Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:45:07 PM

Chapter 1298: 1298

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Hearing his father's words and seeing his father's nervous expression, Zhou Jian knew that Ye Chen was indeed unusual.

Since the person who can make his father jealous, he must be a big man.

Zhou Jian thought in his heart, could it be that he was wrong, Ye Chen is a big man in the business circle.

"Dad, what exactly does Ye Chen come from? I'm afraid you are like this." Zhou Jian said the question in his heart.

Zhou Minghan stared at his son and said with no anger: "You don't need to know the identity of Mr. Ye, you just need to remember to see him go away in the future, don't cause me trouble again."

Zhou Jian was also shocked when he saw his father's angry expression. You must know that his father had never been so harsh on him since he was a child.

"Oh, I see." Zhou Jian said lightly.

"Xiaojian, let me tell you that Mr. Ye is not something you can afford. Don't make trouble for yourself. Remember, if you let me know that you are looking for revenge, I will break your leg and let You won't be able to leave this house in the future." Zhou Minghan warned again.

Zhou Jian stopped talking, walked out of the study griefly and came to his room, lying on the bed with a gloomy expression.

Who is Zhou Jian and how could he be bullied by others without taking revenge?

"Dad, you are afraid of the guy named Ye Chen, but I am not afraid. I will definitely find the lost face when I have the opportunity." Zhou Jian muttered to himself with a fierce look in his eyes.

Sitting in the study, Zhou Minghan felt a lot of comfort in his heart when he remembered what his son had promised him. It seemed that his son had grown up and matured.

But what he didn't expect was that instead of listening to what he said, Zhou Jian caused him a catastrophe.

Ye Chen drove home after inspecting the unfinished building.

He was lying on the bed and rang when his mother told him to call their old couple at home.

It's been so long, father and mother must be anxious.

Ye Chen took out the phone and dialed his mother's number. As soon as the phone rang, the other party was connected.

At this moment, Mother Ye was waiting anxiously for her son's call in the living room, and she glanced at the phone lying quietly there from time to time.

It is reasonable to say that it is only two hours away, but why hasn't Ye Chen called her after so long?

Ye Mu was thinking of those worrying images in her heart, and she was extremely worried.

Hearing the phone ringing, she hurriedly picked up the phone to connect.

"Xiaochen, you are here, why am I still wondering why I haven't called for such a long time?" Ye Mu said nervously.

"Mom, something was delayed just now, you and Dad must be worried." Ye Chen said with an apologetic expression.

"It's okay, it's fine when it arrives, and it's fine when it arrives, let's be with Wanyi." Ye Mu said with a smile.

Ye Chen thought that the girl had already worked in the company, how could she be with me.

If she told her mother that Su Wanyi had returned to the company to handle affairs, her mother would definitely be worried again.

Ye Chen simply lied and said with a smile: "Yes, we two are together, are you talking to her?"

"No, no, it's rare for you to take a break, so hurry up and accompany Wanyi." Ye Mu hung up after speaking.

Ye Chen guessed that it was impossible for her mother to talk to Su Wanyi, that's why she said so.

As soon as he put down his cell phone, the phone rang.

After a glance, it turned out to be Su Wanyi's call, and wondered if there was something the company couldn't solve.

"Wan Yi, did we miss me for a long time after we were apart?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"It's so beautiful, I want to see what you are doing?" Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi must have been busy with the company, and only then remembered to call him.

This situation has happened once or twice before, and Ye Chen has long been used to it.

"What else can I do, of course I miss you at home." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi felt very happy in her heart. She still felt very tired, but now she no longer feels tired.

"By the way, Ye Chen has something I want to tell you." Su Wanyi said.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"There is a dinner at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel tonight. I want you to go with me, can you?" Su Wanyi asked tentatively.

She knew very well that Ye Chen didn't like this kind of occasion, but she had to take Ye Chen this time.

Ye Chen thought for a while, frowning and said: "Well, I'll accompany you, are there any requirements for dressing?"

"My husband looks good in everything." Su Wanyi said proudly.

"Wan Yi, you talk a lot about this, you look handsome and look good in everything." Ye Chen said with a smug expression.

He knew that Su Wanyi wanted him to go for a reason, and he didn't need to ask more about this reason, he would know it there.

"Okay, Ye Chen, you pick me upstairs at the company at 5:30 in the evening, and we will go together."

Su Wanyi was about to hang up after she finished speaking, but Ye Chen stopped him because he also had something to tell Su Wanyi.

"Wanyi, wait a minute, I also have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Su Wanyi was puzzled this time.

"I spent a billion to buy an unfinished building on the side of Chengxi Road. I want you to know." Ye Chen said.

He felt that although it was not Su Wanyi's money, the two were together after all. Su Wanyi should know about this matter.

"Ye Chen, are you okay, spending so much money to buy an unfinished building?" Su Wan said questioningly.

"Wan Yi, don't worry about listening to me. One of my college classmates begged me for help. He owed a debt and couldn't pay it off, so he found me and sold me this unfinished building." Ye Chen will Tell Su Wanyi what happened.

But for Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi was still a little hard to accept.

As a businessman, what she has in her mind is the problem of profitability, and the rest is not within her consideration.

"Ye Chen, I won't say anything about the rest. I can only say that your decision is really very unwise. This clearly shows that it is a loss-making business." Su Wanyi sighed and said.

But since Ye Chen bought everything, she can only accept this reality, and even constant reproach is of no avail.

This will not only make the relationship between the two people bad, but also can't solve any problems.

"Well, when you come back, I will ask a friend of mine to help." Su Wanyi said.

"Okay, Wanyi, thank you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Ye Chen really didn't know anything about architecture, and he needed to find a professional to help.

There is no such talent around him, and he can only rely on Su Wanyi.

"Okay, see you tonight." Su Wanyi hung up after she finished speaking.


The Zhou family, Zhou Jian who was depressed in his room, suddenly received a call. After hanging up the phone, a wicked smile appeared on his mouth. He knew that the opportunity to retaliate against Ye Chen was coming.

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