Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:44:33 PM

Chapter 1311: 1311

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"Mr. Ye, what do you mean?" Zhou Minghan asked, looking at Ye Chen with a surprised expression.

"Master Zhou, I already understand what I said, don't you not understand?" Ye Chen asked in a cold voice.

Zhou Minghan did not expect that Ye Chen would ask him this way, and he was a little dumbfounded. He was afraid that Ye Chen would change his mind, and hurriedly said: "I understand, I understand, Mr. Ye will listen to you."

Zhou Jian didn't expect his father to say this. He shouted in shock: "Dad, why do you say this? He will really kill me."

Zhou Minghan also knew Ye Chen. He knew that Ye Chen was a man who believed in his words, and he didn't worry about his son's life at all.

"Shut up and see what you are doing. Even if Mr. Ye killed you, it should be." Zhou Minghan rebuked loudly.

"Mr. Ye, I'll leave it to you. If you want to fight, you must be punished."

Ye Chen knew that this old fox was acting in front of him, but he didn't expose him.

"Master Zhou is really a bright voice, I like to deal with people like you, so if you look at your face, I will break her arm."

Then he looked at Zhou Jian and said, "Which hand did you just want to hurt my woman with a knife?"

When Zhou Jian heard the words, he was frightened and panicked. He shouted: "Ye Chen, you are really too vicious. I'm just the woman who tied you. Are you doing this to me?"

Ye Chen ignored him, but looked at Zhou Minghan who was hesitant and asked: "Why, Master Zhou disagrees? I think this is already very kind to Young Master Zhou."

"No, no, I thank Mr. Ye for his tolerance. It's too late. How could I disagree." Zhou Minghan forced a smile on his face and said.

Ye Chen was quite satisfied with Zhou Minghan's answer.

"Dad, if I lose an arm, what is the difference between death and death?" Zhou Jian exclaimed.

But his yelling was ignored at all.

"It's fine for Master Zhou to agree. I hate blood the most. Master Zhou should do it for me." Ye Chen said with a cold expression on his face.

This time Zhou Minghan was really out of trouble. How could he bear to hurt his own son?

He knew that Ye Chen was also doing this to test him. Ye Chen was able to bypass his son's fate. It was considered good. If he didn't do it again, it would be really inappropriate.

"Yeah, Mr. Ye is compassionate. He definitely can't do this kind of thing by himself. Let me do it." Zhou Minghan said with a smile.

He looked at the subordinates beside his son coldly and said, "Did you hear clearly what Mr. Ye said? Abandoned one arm of this rebellious son."

"Master, this..." the subordinates said hesitantly.

It is really unbearable for them to hurt Young Master like this.

"Dad, I'm your own son, you can't treat me like this." Zhou Jian said nervously.

He looked at his father who was walking slowly towards him, his eyes full of horror.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Zhou Jian asked with a trembling body.

Zhou Minghan ignored him, but continued to approach his son.

Since the son's men can't bear it, he can only do it himself, and this can also show his attitude.

Ye Chen kept watching Zhou Minghan and Zhou Jian quietly.

Only a scream of "Ah" was heard, followed by the sound of broken bones.

Zhou Jian clutched his **** broken arm and rolled on the ground with pain.

He looked at his cold father in disbelief, and his forehead was dripping with big beads of sweat due to the pain.

"Nizi, this is what you deserve. Don't hurry up and thank Mr. Ye for his magnanimity." Zhou Minghan said coldly, looking at his son.

Ye Chen knew that although Zhou Minghan looked angry on the surface, he was heartbroken.

"Thanks...Thanks...Mr. Ye...Mr.'s forgiveness." Zhou Jian said painfully.

The scene in front of her was so scared that Su Wanyi hurriedly closed her eyes. She had never seen such a **** scene before.

Ye Chen hurriedly hugged the girl in his arms, gently stroked her hair and said, "Wan Yi, don't be afraid, I am here."

It is also really amazing, because of Ye Chen's words, Su Wanyi is really not afraid, this is the power of love.

"Mr. Ye, you think this is satisfactory." Zhou Minghan said hurriedly.

Zhou Jian's eyes looking at Ye Chen at the moment also became extremely frightened, he was really scared now.

"It's all my fault, Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I'm a bastard, I'm a beast." Zhou Jian slapped himself fiercely with his other hand.

"Well, you have already received a lesson, so be it. If you dare to provoke me or move my woman's idea, it's not as simple as breaking an arm." Ye Chen said with cold eyes.

"Yes, yes, I must follow Mr. Ye's teachings." Zhou Jian said with gratitude.

Hearing this, Zhou Minghan also let out a long sigh of relief. He rushed to his hand and said, "Hurry up and take this antagonist away to me, don't let him be embarrassed here."

Several subordinates hurriedly carried Zhou Jian out of the warehouse, put them in the car, and drove towards the hospital in the city.

If the treatment is timely, it may be possible to keep this arm.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for sparing the child's life. The old man must give a banquet to express his gratitude." Zhou Minghan said, arching his hands at Ye Chen.

"Master Zhou, you don't need to be so polite with me, just forget it after eating." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

"Mr. Ye, then I won't bother you, let me leave first." Zhou Minghan turned and left with a farewell gesture.

How could Ye Chen not know Zhou Minghan's thoughts? What he wanted was the attitude of this old fox. Since he listened to him, he could just do what he said.

He is not an aggressive person, the anger he deserves is out, and Zhou Jian deserves the punishment.

Even if the arm can be connected well, it will suffer great pain.

After Zhou Minghan and others left, Ye Chen also left the warehouse with Su Wanyi.

He did not let Su Wanyi get into the car, but carried her into the car.

"Ye Chen, you put me down, I can go." Su Wanyi said embarrassedly.

Although the two have been in contact for so long, they have reached the point of discussing marriage, but sometimes Su Wanyi is still shy, such as this time.

"If you are not obedient, I will throw it here for you, regardless of you." Ye Chen smiled and threatened.

He was just scaring some Su Wanyi, how could he be willing to leave this superb beauty.

Su Wanyi's expression became a little aggrieved when she heard the words, and even tears flowed down her eyes.

"Okay, okay, I am teasing you, how am I willing?" Ye Chen smiled and comforted.

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