Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:27:45 PM

Chapter 1289: 1289

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Ye Chen also wondered why he was still wearing pajamas since he had been up for so long?

"Come in, what are you still doing there?" Su Wanyi said while looking at Ye Chen who was standing at the door.

Ye Chen walked in and smelled the aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Ye Chen, sit down for a while, I have something to do." Su Wanyi walked towards the kitchen without waiting for Ye Chen's response after she finished speaking.

Su Wanyi stayed in the kitchen for a long time, and there were constant noises.

Ye Chen just thought about it and looked forward to it, thinking, "What the **** is this girl doing when she gets up so early?"

After a while, Su Wanyi walked out of the kitchen with a beautiful cake in her hand.

"Ye Chen, how is it? My craftsmanship is good, right?" Su Wan said proudly.

"Wan Yi, don't you see that you still do this?" Ye Chen said with a surprised expression.

"That is, this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are many more things you don't know." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Ye Chen finally knew what Su Wanyi was busy in the morning. It turned out that she was making cakes.

And he also knew that this cake was definitely for his parents, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Wan Yi, you have worked hard."

Ye Chen walked to Su Wanyi's side, put his hands on her shoulders and gently rubbed them.

"Ye Chen, I feel very happy to do these things for you, and I don't feel hard at all." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Then she turned her head and looked at Ye Chen and said, "Well, wait for me, I'll go and dress up now."

Ye Chen said, "Don't worry, you dress up slowly."

Su Wanyi walked towards the bedroom, leaving Ye Chen alone in the living room.

Not long after, Su Wanyi's voice came from inside.

"Ye Chen, come in quickly."

Hearing Su Wanyi's shout, Ye Chen hurried to the bedroom, she was worried about what would happen to Su Wanyi.

Seeing Ye Chen's anxious expression, Su Wanyi asked: "Ye Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"I was scared to death. When I heard you calling me like that, I thought something happened to you." Ye Chen said slowly.

"What can I do at home?" Su Wanyi said with a blank look at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen also felt that this was very reasonable, only because he cared too much about this girl, that's why he felt this way.

"Then what do you want me to do? Do you miss me?" Ye Chen looked at Su Wanyi with a smirk.

"What are you thinking about? I want you to help me find out which clothes to wear." Su Wanyi pointed to the clothes on the bed and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Oh, that's what happened. You are naturally beautiful, and you look good in whatever you wear." Ye Chen replied with a smile.

"Ye Chen, be serious, don't perfuse me." Su Wanyi said with an unhappy expression on her face.

"What I said is true." Ye Chen retorted.

In his heart, Su Wanyi is the most beautiful woman in the world, so naturally she looks good in everything she wears.

When Ye Chen said so, Su Wanyi didn't speak.

"Wanyi, we just went to visit our parents, we don't need to be dressed so carefully, and I think you look very good now." Ye Chen said with his arms around Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi pushed Ye Chen away and said, "You don't come here, so shall I go in pajamas as you say?"

Su Wanyi is now wearing pajamas, and she feels a little unhappy to hear Ye Chen say this, and she even feels that Ye Chen is just perfunctory.

"Wan Yi, I didn't mean that, just to make an analogy." Ye Chen said helplessly.

He knew that Su Wanyi must be angry, otherwise it would be impossible to push him.

It was a good thing, but I didn't expect it to be a little unpleasant because of this little thing.

Ye Chen knew that if she didn't help Su Wanyi choose clothes, this girl would definitely be unhappy all the time.

"Wanyi, I took a look and thought this white lace dress is better, it shows great temperament." Ye Chen picked up the dress from the bed and handed it to Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi was still angry just now, a smile appeared on her face when she saw Ye Chen's behavior.

In fact, choosing clothes is just a small matter, but she thinks it can also tell whether Ye Chen really cares about her.

Sometimes, a woman’s thoughts are so strange, and she always feels that men do not value her because of a little thing.

"It's pretty much the same." Su Wanyi smiled and took the white skirt that Ye Chen handed over, and then walked into the bathroom.

Seeing Su Wanyi's actions, Ye Chen said with a wicked smile on his face: "I'm an old husband and wife. What are you shy? Just change here."

"Chee, who told your old husband and wife, have we got the certificate?" Su Wanyi replied.

Ye Chen, who was choking with this sentence, was a little speechless. He felt that this girl was really clever.

"Wan Yi, if you want to get the certificate, we can do it anytime." Ye Chen suddenly said.

"The beauty you want, I have to test you again." Su Wanyi walked out of the bathroom and said with a smile.

"It's been tested for so long, why are you still tested, and I can't find a good husband in the contemporary doting wife with a lantern." Ye Chen said proudly.

"You don't have to be stinky here anymore. As far as you like to provoke the grass, I have to think about it." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Wanyi, how can you say that? When did I mess up the flowers, I was really more wronged than Dou E." Ye Chen said with a grieved expression.

Su Wanyi really wronged him at this point. The woman next to Ye Chen was not the one who took the initiative to attack, because he was deeply attracted by his personality charm and handsome appearance.

But Su Wanyi attributed all the fault to him. How could this make Ye Chen not feel wronged?

"Well, I was joking with you." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

"Wan Yi, how can you make this kind of joke casually, do you know how much I care about you?" Ye Chen pretended to be angry and said.

"How could I not know, you are the best to me, not to mention that the women around you have been approved by me. We have all met. They have their own advantages. I get along with them very well. You But if you want rain and dew to be covered, you can't be good to me alone." Su Wanyi said triumphantly.

"That's right, our family Wanyi is the best." Ye Chen also praised from the side.

"That is, every successful man is not only surrounded by a woman. If I don't have this measure, how can I be the main room? You are right." Su Wanyi boasted.

"Wan Yi, I think everything you say is right." Ye Chen echoed.

"Okay, I won't be joking with you, let's go quickly, if you let the uncle and aunt wait in a hurry, it won't be good." Su Wanyi walked out the door and picked up the cake on the table before going outside.

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