Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:27:52 PM

Chapter 1285: 1285

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Zhou Susu sighed and said, "It's really good for you to think like this. It's good if you know your mistakes and correct them."

In fact, despite saying that, Zhang Ruimei knew that she had no chance.

Some mistakes are opportunities for compensation, but some do not. If you make a mistake, you will ruin your life.

Zhou Susu walked out of the interrogation room with a heavy heart.

Regarding this murder case, she had a lot of emotion in her heart. The victim was innocent, but the murderer, Uncle Qiang, was trying to collect money for his mother's treatment, and Zhang Ruimei was because of love and hatred.

This murder case that has troubled her for so long has been successfully solved. Zhou Susu should have been happy, but her mood was down.

Due to the relatively large influence of this case, the superiors also paid great attention to it, and the celebration banquet was not attended last week.

She just found an excuse casually, took a leave of absence from the director and went home to rest.

On the other hand, Ye Chen's mood was not very good. Uncle Qiang was too filial and took risks for his mother, and finally ended up with this result.

Ye Chen couldn't help feeling a little bit about why good people are not rewarded. People like Uncle Qiang should be taken care of, but things backfired.

But unhappiness is also temporary. After all, that is the life of others, and life must continue.

Thinking that his life was so good, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel relieved a lot.

Because I have been in contact with Uncle Qiang these days and clearly understand how filial this middle-aged man is to his mother, and how much he has given up for his mother, Ye Chen feels a little ashamed.

It has been a long time since Ye Chen has visited his parents. Ye Chen knew that their two elders must have missed his son, but he was just worried about disturbing his life and work.

Although Ye Chen gave his parents material things, he rarely accompanied them.

Uncle Qiang's affairs touched his heart, and Ye Chen decided to go home to visit the two old men.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number, and the phone rang several times before being connected.

A woman's voice came from inside: "Ye Chen, what's the matter?"

"Wanyi, what are you doing now?" Ye Chen asked.

"Ye Chen, I'm in a meeting now, and I will call you later." After Su Wanyi finished speaking, she hung up without giving Ye Chen a chance to speak.

Su Wanyi's move made Ye Chen very depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

Bored in idle time, Ye Chen remembered the reward God-level investment he had received from Wanjie Food.

Because Zhou Tao called, Ye Chen didn't have time to learn more about the content of this reward.

He opened the system and checked the above description of God-level investment.

"God-level investment, as the name suggests, is a skill used for investment. Its magic is that you can get huge benefits in all aspects of using this skill to invest."

If it is really like the above, it means that no matter what you invest in, you can make money.

Ye Chen thinks it's very interesting, so you must try it if you have the opportunity.

At this time, the phone rang and glanced at Su Wanyi's call.

Ye Chen answered the phone and said, "Wan Yi, you are over."

"Yeah, I was really exhausted after talking about a project. Tomorrow is the weekend and I can finally rest at home." Su Wanyi said in a tired voice.

Then she suddenly asked: "By the way, Ye Chen, what did you call me just now?"

Hearing Su Wanyi said that she was tired recently and wanted to rest at home on weekends, Ye Chen lied and said, "Oh, there is nothing to do, I just miss you."

Su Wanyi didn't believe what Ye Chen said, she concluded that Ye Chen must have something.

"Ye Chen, you have become bad, how come you have learned to lie, let's talk about what it is." Su Wanyi pretended to be angry and said.

"Wan Yi, there is nothing in fact, I just want to take you to see my parents on the weekend, if you are tired, just rest at home, I will take you there the next day." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Su Wanyi knew why Ye Chen said this, and it was completely out of consideration for her, and she couldn't help but feel warm in her heart.

"Ye Chen, I haven't seen my uncles and aunts for so long, so I miss them, so let's go tomorrow." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Ye Chen heard the words and said: "Wan Yi, you really don't need to do this. You are tired after a week of work. We can also go and see it when we come back. It doesn't have to be this week."

"I just want to see my uncles and aunts this week, don't you want me to go?" Su Wanyi said angrily.

"Hey, it's really kind to be a donkey liver and lungs. It's hard to be a good man in this era." Ye Chen said with a grieved expression.

"Ye Chen, I know you are for my own good, but I really want to see my uncles and aunts. When I'm done, that's the deal. I have other things to do, so I won't tell you." After Su Wanyi finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Ye Chen couldn't help it either, he knew that even if he fought in the past, he couldn't change Su Wanyi's mind.

"Forget it, since she insists on going, then go." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

Ye Chen put down the phone and was about to lie on the bed when suddenly the phone rang again.

I took a look at it turned out to be an unfamiliar number. Recently, there are often MLM calls.

Presumably this time is no exception, Ye Chen didn't even get through the connection.

But what made Ye Chen strange was that the other party really didn't give up. Although Ye Chen didn't answer, he kept calling.

"Well, since you are so persistent, I will see how you want to cheat." Ye Chen thought in his heart.

He connected the phone, and a man's voice came from inside: "Ye Chen, this is Li Ming, do you remember me? We haven't been in contact for a long time since we graduated from college."

"Li Ming?" Ye Chen filtered the names of college classmates in his mind. There was indeed such a person.

But I haven't contacted him for so long, and I have forgotten this person.

Hearing Ye Chen didn't speak, the opposite man said quickly: "Ye Chen, I am not a liar, I really am your university classmate Li Ming."

"Li Ming, I don't think you are a liar, but I haven't contacted you for so long. I was a little surprised to see your phone number." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen really didn't have a problem with saying this. After all, if he didn't contact for so long, anyone would be surprised if he called suddenly.

And Ye Chen also knew that Li Ming called him suddenly because of something, otherwise it would be impossible not to contact him for such a long time and suddenly he contacted now.

When they were in college, the relationship between Ye Chen and Li Ming was just normal, and there was not much friendship between the two.

Even so, Ye Chen was willing to continue listening to Li Ming's words.

"Ye Chen, it is a bit abrupt to call you, but I really have something to look for you, and I am really desperate." Li Ming said with a cry.

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