Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:45:12 PM

Chapter 1296: 1296

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"President Zhao, what do you mean, why let him go in, obviously I made an appointment in advance." Zhou Jian roared.

"Master Zhou, don't be angry, I'll do it for you now." Governor Zhao persuaded.

When Zhou Jian was so angry since he was a child, President Zhao asked Ye Chen to handle the business first, which proved that he had lost.

"No, Governor Zhao, I won't give up on this matter. I want to tell my father and let my father clean up you and the kid surnamed Ye." Zhou Jian said angrily.

Governor Zhao shook his head and said, "Master Zhou, you really don't need to do this. I advise you not to talk to Master Zhou about this. It will not do you any good."

"President Zhao, I think you have a guilty conscience. You are afraid of being punished by my father, right?" Zhou Jian said with an arrogant expression.

"No, Master Zhou, I'm thinking about it for you, even if Master Zhou is present, he will do it like me." Governor Zhao said with a smile.

Zhou Jian only felt that Manager Zhao was fooling him and didn't want him to tell his father about it.

"President Zhao, do you really think I am a three-year-old kid, so cheating? You and the kid surnamed Ye will just wait." Zhou Jian said viciously.

He had already figured out a plan to act in front of his father to sue Governor Zhao and the kid surnamed Ye, and let his father come forward to clean up the two and give himself a sigh.

"Master Zhou, if you don't listen to me, there is no way." Governor Zhao shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, he really felt sad for Zhou Jian, and he could only rely on his father if he had no ability.

After all, there are people outside the world, there are people outside the world, even if the Zhou family is powerful, there will always be people they can't afford to offend.

"Huh! Governor Zhao, you wait for me." He pointed his finger at Governor Zhao and said.

After Zhou Jian finished speaking, he turned and left with the group of bodyguards.

Looking at Zhou Jian's back, Xing Chang Zhao sighed in his heart: "What a spoiled child, I still don't know I've gotten into trouble."

When Ye Chen walked out of the bank, the phone rang and glanced at Li Ming.

After answering the call, Li Ming's excited voice rang: "Ye Chen, I have received the money, thank you so much."

"We are old classmates, so we don't need to say thank you, just receive it. You will have to keep your eyes open when investing in the future." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, I will definitely learn this lesson and invest cautiously." Li Ming said embarrassedly.

He knew that with Ye Chen's billions of dollars, all the problems would be solved, and the money borrowed from the bank before could be repaid, and the remaining money would be able to make him come back.

At this time, Li Ming couldn't help being a little worried for Ye Chen, and even felt that he was a little unkind. In order to live a good life for himself, he came to pit his classmates from college. It was really not a man's doing.

But there is another saying that people are not for themselves, and the heavens will die.

When Li Ming thought of this, he no longer felt guilty.

He only felt that the deal with Ye Chen was Zhou Yu's fight against Huang Gai, one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer.

Ye Chen came out of the bank and did not go home. He wanted to see the unfinished building he had bought.

I drove to the location Li Ming said. The location is not bad, but the surrounding area is deserted. There are no supporting facilities. Even if the building is built, not many people are willing to buy it.

Nowadays, where people choose to live, they have to have transportation and life is convenient. It is best to have everything when you go out.

However, there is nothing for this area. Even if it is built, it will not make any money. To put it bluntly, it means to invest money in it for nothing.

Ye Chen thought this area was a bit interesting, even he thought it was a loss-making business.

He has money and doesn't care about it at all.

If others saw everything in front of them, they would definitely be very depressed, but this did not affect Ye Chen's mood.

This is indeed a very good opportunity, he is just to test whether the god-level investment is really so magical.

Because when Li Ming talked to him about this business, God-level Investment reminded him that the profits obtained after building the real estate will be very huge.

Ye Chen wanted to see how this kind of real estate was going to be sold, and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

When Ye Chen was looking at the real estate, Li Ming had already returned home angrily.

After seeing this, the butler also looked nervous and asked, "Master Zhou, what happened?"

Zhou Jian did not answer, but asked in a cold voice: "Uncle Wang, is my dad at home?"

"Master is in the study, talking with others." The butler replied.

Zhou Jian didn't even change his clothes and shoes, and walked straight to the study.

Upon seeing this, the housekeeper hurriedly shouted: "Master, the master has told you not to disturb anyone."

As for the housekeeper's words, Zhou Jian seemed to have not heard him, and still walked towards the study. He walked in without knocking the door.

Zhou Minghan was about to get angry when he saw his son coming in, his expression of anger became a lot easier.

"Assistant Zhang, go out, and do the contract matters as I said." Zhou Minghan waved his hand at the assistant and said.

Assistant Zhang walked out of the study very acquaintedly. He knew that in Master Zhou's mind, nothing was as important as this son.

At this moment, only Zhou and his son were left in the study.

Before his son could speak, Zhou Minghan asked anxiously, "Xiaojian, what happened?"

"Dad, I was bullied outside, you have to vent your anger for me." Zhou Jian said with a grieved expression.

Hearing this, Zhou Minghan said angrily: "Who is the one who ate the bear heart and leopard guts, even my son dared to bully."

Zhou Jian knew that his father loved him the most. Since childhood, no matter what he wanted or what he wanted to do, he couldn't get it, and there was nothing he couldn't do.

This is not because he has the ability, but mainly depends on this powerful father.

Zhou Minghan was an old man. After his son was born, his wife died. He was both a father and a mother. He was afraid of turning this son in his mouth, and was afraid of falling in his palm.

One can imagine how much he loves Zhou Jian, and it is because of his doting that makes Zhou Jian this kind of unscathed character.

"Dad, didn't you say hello to Governor Zhao for me, saying that I will go to the bank for business today?" Zhou Jian said with a sad face.

"Yeah, didn't it go smoothly?" Zhou Minghan asked while looking at his son.

He knew that his son had gone to the bank, and he had also greeted the bank manager in advance, so there shouldn't be a problem.

But when his son came back from the bank, he looked aggrieved. He guessed that something must be wrong.

"It's not going well. I didn't do it at all. I was really mad at me. Someone dared to get me wrong, but Governor Zhao just watched and gave it to that person." Zhou Jian gritted his teeth and said.

Hearing his son say this, Zhou Minghan's face also became gloomy.

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