Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:53 PM

Chapter 1303: 1303

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Some of these people also understood that Zhou Jian and Ye Chen had a feast, and made it clear that Zhou Jian was targeting Ye Chen and wanted to embarrass him when he caught the opportunity.

However, the fact that Ye Chen spent 1.1 billion to buy the unfinished building was indeed a good opportunity for Zhou Jian to seize Ye Chen's handle.

Except that Zhou Jian kept mocking Ye Chen there, everyone was silent.

Those who originally admired Ye Chen as an investment genius also shook their heads and left Ye Chen. This time Ye Chen's investment must have failed.

Most of them were thinking that Ye Chen was not humble just now, but just luck.

When Zhou Jian saw this, he felt proud, and wondered if Ye Chen saw it. This is how you provoke me. Now you know how good I am.

Su Wanyi was also very angry when she saw this. Just now these people were still praising Ye Chen, but now they have this face.

"Ye Chen, don't pay attention to what these people say." Su Wanyi pushed Ye Chen comfortably.

"Wanyi, I'm fine." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"How does Ye Chen feel like being held to the sky and then thrown to the ground?" Zhou Jian said jokingly.

Ye Chen ignored the man in front of him, thinking he was an idiot.

Zhou Jian thought that Ye Chen was so angry that he didn't speak, and he smiled more openly.

Just when he was proud, a bald man suddenly exclaimed: "Everyone, look at the phone."

Everyone didn't understand what the man was talking about, but he took out his mobile phone and looked at it as he said.

The same is true for Zhou Jian, he is also a little curious about what is in the phone.

Su Wanyi was also out of curiosity, so she took out her mobile phone and looked at it.

But Ye Chen didn't. He wasn't interested in these.

When everyone looked at their phones, their faces were surprised. They clearly saw a striking headline on the news headline: "The government will spend a lot of money to build some areas into the magic city CBD."

Below the title were text and video. Everyone looked at the content on it seriously, their eyes were full of shock, and then they looked at Ye Chen.

Because the area where the unfinished building purchased by Ye Chen belongs is within the scope of creation.

Ye Chen didn't understand why everyone looked at him with such shocked eyes. He glanced at the content on Su Wanyi's phone and immediately understood.

Not only everyone, but Ye Chen also found it a little weird, why the government had to renovate the area after he had just bought the unfinished building.

It seems that this god-level investment skill is really not a lie, any investment with him can make a lot of money.

"Ye Chen, you are too good, I was worried about you before." Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

She saw from this news that the district will be renovated by the government to build schools, hospitals, subways, buses, and most importantly shopping malls. With these supporting facilities, people's lives will be more convenient.

Looking at a certain area of ​​the magic city, it really doesn't cover as much as this area.

The people who had just left all came to Ye Chen one after another. They felt that the previous approach was a little inappropriate. They would sneer at a big guy who has such an investment mind and knows so much internal information. It is really blind. Eyes out.

People in these business circles are all old fried dough sticks. Everyone has concluded that the reason why Ye Chen spent a billion to buy the unfinished building must have learned the internal news. Being able to get along with such a person will definitely have a lot of benefits in the future. How can everyone give up such a good opportunity.

Even the people's admiration for Ye Chen is deeper than before.

Tian Kun just saw Zhou Jian’s proud expression, and hurried over to buy it, and help Zhou Jianxi Luo Yechen: "Ye Chen, right? I heard rumors that you are an investment prodigy, don’t I think it’s too much? If you buy an unfinished building for a billion, I think you should learn from Master Zhou."

Ye Chen ignored Tian Kun, and didn't even glance at him. Of course he knew that Tian Kun was Zhou Jian's attendant and helped Zhou Jian to vent his anger.

Hearing that, Zhou Jian's face became a little embarrassed, he never dreamed that things would turn out to be like this.

He looked at Tian Kun and said with a cold voice: "Tian Kun, shut up for me."

At this moment Zhou Jian not only hated Ye Chen's teeth, he hated Tian Kun more.

If it hadn't been for him to tell himself the news, then Zhou Jian would not be embarrassed by everyone.

Tian Kun didn't understand why Zhou Jian treated him this way. He obviously helped Zhou Jian not only without reward and praise, but also so fierce to him.

"Master Zhou, what's wrong with you?" Tian Kun asked with a puzzled look.

Zhou Jian ignored Tian Kun, and at this moment he had the heart to kill this guy.

At this moment, everyone gathered around Ye Chen again, praising him one after another.

"Mr. Ye, yours is too good. This time I changed hands and made a lot of money."

"Boss Ye, I wonder if I can also participate in this project and get a share of the pie."

"Boss Ye, you are really a business genius. Every time you invest, you are so steady and ruthless. I admire you."

Ye Chen only smiled when he heard everyone praise him.

Tian Kun widened his eyes in surprise when he heard it. He didn't understand why Ye Chen had to praise and praise him so much for Ming Ming Ye Chen's investment failure, and there were even people who wanted to lose money with him.

At this moment, he also found the message that popped up on the phone, with a more surprised expression on his face.

"How come, how could it become like this?" Tian Kun muttered to himself.

He finally knew why Zhou Jian had been unkind to him. This did not embarrass Ye Chen, but gave Zhou Jian a slap in the face.

Tian Kun knew that Zhou Jian would definitely not want him this time. He looked at Zhou Jian with an innocent expression and said, "Master Zhou, I really don't know, things turned out to be like this."

Zhou Jian saw that everyone admired Ye Chen even more, and heard Tian Kun's brainless words, he could no longer hold back the emotions in his heart.

Because of the raging anger in his heart, he left the image of Zhou's young master and the face of Zhou's family behind him.

He grabbed Tian Kun's collar in front of the crowd and said, "Your kid is with Ye Chen, right, just to make me ugly in public, so that others will laugh at me, right."

Zhou Jian has become less sensible, even a little confused.

Before Tian Kun could answer, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Master Zhou, you guessed it, it was all planned by me and Tian Kun, just want to see you like this."

"No, it's not like that, Young Master Zhou, you have to believe me, I don't even know this person." Tian Kun's expression on his face became flustered, and he waved his hand and said.

Where Zhou Jian was willing to listen to him, and threw a punch at Tian Kun's face.

With this punch down, Tian Kun had gold stars in his eyes, and blood was constantly flowing out of his nose.

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