Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:19 PM

Chapter 129: 129

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Li Rongrong took a picture of the inscription on the projector with his mobile phone and sent it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was waiting for the red light, and suddenly the phone Wechat came on.

"Ye Chen, do you know the words on the picture?"

The picture was sent by Li Rongrong, and Ye Chen glanced at the picture.

The Sanskrit in my mind quickly transformed into modern writing.

Ye Chen stopped the car to the side of the road and said, "Yes, the above-mentioned Emperor Han Ling recruited a concubine from the Western Regions. He was very fond of him, but that concubine loved the man in his hometown, so he hated the Emperor Han Ling and used Gu The story of Han Lingdi killed by poison."

At this time, the seminar was at a deadlock.

If this inscription cannot be translated, the following work cannot be carried out at all.

"First of all, we have to figure out what text this is, so that we can have the opportunity to translate the text." Fang Lao said solemnly.

There was a dead silence at the scene. Although there were many ancient Chinese experts on the scene, they had never seen these words before.

Moreover, these characters are not hieroglyphs, they are just like heavenly scriptures.

A word expert sighed: "I'm afraid these words can only be understood by gods."

At this moment, Li Rongrong's cell phone rang.

She lowered her head and was stunned when she saw the text sent by Ye Chen.

Li Rongrong was short of breath. If what Ye Chen said was true, it would be an important discovery in archaeological history.

"Ye Chen, what you said is true?"

"of course it's true!"

Li Rongrong took a deep breath and stood up: "Professor Fang, my friend knows this inscription."

"Your friend?" Professor Fang was taken aback for a moment, then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"What you said is true? Can you let him come, or I can ask him for advice." Fang Lao showed excitement on his face.

Li Rongrong called Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, it is convenient for you to come here. This inscription is very important to us."

"Well, I'll go over now."

Aside, Kong Xu frowned when he heard Ye Chen's name.

"Rongrong, what are you kidding? How can that guy understand ancient Chinese?"

Last time he lost face in front of Ye Chen, Kong Xu has always held a grudge against Ye Chen.

He was very upset when Li Rongrong said that Ye Chen understood this inscription.

"Why can't he understand? He has translated this inscription."

Is it translated?

Everyone was shocked.

Li Rongrong told everyone about the general meaning of the story sent by Ye Chen.

Suddenly, Kong Xu burst out laughing.

"Rongrong, you really believe that guy who made up a story for you casually, no matter whether there has been such a bizarre record in official history or unofficial history, this guy is obviously lying to you."

After listening to Li Rongrong's words, several other experts also shook their heads.

"Yes, Han Lingdi died of illness and was buried in the western suburbs of Zhengzhou, but there is indeed Suzhe thousands of miles away. How could it be the Han Lingdi."

The hope that everyone had just ignited was instantly shattered.

Professor Fang also shook his head.

At this moment, Ye Chen walked in from outside.

Seeing Ye Chen, Kong Xu said with a smug expression: "You liar, do you still have a face?"

Ye Chen frowned and looked at Kong Xu, "What do you mean?"

Kong Xu coldly snorted: "Boy, what do you think this is? Everyone sitting here is at the level of professors. It's ridiculous that you are slandering here."

Ye Chen said coldly: "I lied, please tell me how I lied?"

Kong Xu coldly snorted: "Do you say you know this inscription? You also said that the Han Lingdi was poisoned to death by Gu poison, right?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, that's how the inscription is written. If you don't believe me, then I can't help it. I'm very busy. Why do I have to make a didi?"

"What? This young man is a didi driver?"

When everyone heard Ye Chen's identity, the original suspicion instantly became certain.

These words, even if they are ancient literary experts who don’t know it, how could it be possible for a little brother Didi to know it?

If this kid really has this ability, he would have been recruited by the Academy of Ancient Chinese for a long time, and he would still use Kaididi.

Kong Xu suddenly laughed: "Rongrong, now you finally see the nature of this person. So many experts have said that this kind of thing is impossible, and he is still talking nonsense here."

Professor Fang frowned, too: "Little brother, do you have proof that you know this character?"

Ye Chen said, "This paragraph is written by a branch tribe in the Western Regions. This tribe is called Wusun, and this paragraph is exactly Wusun's writing."

"Wusun characters? Are you sure?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Of course."

The ancient Chinese proficiency given to him by the system just now, the source and content of the text are all clearly introduced.

Professor Fang nodded: "I happen to know an expert who knows Wusun characters. I can let him take a look."

With that, Professor Fang called the ancient literary expert: "Old Wu, I have an inscription here. A little brother said this is Wusun script. I remember that you used to focus on Wusun script. Can you give it to me? Identify it."

"Okay, post the picture."

Professor Fang sent the picture and translation of the inscription to the other party via WeChat.

Kong Xu looked smug: "Ye Chen, I didn't expect it, Wusun Wenshu Professor Wu is an expert, you miscalculated this time, I see after Professor Wu's appraisal, what else do you have to say."

"Hey, the young man looked very energetic, he turned out to be a liar."

"Yes, Wusun characters are the most difficult to understand. How can he be known as a didi driver?"

"Young people now, just open your mouth, it's too ostentatious."

A group of old experts shook their heads and criticized Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at these experts and shook his head: "Hey, it's scary to have no culture."

The meeting room was silent for an instant.

Everyone here is a senior intellectual!

Ye Chen actually said that they are uneducated!

These popular faces are red.

"You young man is so unqualified."

"We have no culture? Are you a Didi brother qualified to say that we have no culture?"

"I think this kid is a liar, Fang Lao, let's not waste time with him."


Ye Chen instantly became the target of public criticism.

Kong Xu looked smug when he saw this scene.

As long as Professor Wu proves Ye Chen's translation is wrong, he can make a big fuss, let Li Rongrong recognize Ye Chen's true face, and embarrass him.

At this time, Fang Lao's cell phone rang suddenly.

Mr. Fang deliberately adjusted the phone to be external.

Elder Wu’s excited voice came from inside: "God man, God man, Fang Lao, who translated this inscription is so powerful? Where is he, I will see him immediately, and I will worship him for it. division!"

The meeting room was silent for a moment.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen blankly.

Who is Mr. Wu?

The authority of the ancient literature world, many of these experts on the scene are Wu Lao's apprentices, but Wu Lao wants to worship Ye Chen as his teacher!

Then wouldn't they become Ye Chen's disciples!

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