Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:43 PM

Chapter 1308: 1308

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Zhou Jian looked at Su Wanyi who was **** with a wicked smile on her face: "Su Wanyi sees it, I will beat him crippled in front of you for a while. This is what provokes me."

"Zhou Jian, what a man, you are not afraid to lose Uncle Zhou's face with this kind of abuse." Su Wanyi looked at the disgusting man in front of him with contempt.

"Don't mention my dad to me. He has never beaten me since he was a child, but he beat me for Ye Chen. I really hate him." Zhou Jian said with an angry expression on his face, gritted his teeth.

"Uncle Zhou is doing this for your own good. He did this to let you not provoke Ye Chen, otherwise you will definitely have to pay the price." Su Wanyi persuaded.

She knew Ye Chen's temper very well, and she estimated that Ye Chen would definitely not let Zhou Jian off this time.

Su Wanyi knew that Zhou Jian's end would be very miserable, but the man didn't even know it, and was still there triumphantly.

"I just provoke Ye Chen to him, what are you afraid of if you are in my hands?" Zhou Jian said with a lewd smile on Su Wanyi's chin.

"Zhou Jian, you let me go and don't touch me." Su Wanyi's eyes stared at Zhou Jian angrily.

"I just touched you and have a temper. I will not only touch you, but I will also clean up you in front of Ye Chen for a while, and see what he can do with me." Zhou Jian said arrogantly.

"Zhou Jian, you are shameless, you are really not a man." Su Wanyi exclaimed.

"Master, I think it's better to plug this woman's mouth, and save her to call the police." A subordinate suggested.

"No, I just want to hear her cry, and I will let her really feel whether I am a man or not." Zhou Jian said with a smile.

"You are shameless, why did Uncle Zhou give birth to a beast like you?" Su Wanyi shouted again.

Zhou Jian slapped Su Wanyi fiercely, and screamed fiercely: "I told you not to mention my dad to me. He is a beast to me, and I will let you know that I am a beast."

Then he said to his hands: "After I finish playing with this woman, I will give it to you to play."

Zhou Jian's move was to fool all his subordinates. You must know that Su Wanyi is his favorite woman.

The man is really crazy when he gets angry. Zhou Jian hates Su Wanyi because of Ye Chen.

"Thank you, Master for the reward." Several of his subordinates said in unison.

They felt that it would be worthwhile to let Zhou Minghan know about it this time with Young Master Zhou, and at least enjoy the beauty.

Su Wanyi's delicate appearance is something that a man would be irritated to look at.

Ye Chen drove out of the house. After all, Zhou Jian set a time for him. If he didn't arrive on time, this guy might do something.

He was also worried about Su Wanyi's safety, and even the kid Zhou Jian had coveted Su Wanyi for a long time.

Ye Chen dialed a phone number while driving the car.

The object he called was not someone else but Zhou Minghan, Zhou Jian's father.

If he doesn't know who the kidnapper is, he may have nothing to do, but now that he knows, he decides to notify Zhou Minghan immediately.

After all, Zhou Jian moved Ye Chen's woman, he would definitely not let this man go.

Although Ye Chen was not afraid of Zhou Minghan at all, he still wanted to let him know that the purpose of doing this was to inform him in advance so that Zhou Minghan would know that Zhou Jian first provoked him, and he would not be able to blame him if he was ruthless.

After the call was connected, Zhou Minghan's voice came from inside: "Mr. Ye, do you have anything to do with the old man?"

"Master Zhou, I have tolerated your son Zhou again and again, do you know all this?" Ye Chen said in a cold voice.

Zhou Minghan was not surprised to see Ye Chen's phone call. After all, his son provoked Ye Chen twice, and Ye Chen did nothing to his son.

"Mr. Ye, I know all about this, and I also taught my dog ​​to make him be more honest." Zhou Minghan said 1510.

"Master Zhou, I feel that what you said is useless, it seems that I need to educate him for you." Ye Chen said coldly.

When Zhou Minghan heard the words, his back was cold. He knew that his son must be in trouble, and he asked quickly: "Mr. Ye, what happened? Is the dog provoke you again?"

He knew very well that if Ye Chen took the initiative to educate Zhou Jian, then Zhou Jian would have lost his legs because he lacked his arms. If he knew that Zhou Jian was his only child, how could he be willing.

"Mr. Ye, what happened?" Zhou Minghan asked nervously.

"Young Master Zhou kidnapped my woman in broad daylight. If he hates me, he can rush to me and deal with a weak woman who has no power to hold a chicken." Ye Chen said angrily.

Zhou Minghan did not expect that Zhou Jian, not only did not listen to persuasion, but even so boldly dared to kidnap Ye Chen's woman, he was really looking for death.

"Mr. Ye, don't be angry. Let this matter be handled by the old man. I will definitely let the dog send Miss Su back safe and sound, and apologize to you." Zhou Minghan wiped the sweat from his face with a handkerchief and said tremblingly.

"No need, Master Zhou, let me handle this matter. I call this to tell you that you will blame me for the province." Ye Chen refused directly.

Before Zhou Minghan could speak, Ye Chen had already hung up the phone.

He called Ye Chen again, but no one answered.

Zhou Minghan hurriedly dialed Zhou Jian's phone.

After the phone was connected, before Zhou Jian could speak, Zhou Minghan's roar came from inside: "Where are you Zhou Jian, I told you to quickly let Miss Su hear it?"

"Dad, why don't I understand what you are saying, what Miss Su?" Zhou Jianzhuang said stupidly.

"Zhou Jian, you were born to me, don't I know you yet, don't pretend to be stupid with me here, people have come to the door." Zhou Minghan said anxiously.

He knew that his son would not tell him where he was, so he called and asked his men to find Zhou Jian's location.

"Yeah, I asked Ye Chen to come. I just want to beat him to get out of this breath." Zhou Jian gritted his teeth and said.

"Xiao Jian, I beg you, and quickly send Miss Su back safe and sound. Maybe I can still plead with you in front of Mr. Ye to keep you safe." Zhou Minghan said to his son in a pleading tone.

"Dad, you are afraid of the person named Ye Chen, but I am not afraid, let alone his woman is still in my hands, I think what he can do to me." Zhou Jian said with a smug face.

Knowing that his son was determined to die, Zhou Minghan sighed helplessly, "Hey, it's all because I didn't educate you well."

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

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