Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:27:46 PM

Chapter 1288: 1288

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If Li Ming knew that Ye Chen had a system, he would be even more surprised.

The reason why Ye Chen would buy this unfinished building was because he wanted to try that god-level investment, and now it was just an opportunity.

If it's like the system says, as long as you use this skill, you can make money no matter what you invest.

Then Li Ming's unfinished building should be no exception.

Ye Chen knew that Li Ming wanted to sell the building early. First, because the funds were really scarce, he couldn't be forced by the creditors; second, it was impossible to make money even if the building was completed. After all, there was nothing around there. The surrounding environment is particularly bad for places that attract people.

It’s no wonder that Li Ming is like this. His old classmate is really a fool. People say that he invests in real estate to make money, and he doesn’t look at the surrounding environment. The best result of building this house is not to lose money. Have a play.

"Ye Chen, thank you, thank you so much for helping me so much." Li Ming said with gratitude again.

Ye Chen gave him too much money, he didn't expect it at all.

In fact, Li Ming lied in front of Ye Chen. It was not his classmates who didn't help him before.

When those students who had a good relationship with him on weekdays heard that Li Ming was in trouble and needed help, they all asked him to pay him to build the building.

But Li Ming refused. He didn't want this, but wanted to sell the unfinished building.

These wealthy classmates are all monkey spirits. How can they not know that even if the building is built, it is impossible to make money, not to mention that they don't have so much capital.

One of the classmates offered Li Ming a trick, and that was to ask Ye Chen for help. This gave Li Ming the play of pitying Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't know all about Li Ming, if he knew he would make the same choice to help Li Ming.

Ye Chen was worried that he didn't have the opportunity to try God-level investment. Now that the opportunity is coming, how could he miss it.

"If you are grateful, let's not say anything. Don't invest blindly in the future." Ye Chen kindly reminded.

"Well, this is a long lesson. I must invest carefully in the future, and I must never be like this again." Li Ming nodded and said.

"Did you drive? I'll take you back." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"No, I'll take a taxi home, you can go, it has been so long for you, I am really embarrassed." Li Ming said apologetically.

"Well, be careful on the way, I'll leave first." Ye Chen waved his hand at Li Ming and said.

He walked towards the sports car, and just about to get into the car, it suddenly occurred to him that there was one more thing he had not done.

Ye Chen turned back and walked towards Li Ming.

Seeing Ye Chen coming back, Li Ming asked with a surprised expression: "Ye Chen, what's the matter?"

"By the way, Li Ming, you haven't told me your account number, how can I give you money?" Ye Chen said.

Li Ming thought that Ye Chen was going to regret it, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous. When he heard this sentence, the hanging heart was let go.

"Well, the money is really not in a hurry, I will text you when I come back." Li Ming said politely.

Ye Chen knew that he was just talking, he just nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to text."

After seeing Ye Chen leave, Li Ming looked around and walked to a BMW car, opened the door and got in.

What Li Ming said just now is not all true, just to win Ye Chen's sympathy and pity.

If he didn't do this, Ye Chen would definitely not be able to give him money to buy the unfinished building.

Li Ming is indeed in debt, but it is not the loan sharks, but the bank's money.

All borrowings have a repayment period, and this time is still far away, and there is no compelling debt at all, but he made it up.

As long as the unfinished building was let go, Li Ming didn't care. Although he felt a little guilty for Ye Chen, he still did that, pretending to be sympathetic, and even the man's self-esteem was gone.

Just as Ye Chen drove out, the text message sounded.

I took a look at the account that Li Ming had sent him, and just kept saying that he was not in a hurry. If he sent it to him so soon, it was obvious that he wanted Ye Chen to give him some money quickly.

But Ye Chen was not disgusted or uncomfortable with this, he also wanted to give Li Ming money as soon as possible.

"Okay." Ye Chen replied with his mobile phone.

After I got home, it was a bit late.

After Ye Chen got dressed and went into the bathroom to wash, he lay on the bed.

Today he will rest early, and tomorrow he will pick up Su Wanyi to see her parents.

It may be because of their older parents, who don't like being crowded and prefer quietness. Ye Chen bought them a villa in the suburbs, where it is not only quiet but also able to grow flowers and vegetables, and live the life they want.

The only bad point is that it takes more than two hours to drive the road smoothly.

So he has to pick up Su Wanyi early tomorrow, not to mention going home to see his parents empty-handed, even if the elderly don't need them to buy things, this is a bit of heart after all.

The next day, after Ye Chen got up, he put on casual clothes. He didn't like to wear formal clothes on weekdays, and felt a sense of restraint.

Unless it is for banquets and some important occasions, it will be more formal. He usually wears it more casually.

Ye Chen is handsome and looks good no matter what he wears, even in his takeaway uniform, he can be fascinated.

After changing clothes, Ye Chen drove out after breakfast.

As soon as I left the house, the phone rang.

After a glance at what turned out to be Su Wanyi's call, Ye Chen answered the phone and said, "Wanyi, I have already gone out, you are waiting for me at home."

Originally, Ye Chen had to call her, but she didn't expect this girl to be so active.

"Well, Ye Chen, come in directly when you arrive." Su Wanyi said.

"Okay, see you later." Ye Chen hung up after finishing talking and drove towards Su Wanyi's house.

After driving for a short time, I came to the villa area where Su Wanyi lived.

The security guards already knew Ye Chen, and saw the luxury car approaching, and quickly let it go.

After Ye Chen stopped the car, he gently rang the doorbell, and Su Wanyi's voice came from inside: "Ye Chen, wait a minute."

When the door opened, I thought that Su Wanyi had changed her clothes, otherwise, how could she call herself early in the morning.

But he didn't expect that this girl was still wearing pajamas, which made Ye Chen a little speechless.

"Ye Chen, come in quickly." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Wan Yi, are you just getting up?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the beauty in pajamas in front of him.

"What? I got up a long time ago. You don't know that I haven't been idle this morning." Su Wan said aggrievedly.

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