Published at 27th of April 2021 12:47:17 PM

Chapter 131: 131

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Dr. Li's face sank: "Who told you to eat lychees?"

The middle-aged lady froze for a moment: "My daughter bought it for me. It was airlifted from abroad, so I ate two."

"Didn't I tell you? Can't you eat lychees?" Doctor Li roared.

"Can't eat? I just ate two."

Dr. Li said angrily: "Lychees contain glycine, even if you take one, your condition will worsen."

"Ah!" The middle-aged lady turned pale.

Dr. Li sighed, "Unless there are crystal grapes from North Africa."

Suddenly, Dr. Li looked at the grape in front of Li Yuanyuan's bed.

He walked quickly to the front, picked up one, and looked at it for a moment in the sun.

"Yes, this is the crystal grape."

Dr. Li said excitedly, "Who gave you this grape?"

Li Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment and said, "Ye Chen gave it to me."

"No wonder." Doctor Li nodded.

At this time the middle-aged woman suddenly clutched her lower abdomen.

"Ouch, my stomach hurts."

Dr. Li said coldly: "It seems to be a reaction after eating lychees. Now you can only help you detoxify by asking this lady to give you a crystal grape."

"Can grapes detoxify?" The lady's daughter was stunned.

"Yes, they are not ordinary grapes. They are crystal grapes from North Africa. The nobles in the grapes not only taste sweet, but also can cure hundreds of poisons, but this grape is very expensive for thousands of dollars."

Everyone was stunned after hearing what Dr. Li said.

A grape is thousands of dollars, which is too expensive.

After hearing this, the lady hurriedly said: "Can the little girl give me some grapes? I am willing to pay."

The lady looked ashamed now when she thought of her cynicism.

His lychees are only one or two thousand in total, but one grape is more than one thousand.

Li Yuanyuan said: "Forget it, it's important to treat the disease." She picked a few for the lady and handed it to her.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Li Yuanyuan was moved, Ye Chen was so kind, not only helped me heal the disease, but also gave me such precious grapes.

At this time, Ye Chen had already drove to the villa.

He took the grapes out of the car, and said, "Mom and dad, you can eat some grapes. My friend brought it."

Ye's mother took her son's hand and said, "Xiaochen, mom is worried about your girlfriend now. I asked my friend to tell you a girl who is pretty and she is also a model."

"Mom, I don't want to see my girlfriend."

Ye Mu said: "I have already booked them, how can I explain to them if you don't go."

"Well, see you then."

Ye Chen now has a lot of women with 95 points of beauty, how could he lack women.

After chatting with his mother for a while, Ye Chen left.

Ye Chen's phone rang as soon as he left the house.

The call was from Lin Youyou.

"Yoyou, what's the matter?"

"I can't call you if I'm okay?" Lin You You said dissatisfied.

"Of course, I'm busy these days!"

Lin Youyou said: "Now the company's licenses have all been issued, and employees are almost recruited, and they can be opened at any time."

Ye Chen was very moved after hearing this: "Yoyou, thank you."

"Cut, can I have something practical? That's right, but do you still have the thing that you used for me last time?" Lin You You asked.

"What is it?" Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

"It's the kind that will confess immediately after drinking?"

Ye Chen said playfully, "Is your boyfriend cheating on you?"

"Go away, I don't have a boyfriend. I use it for a few newly recruited employees. I suspect there is infernal affairs in them."

"Infernal Affairs?" Ye Chen was stunned.

It seems that those guys still don't give up.

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, let me go to the company. By the way, let Weiwei and the others come over."

When he came to the Financial Building, Ye Chen saw a magnificent plaque, the Star Group.

Seeing this plaque, Ye Chen was very satisfied with the high-end atmosphere.

Ye Chen came to the general manager's office and asked, "Let me see the list of people you hired."

Lin Youyou gave the list to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen flipped through it casually.

Several people on the list have records of going abroad.

Lin Youyou said: "These people actually have Weiwei and they have been skeptical, but there has been no evidence."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Do you want to take this opportunity to catch it all at once?"

Lin You You nodded: "Yes, you can just use the trick that you cheated on me."

Ye Chen corrected it: "That's not called a pit, it's called saving you."

Lin Youyou gave Ye Chen a white look: "Whatever you say."

Ye Chen said, "Pour a pot of tea."

Lin Youyou poured a pot of tea for Ye Chen, and then Ye Chen took out something like eye drops and dropped a drop of it and said, "Okay, it will be clear who is a spy if you drink it to these people."

"Okay, if you can really succeed, if you catch Infernal Affairs, my sister will have a reward."


Ye Chen's eyes lit up as he listened.

In the conference room of the personnel department, several men and women in suits are sitting at their desks.

Lin Youyou's eyes swept across several people with a smile.

"Everyone, congratulations to everyone for successfully joining our Star Company. Starting today, you are a part of our company. Our company has just been established, and you can be regarded as veterans of the company."

Several young people were happy when they heard it.

Lin Youyou smiled and said, "Everyone, let us replace wine with tea. This is my welcome to everyone. I wish you all a bright future in Xingchen."

The president of the company offers tea, how dare these people not drink it.

Everyone drank Ye Chen's tea one after another.

Almost at the same time, the large screen in the conference room lights up.

Accompanied by majestic singing, the blockbuster "Awesome, My China" was officially staged.

Lin Youyou has feelings about watching this documentary.

Suddenly, a boy wiped his tears while watching.

"I am not a human being, I am a beast, I betrayed my country..."

Then a girl cried.

"I'm sorry for the teacher who taught me, I'm sorry for the parents who raised me... 5555 I turned out to be Infernal Affairs."


In a short while, among the ten newly recruited elites, seven of them were in pain and confessed directly.

Seven people were quickly taken away by Liu Weiwei for interrogation.

Liu Weiwei patted Lin Youyou on the shoulder: "Yoyou, good job, this time you have done a great job."

Lin Youyou smiled shyly: "Thank you, Sister Weiwei, it is better for you to instruct."

In the meeting room, Ye Chen looked at Lin Youyou who was coming back excitedly and smiled: "Why, there is something to be gained."

"Of course, seven of the ten newly recruited employees are Infernal Affairs. It seems that the other party is very interested in you."

Ye Chen said bitterly: "I like to be low-key, and I don't like being followed."

Lin Youyou smiled and said, "Really? By the way, I said I would reward you?"

Ye Chen's eyes lit up: "Now?"

Lin You You smirked, "I have a good idea, but I only know if you dare to go."

"Of course I dare, I will be afraid of you?"

Lin Youyou hooked her finger: "Then come with sister."

(Thanks to overseas consulting Pan for the 1888 book currency reward, adding a chapter for my pro! My friends who are on the shelves together are two leaders. I am very envious. If there is a leader, I would like to guarantee the bottom ten more...Is my heart moved!)

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