all, Uncle Qiang is a criminal, and it is obviously inappropriate for Ye Chen to take him directly to the office.

Zhou Susu, whose lungs were about to explode, heard the knock on the door outside and shouted, "Please come in."

The little policewoman shivered when she saw Zhou Susu's expression, and said, "Captain Zhou, there is a man named Ye Chen looking for you outside."

"It's just right, I'm looking for him." Zhou Susu walked out angrily after speaking.

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